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Big girl panties

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  1. So we haven’t progressed in centuries? I’m all for holding a person responsible. I’m not for beating them senseless in public. I don’t see this cast as angels either, it’s just the next thing for someone to feel better about themselves because at least they didn’t to it with… or this way….
  2. Honestly, why is James making this so much about himself? Sorry, he has shown all season his emotional intelligence is under developed and he’s immature to boot. This is all about him and only about how his presence on air looks. Also, Sandoval is a tool, Ariana deserves much better. But this reunion was only meant to beat up on Raquel and Sandoval. I’m not sure why we are actually watching this. Oh and Lala, you are a little bit vicious.
  3. This may be an unpopular opinion. But to Katie and James. If your ex takes up more than a moment of your mind space with what they are doing or who they’re with they are not your ex in your mind. Maybe work on that!
  4. So this is the last chance, kitchen of the real housewives franchise. These ladies are all fighting to be relevant. Many of them are in trouble in their own seasons, and what they want it’s just to stay in the eye of the public. So far this has been all over the place with people just accusing everyone of just feeling themselves too much. And now I agree.
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