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  1. I didn't hate it... didn't love it much either. Angus is nice. The reveal of his profession was funny because I just thought, huh, not a firefighter this time! His clothing and grooming look more expensive than a firefighter could afford though. Why is the portrayal of ... any other country always so cliched on American shows? Not if you put a herd of sheep in there, that makes it totes authentic! I did enjoy the idea with the streaming. But how exactly did Angus know that Elsbeth was in danger, and from whom? I also knew who the culprit would be right away. A bit of suspense would have been nice. On a positive note, at the beginning of the show I didn't realize the Iris setup and thought, oh God, not two angels watching the murder in a Very Special Valentine's Episode! So, glad that wasn't the case.
  2. I feel dumb enough aready, rightfully so! Ever since I'm off most social media, I haven't had to deal with spoilers and I just assumed such a show was running a tight ship. You know, while I really enjoyed the ruminations of the article, I'm mad they didn't put up a warning. I'd much rather delete my post.
  3. Oh F... I didn't even think of spoilers, honestly! Duh. I thought I might have missed something about Ms Cobel being alone in her car. And I must have skipped some of the later paragraphs, as I see now. Will put in tags. (Ombre, maybe you could put that bit in spoiler tags, too?) And now I spoiled myself to two things at least. Oh well.
  4. ETA: Spoilers in this article, best read at the end of the season I think! The Frustrations of Severance ...As its puzzles compound and the rooms expand this season, I’ve found myself a bit lost. Does the show’s artifice conceal a deeper meaning—about love, about work, even about life and death themselves—or is it just artifice for artifice’s sake? ... This season, the sense of mystery deepens and expands. I can’t get enough of the lore about the company’s enigmatic founder, Kier Eagan, and while the show giddily draws on the histories of Mormonism and Scientology in crafting this founder’s narrative, there’s originality in the writing, including a particularly https://newrepublic.com/article/190798/severance-season-2-apple-tv-review-frustrations
  5. I really, really hope they won't drag this out artificially, and that they have a plan. I'll never understand how you can put out a mystery (box) show and not know where you are going, and how you will do it. And now I'm wracking my brain on whether I ever watched such a show that actually worked out for me. Best case scenario, the resolution was lame (compared to the huge buildup before).
  6. OK, so before I read up on anyone else's thoughts... The zombie goat people are castaways of Cold Harbor, right? Some Frankenstein Monsters born without a nave (pouch) I assume. And Lumen wants to use them as vessels to try and 'harbor' the personalities of dead or dying people, probably Eagans. Kier or current whatshisname. Maybe Ms Solveg is so eager to work there because she wants to revive someone too, e.g. her mother?
  7. Same here! He tends to glorify the ruling class and class systems. Speaking of not trusting him, with any other showrunner, I'd be interested in Oscar being outed to his mother at least, and the fallout. But judging from how unrealistically he handled this with Thomas at DA, I hope nobody will find out. (Just to be clear, by realism I don't mean a gay person had to be unhappy or find a terrible end etc, but all the Granthams being like eh, it's totes normal, we kissed at public school! was a bit much and probably owed to his impulse of painting his posh protagonists in the best way possible.)
  8. While I think it's entirely possible she does have a bf, or could have anyone she wants, I think watching that scene something about her innie, her fearlessness, made her want to explore. Plus life with her abusive father must be horrible. She looked as if she was used to slurs from him... And also, she started to smile watching the video, maybe getting the idea to go in there as Helena. So maybe she didn't need to be forced. She still probably has nefarious plans... Then again, who knows? I definitely see lots of possibilities for her "getting it" down there and switching sides, so to speak. Probably with a few twists and turns.
  9. I forgot to mention something I found really weird: When Rickon said: "Don't punish the baby!" Who would even think of punishing the baby?!
  10. I'm not aware that anything has changed in this regard, at least where I live. Close friends still do that. Sometimes even sleep in the same bed. (There is a famous very sad murder case of 4 college students; two of the girls grew up like sisters and slept in the same bed.) Just because people are more aware of same-sex couples doesn't mean these friends get side-eyed. (I can only speak for my surroundings of course, aside from the example above, which took place in Idaho.) I think the "vibes" came mostly from the way the scene was shot plus maybe the chemistry of the actresses. Now I feel the need to rewatch the scene; which episode are you at pls?
  11. Looking at the "Four Tempers" and our 4 refiners: Woe - Mark, mourning his late wife Frolic - Dylan The 3rd and 4th might a bit of a stretch: Dread - Irv??? Malice - Helena, being a part of Lumon's evil machinations
  12. Aw, I hope Burt looking so sinister doesn't really mean he's nefarious! Maybe he just researched the weird stranger who knocked on his door. 3 years ago, I had a few theories on what Lumen may have our heroes working on. I probably forgot most of them. I do remember that I thought it must be something like cloning/ eternal life/ resurrection, in order to either bring back their weirdo founder/ god, or let their current dear leader live forever in some shape or form. I still believe that, and that the 4 tempers are somehow connected. Did they even pick the 4 refiners according to the tempers? What was confirmed in this episode was that Mark is the most important, maybe the only important worker in this group at least. Didn't they say last season he was the only one to complete a file, or something? And what is "Cold Harbor"? If it's Helena down there, I think it will be an interesting redemption arc. I remember 3 years ago, I once went down the rabbit hole to research tons of names of the show. Unfortunately, I can't find my notes anymore. I seem to remember that indeed they did center around 3 or 4 topics, one of them being related to either milk/ eggs/ fertility in various languages. - btw, Persephone: queen of the underworld, abduction myth etc., cyclical return to the surface, goddess of the dead, grain, and spring - Helena, ofc, in Greek mythology, was abducted too... I'm probably overthinking this. The cinematography is fantastic (Silo should take note on how you can make an episode look very dark but still everything is recognizable!). I felt that some scenes could have been a bit shorter than they were. ps: "Were pineapples involved?" Seriously, they keep bringing them up.
  13. Well, the innies have been building their own new memories, limited as they may be. So in a sense, they are developing into slightly different persons. Didn't Mark say something along the lines of, "We're the same persons... -ish"? PS: I wanted to respond to a post I can't find right now. It said something like, "What are they, 5 years old?!" Well, yes! Or rather, I think some are younger. Hasn't Mark been severed for 2 years? And Helly is practically a newborn. Not in terms of cognitive/ physical abilities, but in terms of experiences. They haven't been disappointed about 500 times like any person their real age, so of course they'll be more gullibe and naive. It's part of what makes them endearing to me. PPS: Bring back Bert!
  14. Yes, Silo! Never watched Yellowjackets for some reason.
  15. I remember I felt the same! But also assumed this show would never go there.
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