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Posts posted by roseha

  1. I don't understand the tiny house appeal whatsoever.  I've lived in the same one bedroom apartment in the city for decades, and  I really miss being in a house so much.  I realize that it has its own various problems, but I would love to have the space.

    I will say though that my super and the whole building staff, the doormen, handymen are really nice guys.  They not only were so helpful during Covid, but ever since I have had problems with my balance (on top of my recent vasculitis) they have really gone out of their way to be helpful. 

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  2. 12 hours ago, Seelouis said:

    Yes she did!!! I thought that was a nice way of saying the character is still around even if the actress isn’t playing the part anymore. 

    Oh I missed that reference.  I like that they did that.   I get the impression that the actress who played Mrs. Marlowe has retired.

    I didn't love this episode but I did like seeing Dennis Buchanan the hilariously awful attorney again though the story didn't  give him as much to do this time.  I didn't remember that he and Jools had a history though of course they used it for the final punchline.

    I see there is at least an episode 5 to come, I hope we will get at least 6.

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  3. Glad to hear there's going to be a Season 2.  I guess Max will still have me as a subscriber even after my 6 month discount wears off.

    I really enjoyed both Thailand and Ireland.   I think Thailand had the best mix of Conan interacting spontaneously with people around him, in addition to the more scheduled bits.  Again, Anna's Mom was hilarious beyond belief, I was wishing Conan would go back to see them again.

    Ireland was fun as well, the ending was the most touching to me when Conan and the genealogist went to the place where his great-grandfather had lived.  My family and I did something similar looking for the home of my grandmother who emigrated from Ireland to the US.   She also had lived in a very small village.  It was the same feeling.

  4. Regarding episode two, they really did try to fake us out with Frodo in the beginning and while I did think about if for a second, I was then convinced they wouldn't kill off Frodo.  He even got a couple of nice scenes in the episode three, though they weren't really essential to the plot unless you count Sim's bad coffee as essential.  Clearly her coffee is to Brokenwood what Nick Yemana's was to the 12th precinct. 

    I enjoyed both episode 2 and 3 although I may rewatch them with captions, sometimes the accents of the guest actors throw me off when they are speaking quickly.  As for episode 3, I like the way the story was finally resolved, after it seemed they were coming to too easy a solution.


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  5. I had so many appointments this past week that my head was spinning (not literally). Monday I had the dentist working on my tooth to get it ready for the temp replacement crown (after the old one fell out), which took 90 minutes and while it was not really painful, it apparently was very involved.  I get the real new crown in a month.  Tues was vestibular physical therapy for my balance issues, Thursday was the ENT doctor to check on said issues (he didn't see an inner ear issue) and Friday the neurologist for the same (I will be having follow up tests).  All very good doctors/dentist/therapist but it just felt like overload.  Plus I had an  artists group reception Thursday.

    Somehow, I managed to lose my apartment keys  on Thursday night.  Coincidence?

    (I have spares from the front desk but will have to have new locks put in)

    • Hugs 2
  6. When I visited Donegal in Northwest Ireland last summer my guide (who is wonderful) told me that she could photograph the Northern Lights there all year except in the summer when the sky was too light at night!  It just shows I guess how rare it is here at our latitude.

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  7. I've only watched the first two shows so probably should wait to write an overall impression but I must say off the bat that the extended intro by none other than Werner Herzog had me dying. 

    I only saw the beginning of the Thailand episode, I am  going to save that and Ireland for tomorrow, but the interaction between Conan and Anna's Mom was truly hilarious.  The woman is a born comedian.

    I know Conan's joke in these shows is always to come off as the Ugly American, or more precisely the dumb American, but maybe these interactions with the fans actually worked better over all in the podcasts itself when it's more spontaneous.  Still there were funny segments in both shows and I will see how Thailand and Ireland go.

    It was amazing to see Jordan totally lose it in the Gaucho segment. I'm not surprised that his behavior is a bit of an act but he really totally broke there.


  8. 1 hour ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    I remember all those @roseha.

    I believe the Uh-Oh song being referred to was a weird novelty number in the 60s, and I can't find a video of it.  It goes something like "Uh-ee-uh-uh-uh-oh, uh-ho, uh-oh."  I think it has nothing else throughout the whole song.

    I have to admit @EtheltoTillie that that one doesn't ring a bell at all.  I guess there were some I never heard growing up that CBS FM didn't include on their revival playlist.

    I do remember some reactions I used to have hearing songs for the first time, for instance the Kink's "Well Respected Man".  I would have been pretty young and I remember thinking why are they making fun of the hero?

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  9. 1 hour ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Local New Yorker here, and yes, I remember the Uh-Oh song.  What a funny one to remember.  Cousin Brucie, anyone?

    The Uh-Oh song, is that "I ran all the way home just to say that I'm sorry"?

    I remember a number of songs from the 60s, some from the albums my older siblings would buy, some from the radio.   I had a clock radio in my bedroom and could listen to WABC and WMCA in their heyday.

    Then in 1980s WCBS FM in New York would bring back a lot of classics going back the 50s, it's such a shame there's no station in the city that features that music anymore, young people seem to love "retro" things and I think it would get an audience. (I guess no local oldies station is my pet peeve.)

    Does anyone else remember the novelty songs?  There was  one "They're Coming to Take Me Away" which apparently went to the top of the charts until it was withdrawn from the radio as people felt it was offensive to those with mental illness.

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  10. My siblings and I are so glad that our parents never tried to send us to summer camp, I think we all would have hated it.  The one experience I had was with girl scouts and let's just say it was awful.  I was definitely teased/bullied by the other girls (they claimed I had to clean the latrine), just verbally but it was awful.  I also didn't like the idea of sleeping in a sleeping bag, I am definitely the indoor type.

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  11. 14 hours ago, TeslaNewton said:

    He was in that episode, but he wasn't the boyfriend. He was the one swooping in on a bald eagle (in the musical). I watched it yesterday.


    I thought so, too, but according to IMDB, he wasn't.

    Actually I think it was "Tomaty" who was in the steampunk episode.  If I am getting that right...I guess Todd came along later.

  12. 2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

    Can you chew the nuts on the other side of your mouth?

    Yes I could but I'm just trying to be cautious.  The dentist actually told me I could eat normally (I'm still on the re-attached old crown right now) but he did say not to wait too long to get it fixed.  I have eaten some other crunchier foods on the other side of my mouth but nuts pretty much have to be well chewed.

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  13. On 4/30/2024 at 10:43 AM, EtheltoTillie said:

    Today's peeve:  I blame only myself.

    I ordered two bags of Peet's coffee from Amazon, and I mistakenly ordered whole beans instead of ground.   Grr.

    Since I own a grinder (not used in years), I'll suffer through the next few weeks of grinding instead of trying to return the order. 

    I did this too!  I ordered coffee from Nuts.com, who were having a "free shipping for $29 spent" sale, in such a rush that you guessed it, I ordered beans instead of ground.  I tried using a hand grinder with them and it hurt my hand so I went ahead and got a re-chargeable (by USB) grinder from Amazon and went ahead and ground them all.  It does taste good but I am just too lazy and groggy to grind beans when I first wake up.

    Second and related somewhat to Nuts.com - ever since my crown fell out I have had to lay off eating nuts which I normally have with dinner.  My dentist did a great job of temporarily cementing the loose crown, but I have to go back to him to have a new temp put on next week and it will probably be another 2 weeks after that to get the permanent one.  I do miss my crunchy nuts, oh well.  At least it doesn't hurt.

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  14. Yes I think Todd goes back to the "steampunk" episode if I am remembering correctly.

    This was a fun premise for a first episode of the season and I was glad that the killer wasn't obvious though I did wonder from the start why the eventual culprit wasn't being investigated more.  I do like that they do a good job of attention to detail, when Rowena mentioned going to school in Indiana and then her boyfriend mentioned it was Kentucky, it was caught immediately.  I was also glad they showed the murderer wiping off fingerprints from the professor's laptop, I was going to wonder why they hadn't checked that.

    I did like the way the episode ended, with Frodo, Ray, Todd and the rest of the locals gloomily taking down all the dino publicity, and then the two old codgers sharing a beer.

    Just a thought, I hope we see Missy again.  She and Chalmers have a fun rapport that brings out his sense of humor more.

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  15. 19 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

    I love the older ones especially for the Golden Age cameos but also the artwork, backrounds and music are what really make Warner Brothers cartoons stand head and shoulders above other cartoons.  Think about all that scenery and incidental interiors. All hand painted.

    Yes that's what I meant to say about the Road Runners.  The colors and design just looked so great on the big screen.  The attention to detail is really impressive, and of course they were so inventive. And I still laugh if I see the name "Acme" used in any other context.

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  16. I hope those people are okay as well.  Perhaps they were having some other things going on.  I wasn't posting much lately mainly because I have had various health issues that don't seem to be totally resolved yet.  Since February I've had serious balance issues when walking mainly and no one seems to be sure yet why.  It's put a lot of plans I had on hold at the moment.  I do have a session with a vestibular therapist scheduled so will see if that helps. 

    On another note entirely, has anyone here had a crown fall out of their mouth?  On a weekend??  Fortunately I was able to reach my dentist's office and they relayed this to him and they said to call him first thing Monday so he could fit me in.  And here I have always told people what great luck I've had with my teeth.  I literally cannot remember the last time I had even a filling done.  So I am sure this crown is very old but I did clean it off and put in in a little baggie.  I hope they can re-attach it but if not at least I'm fortunately not in any pain, I just have some sensitivity.  They said I could eat on the other side of my mouth but I'm afraid of anything crunchy.  So I have to think of a soft food for one more night.  Maybe some polenta?

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  17. @Anduin I hope this isn't too late but I was in Ireland in the middle of August last year and I was cold the entire time!  Please take some kind of a warm jacket or perhaps you will need to buy one when you get there.

    Have a wonderful time, it's a great place to visit.  Hope the weather cooperates but I am sure you will enjoy nonetheless.

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  18. I actually wear a wind up Timex watch that I bought probably on Ebay.  It must be from the 60s.  I got so tired of watch batteries dying and not being able to replace them, and I don't have a smart watch.  I have an Android phone, in fact I have two but I really prefer having a watch to look at.  It bugs me that public places rarely seem to have clocks on the wall anymore. 

    I lose scissors too.  I've come up with a lot of alternate ways of opeing package.  Pushpins.  Ballpoint pen tips.  Whatever sometimes.

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  19. 11 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    For anyone with the means and the physical constitution and the desire to see the next total solar eclipse:

    I wonder if the cruise ship could change course a bit to escape a localized cloud formation?

    I feel like such a dope to have missed the 90 plus percent eclipse here in NYC that I have half a mind to think of something like this. I don't know how seriously, but half seriously maybe.  I was going to go to Ireland in June but I am having a serious balance problem right now and I don't see myself making it at the moment.  I could get a credit on the flight and maybe use it for 2026 to go somewhere in Europe for the next eclipse.  Although much as I enjoy Ireland it tends to get a *lot* of clouds.

    Still it might be an extra reason to go somewhere...


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  20. I only knew about the limited window for buying Forever  Stamps because there was a post about it on my Instagram feed. Must have been an ad because I don't follow the USPS!  So anyway when I was on their site to schedule a pickup to send some pictures to a family member,  I decided to buy 3 sets of 20 Forever Stamps.  I wonder if/when I will ever use them up!   I rarely ever send checks, I keep a separate small account for people who insist on them.   I don't really want everyone to see checks from my regular account - I had someone misplace a check once and had to get a new account with a new number so I'd rather not go through that again.

    That said I do prefer  dealing with the USPS rather than FedEx or UPS when it comes to pickup.  I can schedule a pickup with them when they come to my (doorman) building every day, which is way easier than the hoops the other services put you though.  Since I am having a lot of mobility issues currently that helps a lot.

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  21. Wonderful photos, thanks everyone!

    I wish I had known that NYC was going to get a partial eclipse, somehow all the talk I had heard was only about the path of totality.  Last night I figured I would use some kind of a makeshift pinhole (I used a "pinhole lens cap" I had bought from an ebay seller for one of my cameras) and hold it over a white plastic sheet to see if I could see anything since I had no glasses for the eclipse.  It kind of worked except that the little crescent image I saw was barely visible.  Well, I tried :)

    It was interesting to see all the people gathered around staring up at it though.

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