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Everything posted by bowlwoman

  1. Leonard Roberts (actor) played DL on Heroes and he was also on American Crime Story: People vs OJ. And I remember Chris Gorham from Ugly Betty. :D He got in when the Wellspring finally died and all the magic went away. The wards dropped and he was able to get in. And obviously, without Margo there to run the show, they were in trouble. :D
  2. It was a very quick flash and hard to get a good screenshot, but it's Edmond. It's about 25-30 sec from the end of the episode.
  3. Yeah, he's in the preview for next week. His hat and profile are in the lower right-hand corner.
  4. Oh, I totally agree it's going to look unflattering on anyone over a size 2. I just wanted to point out that what JustFab is sizing as "XXL" is generally a "L" or "XL" in many stores. I generally wear XXL, and it normally corresponds to 22-24 in the places I shop. Some places it's 20-22, but a 16 is never considered XXL anywhere I've been.
  5. Yeah, I got a similar skirt and jacket for my 7 and 8 year-old girls for school clothes this year from Target and Old Navy. It is a juvenile look to some degree, but apparently it's pretty popular with a certain demographic. Definitely skews younger, though. And, from my limited Google searching, it looks like it's a pretty popular look on Etsy too. :D
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