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  1. I just hate hearing bad stuff about m'man Jimmy. I think he's probly got the biggest heart of any celeb out there, def. any of the other late night hosts. Always giving gifts, very apropos ones at that. Like that dumb box he gave to Pinkman the other night, but it was funny, and cute at the same time. Ah fuggit, i gotta go before i get into more trouble. Nice to keep hearing from you Mister Shifter. We should find a chatroom sometime and blab. :)
  2. I suppose i should start a new topic for this since it doesn't really address some of the issues above about Meyers. Yep, Fred's kinda odd ball anyhow, but he's okay, works hard allatime at everything, so give him that. Do i like what he does, not so much, but he's okay. What i think is fred does not like Seth, and if so, for that i give Fred credit for his ability to pick people. Meyers w/his unkempt appearance and weird-ass hug greeting to every single guest. I swear he'd hug the Pope that way if he ever came on the show. Seth w/his arm pointing to the sky as he attacks every single guest, except those astute enough to hold out their hand because they don't want his dumb ass hug. LOL I Iike Seth okay. He sure cannot hold a candle to Kimmel tho, and isn't that much better than Colbert (tho his monologue's probly comparable). Thing Seth does in his monologue, "A Closer Look," is his "impressions" of Trump, or whomever, which I think he tries to make us think that he's still trying to develop but really he thinks he's a great impressionist, when in reality he's not). He uses the same monotone voice for every single impression. And I'm just sick of his tired-ass Trump impressions, same ol' shit every night, and he extends them way beyond what's needed or tolerable, rambling on, burning the time up to fill his requisite minutes of air time. Not really too good there. Oh i could go on. Still i do appreciate what he's saying and the things he points out so for that, well, I'm watching him most nights, aren't i? Makes me wonder where are the right wing talk show hosts? Only on Fox and the other right wing media outlets. And talk about suck, whew, they are really bad. No talent on that side of the aisle, u gotta admit.
  3. hey shifty, crow, ty fer da likes. :) I gotta see wtf's w/Maher and Meyers. Boy r those two a pair to draw to. Maher w/his audiences applauding 78 times a show, (I counted one night), and Meyers w/his unkempt appearance and weird-ass hug greeting to every single guest. I swear he'd hug the Pope that way if he ever came on the show. Kimmel's perfect tho, except talk about a weirdo. First w/the stoopid ass Man Show w/that right winger partner of his, and then he's got Crank Yankers. Ever watch that disgusting, repulsive puppet show of his? Just ridiculous, and u'd think he would have better sensibilities than that (and he does, really) but it's just weird. Hey, he's just a human, as capable of frailties as any of us. I still love him and will miss his acuity w/his point of view on our human condition and political misbehavior is astounding in every way. Boy i will miss that guy. Oh well, who cares, in a billion years we won't even remember Jimmy Kimmel. Who remember Johnny Carson? haha, a few, maybe, just a few. Not that Carson had any of the talent Jimmy displays nightly.
  4. Hiya Shifter and all. I have not been checking in here like i should, my apologies. Oh, and Happy New Year everybody! it's not march yet is it? Tho not so attnentive here, i've been trying to keep up w/JK, God love 'em. Anyhow gotta see how Jon Stewart's hand is after he cut it like a dope Monday. BBL, ya'll take good care, now, heah.
  5. Don't mean nuthin'. As it always was, and is now, beauty is only skin deep.
  6. I know, i'm late on this post, but i gotta make sure this is out there. it's not so much he's been divorced, it's who he was divorced from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kimberly_Guilfoyle Gag me w/a pitchfork. So...got to be sumpin' seriously wrong w/Newsome if he married her. She's DJTJ's GF right now. 🤮
  7. Yeah, i'm starting to like that bit. Where he refers to trump as Jesus, asks the worm if it's okay, wiz of Oz, Opera Winfrey, the fucking phones ringing, blessed w/the naturally curly pubes, Krimbel, i misssed one line.
  8. Well, i watch all late night shows. Watched 'em since i was a kid with my mom, watching Carson and even Paar. None of the shows have 78 applause breaks. I didn't count any of them, but no where near 78 applause breaks like Maher has.
  9. yeah, i did searches on Maher and wound up in View. I never watch that show, anyhow. sorry about that.
  10. Well, shoot i thot my little scientific study would garner a little bit more attention than it did. Idiots clapping 78 times in an hour show, should at least draw a laff or two. Am i in the View and not Maher? jeeze, no wonder. fuck.
  11. I still like Bill, he's more honest than the politicians, altho a libertine, libertarian of late. I still think he's okay. But his audiences applauding all the damn time. What the hell is that about? The other night i watched Bill, and counted the amount of applauses in his show (which i hate that shit!). 78 different applause ...absurd bullshit, nobody else does that. in a hour, that's more than one per minute.
  12. And it's onnly for a minute. My guess is that they do it so u can watch kind of what goes on during commercials, just for a minute. I don't mind.
  13. Finally. I have it on DVR but yet to view it. FINALLY, tho. And i don't think Magic and his bros do NOT allow many who aren't in their same status on that boat. I hope Jimmy gets to go. I love me some Jimmy, fo' sho' and ain't afraid to admit i'm a Jimmy fan boy. And i do not like fan boys. He's simply the very best ever.
  14. Hey, mister shifter, indeed an excellent show. I watched a lot of his guest hosts, but did not catch the one with Kumail Nanjiani hosting. I will check and see if it is on demand. I did see him and Swalwell, (darn good show, as usual).
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