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  1. I didn't enjoy this episode very much. Did like the dynamic with the new officer. For a second there, I thought we would see Mr Insufferable again! Poor Elsbeth, trying to find a connection! And bonding over dogs in the end... Not a fan of the suggestion that the psychic's powers were partly real, the supernatural doesn't work for me with this show. (At first I thought the Captain's old case was introduced so that we - and Elsbeth - could revisit it later, but apparenty there's no mystery left to be solved.) Of course I'm prepared that with a show by the Kings, it may veer off in a direction where I don't like it anymore. I know that's probably a minority position, ymmv. For those who miss the earlier, more Colombo-like structure of episodes - in case you don't know Poker Face, check it out! I also find their cases better constructed. For Elsbeth, it's the quirky characters that make the show for me, and I agree with the posters who miss Elsbeth's more 'out there' approach. I'd prefer that the loose thread/ ongoing plot with the murderous judge got dealt with soon but I suspect he's meant to be her nemesis for quite some time to come.
  2. Regarding Bela, did I miss a scene in recent episodes where she left? Because my impression was she was staying with Jay and Sam and working for them in some capacity.
  3. Ok I agree, "dick" was probably a bit harsh, particularly considering he'd just died etc. It probably feels more weird to me because I haven't seen the getting closer part, except from Nigel's perspective. It must have been brief and probably meant nothing to Chris, but would mean more to our more ancient Nigel.
  4. Hell yes! Btw, I think it could be very funny if Chris returned for a visit some day and Isaac tried to keep Nigel from seeing him... Screwball comedy/ farce potential! It may be that all the virgin references will lead to something, but boy are they laying it on thick... Like, anvil-ishly thick...
  5. This may have well been the first truly selfless thing Isaac has ever done. Well, said. Baby steps! I enjoyed the episode, but wish we could've seen the scenes of Isaac and Chris hitting it off. Bit of a cop-out. Plus, boo to Chris turning out to be suc*h* a dick that he doesn't even say good-bye. Also, I miss Jay's sister. ETA: Oh, and Isaac's 'meltdown' was wonderfully cringe! Well done by the actor and well-deserved for Isaac. *PS I swear "suck a d..." was a typo!
  6. Oh, I'm sure his becoming better is his intended storyline. 'Elsewhere' being the operative word for me, lol.
  7. OMG, Stripper Dude and Nigel hitting it off would be perfect! I know it won't happen, or if it did, they'd make it a 'Nigel just wanted to take revenge on Isaac' plot, they way they've been writing him recently. But a girl can dream. I really enjoyed the episode, and the ending was certainly a banger I didn't expect. Didn't know Sass could sing, we need a duet with Alberta!
  8. Keeping on the new detective might well turn me away from this show, particularly if Kaya does actually leave, as her final scene suggested. Her friendship with Elsbeth is one of the best things about the show. New smartass detective, otoh, was just annoying. And not in an entertaining way.
  9. Ugh! Show, don't do this to us (and Audrey) next season!
  10. I definitely thought she was trying to tell him something important that woud spoil the mood, maybe connected to a case or what would become a case. And then decided against it.
  11. Yes, but how do you get from "She's being followed by a man with a tartan scarf" to "oh, must be the perfume dude"? Angus didn't know him, did he?
  12. I didn't hate it... didn't love it much either. Angus is nice. The reveal of his profession was funny because I just thought, huh, not a firefighter this time! His clothing and grooming look more expensive than a firefighter could afford though. Why is the portrayal of ... any other country always so cliched on American shows? Not if you put a herd of sheep in there, that makes it totes authentic! I did enjoy the idea with the streaming. But how exactly did Angus know that Elsbeth was in danger, and from whom? I also knew who the culprit would be right away. A bit of suspense would have been nice. On a positive note, at the beginning of the show I didn't realize the Iris setup and thought, oh God, not two angels watching the murder in a Very Special Valentine's Episode! So, glad that wasn't the case.
  13. I feel dumb enough aready, rightfully so! Ever since I'm off most social media, I haven't had to deal with spoilers and I just assumed such a show was running a tight ship. You know, while I really enjoyed the ruminations of the article, I'm mad they didn't put up a warning. I'd much rather delete my post.
  14. Oh F... I didn't even think of spoilers, honestly! Duh. I thought I might have missed something about Ms Cobel being alone in her car. And I must have skipped some of the later paragraphs, as I see now. Will put in tags. (Ombre, maybe you could put that bit in spoiler tags, too?) And now I spoiled myself to two things at least. Oh well.
  15. ETA: Spoilers in this article, best read at the end of the season I think! The Frustrations of Severance ...As its puzzles compound and the rooms expand this season, I’ve found myself a bit lost. Does the show’s artifice conceal a deeper meaning—about love, about work, even about life and death themselves—or is it just artifice for artifice’s sake? ... This season, the sense of mystery deepens and expands. I can’t get enough of the lore about the company’s enigmatic founder, Kier Eagan, and while the show giddily draws on the histories of Mormonism and Scientology in crafting this founder’s narrative, there’s originality in the writing, including a particularly https://newrepublic.com/article/190798/severance-season-2-apple-tv-review-frustrations
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