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nasir jones

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Posts posted by nasir jones

  1. 5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    The way they're writing Victoria now is puzzling to me. Are they wanting her to look like a smug, two-faced female dog? Are we supposed to be admiring her behavior? 🤔

    Hah! Does NE have any security at all? Ashland just strolled into Victoria's office like he owned the place, lol. I bet Nick will return just in time to punch him.

    I think the Vicboria writing is meant to convey her overcompensating for a couple of reasons. First, she’s way more hurt by Ashland than she’s already admitted. That’s part of why she’s brushed off Nick’s repeated warnings about Ashland. She pretends not to worry about him in order to show how over him she is. It’s an act. Secondly, she’s realizes how ridiculous she looks for putting herself, her family, and NE at risk over a complete and total fraud. As Adam put it, there’s no reason on Earth she should’ve gotten that job back after such horrendous judgment other than Victor giving her the “You’re my number 1 boy” treatment.

    If Ashland and Adam get anything close to the revenge they want, she might have a mental breakdown.

    Ashland sashayed into the office two or three damn scenes after Vicboria said she had two massive security guards following her everywhere. Make it make sense people.

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  2. On 11/17/2020 at 3:40 PM, Atlanta said:

    They really did make Charles satan in this season.

    That seemed to be the prevailing thought on this board, although I’d guess that might’ve been the belief of some before they watched any season 4 episodes. I’ve always felt that the show was sympathetic of the characters who’ve been asked to deny their chance at love (Charles, Margaret, George) even as it showed their negative behaviors. Plus, we’re expecting Charles to do things that few people in his family seem capable of doing… stay faithful, show warmth,  express his feelings constructively, etc. This character is largely the result of people who’re colder than an ice bucket in an Artic wind storm and had zero experience as Royal parents. Even in this ep, Charles finally summons the “courage” to tell his mother that he wants out of the marriage (well, his version that puts all of the blame on Diana’s dalliances) and his father barges in and interrupts him without a second thought. While Charles blaming Diana for Camilla being upset was major chutzpah, that’s what might happen when people feel boxed into situations that they’re entirely unhappy with. They can explode in irrational, unforgivable ways.

    I don’t see Charles as “Satan” in this season any more than I blame Diana for seeking comfort and affection in the arms of other men. I’d place a lot of the blame on the people who, due to experience (QE and PP), should’ve helped the couple instead of sticking their head in the sand. But they seem to live by a “We were miserable, so you should expect to be miserable and get over it” credo. People are people. No one is Satan here and no one is blameless.

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  3. Good season finale, although the cliffhanger with Franklin and Louie was annoying.

    Louie’s mindset seemed to be explained in that great scene at the wedding with her and Jerome talking over each other, yet finishing each other’s sentences. Louie has been used and abused for so long that she just wants complete control of her life, body, and decisions. If it doesn’t work out, so be it. At least she got to make the choices. Her mistake was not letting Buck kill Franklin.

    I actually like unhinged Franklin. He’s just being his true self without the pretense of not being a murderous gangster. I wouldn’t trust Veronique as far as I could throw her.

    Damn… I’m not sure how Oso gets out of that jam.

    RIP Avi.

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  4. I don’t know what the heck is going on with most of these storylines, but Tommy (and JS) is already making this a far more enjoyable watch than the Tariq spinoff.

    While Tommy was Ghost’s partner, their relationship always seemed like like boss-subordinate in business and big brother-little brother personally. It’s nice to see sans Ghost what helped Tommy get to the level he did in NY. And apparently that was having the biggest balls of any person alive. Tommy was great in the scene at the boxing gym.

    Everytime I see Jenard, I think of CamRon. How his plan for taking down Diamond involved getting knocked out, I’m not sure.

    I loved Lili Simmons on Banshee and I’m looking forward to seeing her take in a bigger role here.

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  5. My face when Darvon picked up Domino…Stank Face Chris Pratt GIF by MTV Movie & TV Awards


    I’m just counting down the days until Abby finally speaks up and tells Bag Of Hair (I’m stealing that now) to sit down and shut up and Darvon to take his hands off of her child and get his narrow behind the hell out of her house.

    NotBilly is the most vile character on this show by a mile. He has literally zero redeeming qualities. And it doesn’t help that I absolutely detest that actor. Billy did terrible things while BM was playing him, but I always enjoyed the actor. This version is a double whammy. I never even disliked MS this much.


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  6. 18 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Ashland said Victoria knows more than anyone how Victor's mind works. Meanwhile, why is Victoria spending so much time puzzling over what Victor's up to if she thinks just like he does?

    What would a sentient bowl of oatmeal with a mustache and pleather jacket be thinking about??

    Meanwhile, Adam looks like he’s going to have a breakdown after every conversation with his father. Is he day drinking now?

    Considering how worthless she was to Abby, can Cricket go back to wherever she came from?

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  7. 21 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

    It was also very telling that Devon was both surprised and disappointed that Mariah wasn't very enthusiastic about his plan.  Instead of that giving him pause, he's ready to double down. 

    I knew Chance would take this position.  Abby must feel like she's being gaslighted.  I agree that Chance needs therapy, but I think Devon does, too.   

    I would never advocate violence, but if Abby was the only person to leave that apartment on tomorrow’s episode, I’ll gladly look the other way and provide an alibi. Chance… that’s something you tell your wife IN PRIVATE. And Domino only has one father!!

    If Adam grants Chelsea’s request, that’s going to end up very badly for him.

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  8. 12 hours ago, JNavarro said:

    Something apparently happened with Chelsea?  She sucks, so I wouldn't know.  

    Well, it’s a long and convoluted story, but I’ll try my best to explain it. Chelsea is upset that someone she tried to frame for murder does not want to be with her ever again. Oh wait, it was really simple and would be expected by anyone who wasn’t clearly insane.


    15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Given her role in the matter, I'm thinking Amanda probably should not have accompanied Devon to talk to Abby.  Is she deliberately trying to wreck his life?

    ! 🔔

    Despite her 19 layers of victimhood, Amanda just isn’t a good person. How could someone who’s friends with the Dumpster Humper possibly be? As an astute commenter said earlier, this is as much about her petty jealousy of Abby than anything else. Darvon may be plunging into new depths of submoronic decision making each episode, but he at least appears troubled by this. Amanda isn’t remotely bothered by trying to rip a baby from his parents.

    As they say, “Jealous lunatics come in threes” and no one is more of a jealous lunatic than Rey. I really don’t like him. If there was a high school yearbook award for “Most Likely to Lock His Significant Other in a Basement”, it would be all his. He used to be just jealous of Adam. Now it’s Nick? Maybe the kids are next? But I guess that’s one of the problems with forcing a woman who doesn’t love you to stay trapped in a marriage.

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  9. On 1/6/2022 at 10:23 PM, boes said:

      Best thing Vic's done in forever is to finally be free of this barnacle of a man.

    I would make love to this sentence if I could. I’m beginning to think that there’s something seriously wrong with Lily. (Well, that’s not true… I’ve known for a long time.) No person in their right mind would want to sleep with or be in the general vicinity of NotBilly.

    On 1/7/2022 at 12:09 AM, JNavarro said:

    The "I don't know how Courtney Hope acts these scenes out" conundrum rolls on.  

    As my mom always says, “A job is a job”. I’m sure this beats playing best friend #2 in whatever Hallmark movie is being filmed in cold ass Canada today. But Sally Spectra reminds me of George McFly walking down the hallway in high school with the “KICK ME” sign on his back. It’s tiring.

    This is the same Connor that they sent to a boarding school? Sure.

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  10. On 1/5/2022 at 5:27 PM, SweePea59 said:

    I was shocked to see Rey Rey smile. I think that's the first time I've ever seen that happen. I always tune out when he's on, not only is he dull but he sucks the life out of every scene he's in, (what little life there is). He must reallllllllly like Chance.

    90% of Rey’s scenes involve someone else (usually Sharon, now Chelsea) telling him, a character with zero discernible charisma, how great he is. And often, none of the actors involved does a good job of selling it.

    Can someone explain to me reallllyyyyy slowly how the nonsense coming out of NotBilly’s mouth was supposed to be construed as a victory over Adam? And then on top of that, the writers actually had Adam acting like he’d been bested, hence his lashing out at Sally. It’s like they wanted to get out of the storyline and declare NotBilly the winner, so they fast forwarded to a submoronic conclusion.

    Add me to the group who’s actually more pissed at the jackasses co-signing Darvon’s jackassery than the idiot himself. (And must they have every black character supporting this nonsense?) The stones on this guy to think a judge will say a man boning the twin of his dead wife can provide a better environment to raise this baby in. AND HE’S NOT YOUR SON JACKASS!

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  11. Rey is sooo annoying. He can’t force Sharon not to care about Adam, so instead of just moving on, he’s decided to eliminate the competition? And his criticisms of Adam might go over easier if he wasn’t aligning himself with felons like notBilly and Kevin the arsonist.

    All I could think about during the NotBilly/Sharon convo in the park was how they had sex. What was merely disgusting (and disrespectful to Jack… wait, how often has Billy done this?) at the time would’ve been horrifying and grotesque if it involved this version of Billy. What can Lily possibly see in this scumbag? This jackass is forcing me to root for Victor!

    The most interesting thing about this Chance/Abby storyline is how I have to search for the remote in order to fast forward through the scenes.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:


    How was Victor gushing about Newman family unity when he knew Nick was still making himself conspicuously absent? Is he starting to lose his mental faculties?

    Victor meant unity amongst his progeny who’re perfectly fine with a little criminal conspiracy. Nick, OTOH, is completely against such things. Yes, it was only a few weeks ago that he stood by and watched as the Dumpster Humper committed multiple felonies in broad daylight. But that was different. 

    Ashland was happier than a pig in (bleep) at breakfast. Everything is turning up aces for him. I expect that soon he’ll no longer have this debilitating disease.

    I’m not sure what’s more pathetic… Lily’s acceptance of whatever nonsense NotBilly tells her on a given day or Victor hanging morsels of fake love over Adam’s head in exchange for his son being his loyal lackey? Who am I kidding? It’s definitely Lily. The only plausible explanation is that the sex must’ve been awful with Cane.

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  13. 6 hours ago, Kemper said:


    The one positive about Sally taking the picture of Phyllis and Jack - maybe it will push the couple together for good.  I am so tired of Jack right now that I think he and Phyllis deserve one another.  

    The writers have finally done it. They’ve made Jack impossible to like. Will someone get him a chair and tell him to sit the (bleep) down?? No more wandering around with terrible excuses. Just sit down and shut up for a while. Oh, and leave that felonious Dumpster Humper alone!

    Nick… everyone loves a petty, jealous, and whiny brat who’s old enough to be someone’s grandfather. Not!!! My goodness. I’m surprised he didn’t have a temper tantrum in the middle of the floor. Literally no one forced him to go to New Jersey. And he’s jealous of Adam because Victor has included lil bro in the potential criminal conspiracy? Hello?!?!

    His ridiculousness even got Adam in a bad mood, until… whew! Is it hot in here or is it just me? Welp, I guess it’s cold showers for everyone.

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  14. The “Whodunnit” with Jesse Gaines will be a dud. It will be discovered that he offed himself after witnessing Lily’s total lack of self-respect as well as her complete gullibility. Or maybe Gaines jumped off the balcony in disbelief from  watching Jack criticize Sally while pining for a woman whose list of felonies could stretch from Italy to Wisconsin.

    So TPTB have decided to make both Nick and Jack act like asswipes in order to facilitate a triangle with the Dumpster Humper?? Ugh.

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  15. So we’re supposed to believe that an officer who’s led people to being murdered, fabricated evidence to lead to lengthy prison sentences, and covered up more illegality and immoral behavior by her fellow officers than I can count is suddenly overcome by something she’s done wrong? What complete and utter nonsense. Hailey, this ain’t the first dead body on your books. She slept just fine after serving Darius Walker up to torture and murder. And Borestead is the worst. He acts high and mighty, but still goes off the reservation (for lack of a better term) whenever he wants. This guy is still knee deep in Marcus West’s blood. Is he forgetting who covered that up for him? I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a character both so completely boring and totally annoying at the same time.

    Bring back Antonio and the ghost of Olinsky.

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  16. Watching Ridge and Brooke today, the only thing I could think about was Brooke not being able to tell the difference between her husband’s penis and Oliver’s. That’s not even in her top five greasiest moments.

    As for Ridge, maybe he’ll fall down a flight of stairs and give the rest of us a break. 

    Eric’s secret barely lasted longer than his last erection. I was almost 95% certain that when he hugged Katie, she was going to say, “Is that a roll of quarters or are you just happy to see me?”

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