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Everything posted by bookgirl137

  1. Hi everyone! I'm normally a lurker, but just wanted to add a little something. When Shauna blacks out during labor, it really sounds like Jackie's voice coaxing her back to the present. For me, that is what made me think things might not be real.
  2. I must admit that at this point I had to triple check my post to make sure I had it right. This is my first season since BB8 and most are new to me.
  3. I didn't see it mentioned, but outside just before the stars, Cody was discussing his inability to call David anything but Kevin.
  4. Cody and Tyler acknowledging the star pads were still vibrating after Memphis went.
  5. I see hand sanitizer in the kitchen. Probably gonna need some bigger bottles.
  6. Cody and Kaysar in bathroom talking about how "chill" the group seems. Bedroom group also talking before about being older, having kids.
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