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Everything posted by Kaycee

  1. Steph and Cherry three time winners, I enjoy how positive they are as a team. They always seem to be having a good time. With the merge coming up Steph and Cherry will have more competition with trained bakers and we might not see as many wins from them. The lunch box was a good red herring with sandwich and apples.
  2. Basque Cheesecake aka blackened cheesecake, never really heard of it before. My guess was a cheesecake without a crust like one of the contestant came up with. Steph and Cherry are very detailed orientated and good for them winning immunity again. It looks like they are going to go far in this competition.
  3. On the surface donuts for home bakers would have made more sense then using them for the classically trained as most home bakers would probably know how to make them. After seeing 5 of the 6 classically trained bakers get it wrong with the clues I can see they are making the clues harder for the classically trained to balance things out. The purse thing, most people would not go through other peoples purses. The teams may have believed someone left their purse there by accident while staging the crime scene. Still it was a good episode.
  4. Great way to start Summer with the second season of Crime Scene Kitchen. I always play along with the clues and try to guess what is to be made. The first bake the saltine crackers did throw me off and I guessed wrong in the end citrus pie with pie crust. The second bake the crime scene was a little confusing, the jar of pineapples did look like rings were missing leading you to believe pineapple needed to be in the final product. I came up with a Pineapple/Blood Orange upside down cake. I had fun away and sad to see Donovan and Dayveon being eliminated.
  5. At this point a small wedding for Georgie and Mandy would make a lot of sense. She has no job to contribute to pay for the wedding so wanting a big wedding is being very selfish on her part. After the wreck of Connie home, I like how George offered Mandy and the baby Sheldons room while he was away for the summer. Then invited Connie to stay, the question would be where would she sleep. I doubt George would give up his room and sleep on the sofa giving her his and Mary's room. Also Dell did not seam to eager to offer up his place in such of an emergency like that. My question how did George and Missy get home, their car was on it side due to the force of the tornado. George and Mary discussing who was going to Germany with Sheldon. George had more travelling experience, would give Sheldon tough love and prepare him better for the real world.
  6. It looked like the duck was Chris's downfall at the basement level leaving Tucker and Pilar to battle it out in the next two rounds. Both Tucker and Pilar are talented chefs, at the end of the day Tuckers dishes just appealed to me more. I'm okay with Tucker winning, liked her positive attitude throughout the competition.
  7. Liked this episode. When Sheldon was told the family could not afford to send him to Germany, I thought what if he gets the money will they let him go. Many times parents will put up obstacles they figure the child can not overcome and use that as an excuse to why the child can not go. Sheldon tried to raise money with some family help but had problems parting with his stuff, but in the end got to keep his trains. There still is a child inside Sheldon whether he wants to admit it or not. Missy and the video case swap and such a good explanation in front of the pastor and her family. Later sneaking out for drinks and a smoke and Sheldon with all the questions with why is she already dressed priceless. Linkletter strategy pay to get rid of Sheldon for the summer and in the future hopefully earlier than expected he will go to another school. Pastor Jeff and the congregation taking up a collection for Sheldon, we know they are not very fond of him but also had the following thought. Since it had been stated Sheldon would be going alone since Dr Sturgis was not going to Germany. Somebody would have to go with him, this is where Mary goes to Germany and Pastor Jeff and the congregation are not only rid of Sheldon but also Mary for the Summer.
  8. Mehreen gone just sad she was the last home cook to go, no more home cooks to root for in the final episode. Next week just my guess Tucker, Pilar and Chris will advance to the final three. I state Pilar for sole reason was her plate save in a previous episode.
  9. Sheldons parents should strongly consider sending Sheldon to Germany for the summer. Sheldon would mature and learn to do things for himself without Mary doing things for him. He is learning the hard way that being special is not going to open doors for you out in the real world. Mandy is a single parent who in this world needs to find employment to support her child and herself. This means also arranging for babysitting by someone either paid or free while she is out working or going on job interviews. Not dumping the baby on someone who has to go to work at the last moment. Georgie and Mandy are not married, her choice but Coopers are paying for not only the baby but for her to. At Mandy's age she needs to take responsibility for her situation, actions, and be held accountable for her decisions. You have to give in life, not just be a taker.
  10. I was suprized how many of the Chefs struggled with baking both professional and home cooks. Michelle never making a cake before would have faired better making a cupcake or sheet cake instead of cheesecake in an hour. Things that need to set are too big of a risk to take. The easier the better and bet on other chefs doing worse on their bakes and being sent into elimination. Tuckers cake looked very cracked on the work area before she cut into a serving to put on her final plate. On my TV, it looked like it was very dense.
  11. Mandy turning down Georgies proposal was no surprize. At 18, Georgie appears more mature at times then Mandy. It shows he deeply cares for her and the baby, but Mandy just does not see it that way. There has to be another reason other than Georgies age to why Mandy will not marry him.
  12. I knew Tini was the one to go. She cooked her airline chicken in a skillet, not directly on the open flames like the other two chefs did.
  13. I enjoyed this episode. Sheldon and Missy spending time together was priceless. Missy got her information on 90210 without watching the show, and Sheldon receive a tip on social cues and how to understand them. Sheldon explaining it to George like an expert was funny since he had just learned about it himself. Mary and Brenda needed to workout out their problems. Brenda was right about one thing that her talking to George was like Mary talking to pastor Rob. Hopefully they can move forward in a positive light, try to repair their friendship, and Mary can go back to work after their heated exchange. I liked the toned down episode with Georgie and Mandy. Georgie turning 18, A little baby CeeCee time, brief couples talk and Georgies' date. To bad Georgie and his date broke up. I actually like her character and thought they had good chemistry together. Now that Georgie is 18, will he get his own place, Mandy and Georgie get a place together or Georgie continue living at home? Same with Mandy now that the baby is born would like to know her ambition and goal in getting back onto her feet and out of Connies house.
  14. A little surprised Sheldon did not check on Missy when she did not answer his call on there talkies. He knew she was upset, maybe knock on her door offer her a beverage and an ear to talk to like he did for Paige. Mary comes over the get a few things after seeing George's truck is gone. It looks like she is trying to avoid George. Then surprised when he is at home and tells him his truck is gone. George and Mary overlook Missy when the cop is there. George knew she was angry. I will give he did knock on her door for breakfast. The cop is the one bringing up about asking Missy if she knew anything about the truck being gone. Then and only then do they discover Missy is missing. The silence in the truck on the way home does not look good for the family. Forbidding Missy from seeing Paige is not going to solve this problem. Missy was the one on her own to steal the truck, quickly gave a very good convincing lie at the gas station, call Paige ask her is she wants to run away with her, picks Paige up, then and only then does Paige get involved.
  15. I liked Mary choose Nana to be referred to as a grand mother. Great grand mother Connie has always been Meemaw. Missy has been unhappy and fed up at home for a while. Forgetting her at school, then finding out from Billie everyone was at the hospital but her for Cece's birth was the last final straw. Also she knows about George and Brenda and Mary and the Pastor. There is a double standard in the household. Sheldon and Missy are the same age, but are treated differently. Sheldon receives more freedom and a lot less supervision then Missy. Missy can see the difference and knows it. The school with her acting out to get attention but George and Mary just did not get it. Missy running away again and now taking the family vehicle. This is a bad situation kind of like how Paige went downhill after her parent divorce.
  16. Billy knows more about Brenda's and George's relationship then what has been stated. The kid knows an awful lot about the chicken coup, would not be surprised if he had did a little snooping on his own. Billy has a crush on Missy and she appears clueless about it. It looks like they are trying to humanize Sheldon. Last week was Paige and this week with Mandy and Georgie. Georgie not ready to be a father its a little too late for that. Georgie and the car seat and it makes senses Sheldon would be the one to install it. Can you say awkward at the hospital. I get Brenda being there as she was the one to drive Mandy and Sheldon to the hospital. Also be there to supervise Sheldon without any other adults present at the time. As far as Pastor Rob it made things even more awkward and not really necessary. George and Mary should have been concentrating on their first grandchild, not each others relationship interests. Mandy stated Alice for the baby's name with her own last name not Cooper. When Georgie came out to announce the birth, he stated the baby's names was Constance with no last name mentioned. I am betting the child's last name matches the mothers last name.
  17. Liked this episodes three story lines. Ever since Page's parents divorce, she has been in a downward spiral. Sheldon expressing concern for Page and trying to keep her safe. Missy's quick thinking suggesting Page is under 16 with the guy quickly departing priceless. Connie and Dale were humorous with their bedroom banter. Mandy hi-tailing it across the street to escape. Georgie being the last one to get it why Mandy came over. Missy and Heather telling each of their parents there are going over the the other person place all while secretly going out to a frat party was totally teenage life. Missy comes home and lies to her parents but Mary and George are already on to her. Would have been nice to have seen what consequences Missy would have incurred for the lie and what she would have told them when they would ask where she had been.
  18. I have been noticing a trend on Young Sheldon. Mary is controlling with George, Mandy is controlling with Georgie, and Mandy's mom is controlling with Mandy's dad. It is like the guys go along to get along in the relationships. It does set a bad example for Sheldon and Missy. So we know Sheldon is age 11 from the talk between George and Mandy's father and we know Missy is in the 7th grade from last episode. It puts into context the children appear a lot older than they really are. Missy working in a comic book store and the video store, plus dating this year makes her appear older then she really is by a could of years. Sheldon is very adult like most of the time and in college.
  19. At the video store George outing Missy being in 7th grade with the customer could have been handled better. I get Missy being embarrassed. Could have stated she was still in school and not allowed to date adults to get the point across. Missy in the vehicle asking her father about the chicken coop with Brenda was priceless. Missy did not stop there she left the door open with her mother and pastor Rob. Something for George to think about and not in a good way
  20. I felt sorry for Mary, understand she is feeling lonely. Church was a big part in her life. Her pancake breakfast was such a nice family gesture, at least Sheldon ate some pancakes. We will see where the volunteering at Missy school goes. Kind of get Missy, yes everyone has a mom like her mom said, but kind of hard to be your true self with your mom around. It was a little awkward at the bar where Mary kind of foisted herself on Brenda and her friends. It did look like Mary had a good time and something she really needed. Georgie going out on a date with a divorced women was very interesting. Kind of wondered if there would be a reveal she had a kid and got married because she was pregnant. Her marriage did not work out and she got a divorce. This would have opened up the door to one of the possibilities of Georgie's future if he married Mandy.
  21. I enjoyed the break from the whole Mandy situation and more time for other characters. Missy feeling uncomfortable at having someone over at her own house was just sad. Meemaw when invited to join Missy's date should have politely declined. It was not Meemaw's movie night, it was Missy's date. As for Sheldon dropping out of school. Do not know about Texas, but many states you have to be 15-16 to be legally allowed to drop out. Some states requires a parents signature also. If not social services show up to find out why a child is not attending school. Mary seemed more concerned about Sheldon dropping out over Georgie dropping out. Maybe if she had been more concerned with Georgie we would not have the Mandy situation.
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