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nasir jones

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Posts posted by nasir jones

  1. 1 hour ago, gingerella said:

    So Natey Nate Nate is a gaslighter now?!? Fuck him. 

    I try to like him (mostly because I hate Devon), but Sidepart makes it so difficult. He is straight up lying in this woman’s face. Kissing her five minutes after he had his tongue down another woman’s throat. Just vile stuff. Oh wait, he and Devon do have something in common. The way this will end up crashing and burning for Nate will be Hindenburg-esque.

    Speaking of degenerate liars, the Dumpster Humper has reached a new low. She’s been lying so often for so long that literally no one takes anything she says at face value. Jeremy Stark would’ve been better off enlisting Mrs. Martinez in his shenanigans. No one ever sees her coming. Or leaving. Or at all.

    If she wasn’t being a Grade A b-word to Sally, I might actually feel sorry for Summer. She’s surrounded by insane people. Has Jack bought adjoining burial plots for himself and Diane?

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  2. 12 hours ago, gingerella said:


    I don't know who is being referred to here wet race BUT didn't OG Adam refuse to be involved in a gay story line and thus was replaced? Which I would think is the correct course of action in such cases.


    Please refresh my memory on that storyline. Adam pretended to be gay in order to get something from some guy? Was the other man a cop?? 

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  3. When they played that cheesy music during the Nate/Vicboria scenes, I knew what was coming. Or is it, Who Was Coming? My version of this storyline includes them eventually doing the nasty couch dance, Nate inevitably screwing up on the job to the point Victor demands that he’s fired, Nate suing NE for hostile work environment, sexual harassment and wrongful termination, Nate threatening to use Sally and Adam’s previous tryst as part of his case, and finally Adam being re-installed as CEO of NE.

    Sally had to tell Nick that Adam might be the father? Boy is he stupid. I’m disappointed that Sally would continue to sleep with a guy who appears to make her skin crawl.

    I actually like Jack and Diane. I’ll enjoy them until her son by Jeremy Stark arrives.

    From what I could tell of Billy and Chelsea through the fast forwarding squiggly lines… gross and boring.

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  4. One couldn’t help but notice that Jack is an infinitely superior parent than everyone on today’s ep, especially Grampire, The Pterodactyl, and Diane. That will cause him to be even more disappointed when Adam exposes Kyle’s submoronic plan.

    Will Tucker and Phyllis get their inevitable Dumpster Humping over with already? Jeez.

    Nick’s brilliant plan of merely pretending that there’s no chance Adam is the father can’t possibly fail. 

    If TIIC were never going to consider even a discussion of abortion, then they probably shouldn’t make Sally look absolutely freaking miserable every second of this storyline.

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  5. Oh, Sally… when do you plan on mentioning to that dopey idiot that the baby could be Adam’s? Not that he’ll accept that. The fact that he automatically assumed that the baby was his (let alone that she wanted this) is Peak Meathead.

    Victor’s really going hard after the “World’s Worst Father” Lifetime Achievement Award. Also, his power of persuasion knows no bounds… “Listen, your mother sucks and I hope she drops dead, but I need you to do something for me.”

    I’m glad that Abby & Devon were sitting on the couch during their scene. I’m afraid I’ll never be able to unsee her bending down to hug him.

    I’m FastForwarding through so much of the show now. Stark nonsense, Shance, Chelsea, and a whole lot more.


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  6. Maybe I’m sleep deprived or high on medication, but I really enjoyed today’s ep. Even the parts I hated were still fun to laugh at. Well, everything except for Sick. There’s nothing enjoyable about those two. They’re just FF material at this point.

    We need to call the FBI, CIA, ATF, Mounties, and Federales to come and arrest whoever’s at wardrobe giving SC those outfits. They’re crimes against fashion, eyesight, and humanity. Do the people in wardrobe hate her? I can’t imagine a conversation went, “You know what SC would look good in? A tank top rolled in broken disco ball glass.”

    Adam trolling the Dumpster Humper was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen on this show. I didn’t even realize that he was in the background. And while I can’t stand MS eating the show, I always enjoyed her friendship with Lauren and Michael. The two of them needling a whiny Phyllis was also funny. But I also LOLed when Phyllis said that she never sees Adam at the office, yet Jack didn’t fire him. That seems like a line lifted off of a message board.

    As someone said yesterday, the dumping on the Dumpster Humper will only last but so long, then she’ll have to be proven right about Diane in some way.

    So not only is Noah The World’s Least Interesting Man, but he’s also The World’s Worst Truth Teller. “I don’t know if I stuck my tongue down (Audra’s) throat or fondled the breasteses.” If you don’t know, then what did you bring it up for, dopey? Allie’s response was so sad and just showed how truly out of her depth she is here. Your bf just said he doesn’t know if he kissed his ex back and she says… “Is this something I should be worried about?” Ugh… yes!!!!?!?!? These two are somehow more clueless than Faith and Moses.

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  7. Devon is and has always been a sanctimonious jackass and I don’t care who did what to him. When Nate dances on him over his betrayal of Amanda and cheating with Abby, it will be well deserved. I hope Nate does the moonwalk in front of him.

    Is the character assassination of Sally in service of idiotic plot finally complete? Her sleeping with, then severing all ties with Adam was somehow dumber than her inability to understand why Adam might be upset that she was boinking his brother. But it wasn’t quite as dumb as her standing in a room with her and Adam’s budussy funk telling Nick she’s ready to move on with him.

    Jack reading the Pterodactyl the riot act was the highlight of the week. As long as the Jeremy Stark SL includes him tossing Kyle down a flight stairs the next time that boy shows up to threaten him, I approve.

    I didn’t think I would, but I actually like NewTuck. Maybe TIIC could use some of the airtime wasted trying to convince anyone that Noah (The World’s Least Interesting Man) was part of a torrid love affair with Audra and give Teriah some love.

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  8. 32 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

    Could Phyllis get any more hateful and obnoxious? After all the horrible things she’s done to so many people, she has the absolute gall to attack Diane in front of Summer and Kyle? Will someone, anyone please just shoot her between her eyes?

    The way the citizenry of GC treat Adam (thinly veiled disgust, if he’s lucky, as soon as he walks in a room) is the way they should treat JazzHands. She’s an awful person and everyone knows it, including the people who love her.

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  9. I’m beginning to see why NotBilly and Lily are together. Who the (bleep) made NotBilly the gatekeeper of Chelsea information? If the roles were reversed and Adam was keeping this type of info about Vicboria from him, NotBilly would shoot Adam. Again. As for Lily, she’s bringing up… ChanceComm? Now?!?! Is she insane? Something really serious just occurred and these two idiots are letting personal enmity get in the way of doing the right thing. And there has to be at least one other mental health professional in this city besides Sharon. Keep in mind, I thought Sharon did a very good job with Chelsea. However, lying to Adam is not going to go over well when he finds out.

    I reaaaaaalllllllyyyy don’t like Devon. At all. He walks around GC acting like he should be in the PopeMobile. But I also don’t like Nate, so I’m left rooting for a loose ceiling fan with oddly sharpened blades.

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  10. I’ve barely watched the show the past 6+ months, but I had to chime in over how TIIC have assassinated Hope’s character in service of a plot. I haven’t seen a single thing that would ever lead me to believe that Hope would cheat on Liam or be so dismissive of his feelings prior to this storyline. Heck, Thomas drugging Hope is a more plausible reason for her recent actions than her concern for Douglas. 

    BTW, was Thomas ever held accountable for his actions surrounding Emma’s death? Did I miss that?

    Based on the 2 horrible children Ridge and Taylor raised, Phoebe would’ve been the outlier or an ax murderer.

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  11. 16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Gah, Adam was doing so well with Sally until he mentioned Nick. Darn! 😕

    But Sally, you didn't have to move on with Adam's BROTHER. That was a choice, hon. You can no longer claim to be the innocent victim of Adam's machinations.

    TIIC have to dumb down certain characters for plot reasons. How else could it not have gotten through Sally’s thick skull that Adam has a right to be annoyed with her boinking Nick? Instead we’re subjected to Sally saying, “How dare you get upset that I let your brother blow my back out last night!!” And this isn’t even comparable to Shadam because the only reason Shick wasn’t together is because Meathead cheated with a Pterodactyl.

    I was surprised that Nate spilled the beans on the scam so soon. This show has a propensity for gearing towards climaxes just to pull the plug halfway there.

    Jack was making too much sense for Ashley to handle. Seriously, WGAF what Diane was doing in LA or who she was doing it with?

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  12. I’m a card carrying member of the Maura West fan club and I’ve never even seen any of her other work. It took a special actor/actress to make chicken soup out of chicken(bleep) as often as MW did with Diane. The SLs kept getting more and more ridiculous (Victor ambulance toss comes to mind) and culminated in stupidity the likes of which we’ve never seen, yet she kept kicking butt right til the end.

    I’m growing extremely annoyed about how all of the characters in and around the Sick SL have been dumbed down, which is quite a feat for some that were already near the ocean floor in intelligence. Vicboria, the supposedly brilliant CEO, doesn’t have a bigger issue with the Coooo-COOOO sleeping with a company subordinate and the possible legal issues that exposes them to? And she just allowed Meathead to hand wave her underwhelming concerns away? You know what… no more girlboss summits at Crimson Lights for her.

    As for Nate and Elena, how bout that weather? I can’t watch Nate scenes anymore until he’s eventually diagnosed with that personality altering brain tumor.

    Dummer and Bile? At least I know the FF button on my remote works. I know this is a fictional show, but imagine if the livelihoods of actual human beings were tied to those two dopes running a major company?

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  13. 36 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Tucker was born the same day as Jill. Jill is 65ish (the character, not the actress). Trevor St. John is a perfectly adequate actor but he's not passing for 65. (He's 51.)  I'm not sure he's even passing for Devon's father since Devon is supposed to be in his early 30s. Tucker and Harmony didn't conceive him when they were in high school.

    Of all the characters they could've had TSJ play, they chose one of the most illogical ones IMO. I can't. I just can't. This is some next level retconning and deSORASing. Gah!

    When I saw that, I said, “They’re not talking about that Tucker, right?” This guy looks younger than the original recipe Tucker and that was 10,000 years ago.

    Quite a few people in today’s ep are in need of therapy and several were in need of a tranquilizer.

    Nothing I’ve seen from Sally Spectra since her B&B days could make me believe that she would be so flippant about banging the brother of a guy she loved. TIIC aren’t remotely interested in character consistency. BTW, I could totally believe this jackassery from Nick, but even then we’re forced to ignore everything he said about Adam in the months leading up to his tongue going down Sally’s throat. But anything for a plot, amirite??

    I feel like I say this a lot now, but where are they going with this Chelsea SL?? Is she going to walk into Lake Superior and never come back?

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  14. TIIC have spent the entire week giving Adam every reason to burn NE to the ground literally and figuratively. Grampire cut him off in a way that was so ludicrous that it could only be another TGVN mind game. Victoria was a grade A (word I won’t say) to Adam today. Nick is sleeping with a woman who he knows is in love with his younger brother. And Nikki can barely be bothered to acknowledge any of Victor’s other children’s existence.

    The Sally/Nick storyline is a poorly regurgitated version of Phyllis/Nick, so that means there will definitely be a WTD and it will be Nick’s. Or at least he’ll be the only one who sees the results. Sick (that’s what I’ll be calling them from now on) somehow has <1% of the chemistry of Phick, which is odd considering that Phick was only interested in greasy backseat high school sex.

    Between Nate and Devoin, I’m rooting for a loose ceiling tile. But as long as Nate’s poorly conceived plan screws Victoria, I’ll allow it. These 2 numb skulls have done the impossible… I actually feel sorry for Lily. Imani was the very embodiment of the phrase, “Out of pocket”.

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  15. 3 hours ago, MsMalin said:

    5 minutes in and today's show has me nauseated.

    Sally and Adam are making out. Whatever happened to the Me Too Movement or No Sex at Work policy. If any lower echelon employee carried on like that they would be fired.   Are you effing kidding me? I don't know who is worse, Nick or Sally.

    And then we have 2 so called business moguls closing big deals in the coffee shop. Really? REALLY?

    Let’s see… Dickolas recently rejoined NE and in short order has killed someone and is having sex with a subordinate at the office. And not just any subordinate. It’s a woman he knows that his brother is in love with. Might as well rename her Phyllis and Adam the new Jack.

    Sally, who’s fought to keep this job that no one at the top of NE wanted her to have, is now sleeping with her boss in her office. But more importantly, she’s sleeping with the brother of a guy who she was supposedly in love with earlier that same day!

    I’ve loved Sally Spectra since day one on B&B. I’ve never been so disgusted by a character I really love and it’s all the fault of the monkeys at the typewriter trying to create drama by having Adam Break Bad again.  

    I don’t care about Nate and Devoin at all. A pair of children cosplaying as executives. Lily didn’t ignore her own children just to take care of these two idiots.

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  16. 1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

    Rodan Rodan Rodan, Jack knows your lying because it’s written all over his face. Jack knows all your tells to know that your lying. Being indignant is one of them.  Lying is second nature to Rodan but she’s not good at it but everyone seems to give her a pass. 

    He knows she’s lying because she’s standing in the room and her lips are moving. Actually, her location doesn’t matter. Just assume if she’s talking somewhere lies are pouring out. Why is Jack giving this monstrosity the time of day? But you’re certainly correct that everyone knows she’s an inveterate (and terrible) liar and they just give her a pass.

    I actually feel sorry for EH. Every scene for Chloe now is her acting shrewish over Adam. Hopefully, Sally is thisclose to telling her to mind her damn business.

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  17. 2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

    Nick and Abby sure were unpleasant about Adam's job news. Snotty much? But Jack handled it with the calm diplomacy he is known for. <golf claps>

    Good thing Noah doesn't embarrass easily, lol. I pray he and Allie took a shower though before he left. No need for Traci to catch a whiff of their postcoital eau de sex. 😐

    My goodness, even the two Newmans who’re supposedly decent towards  Adam turned on him quickly there. Then they wonder why he can’t stand them. Not sure what I enjoyed more… Jack sticking up for Adam with the Newman siblings or Jack pissing in Billy’s cornflakes. Oh, who am I kidding? I hate Billy. 

    All I could think about during the Allie-Traci convo was that Allie was funking up the Abbott family couch with Badussy. I doubt there was a shower.

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  18. So they’re just heading face first into this Nick-Sally thing, huh? In completely unrelated news, it’s weird that the few people who supposedly liked Adam have spent the past few weeks badmouthing him to anyone who’ll listen. Not heavy handed at all. Quality stuff by TIIC.

    Good for Chance, but I would’ve preferred that he tell the Newmans off collectively the other day. His conversation with Victor reminded me of Heat, “…if I'm there and I gotta put you away, I won't like it. But I tell you, if it's between you and some poor bastard whose wife you're gonna turn into a widow, brother, you are going down.”

    This guy Victor said, “I’ve been in jail before.” The audacity! This man is 900 years old.

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  19. JT - I’m not sure that even during MS’ worst screeching, show eating days that I’ve ever had such a visceral and immediate dislike for an actor (and consequently, their character) when they appear on screen as I do with him. I can at least say there was a time that I liked MS and the character she was portraying. JT’s “acting” style can only be described as the constant smelling of farts. I can’t recall the last time I had any positive feeling towards this character. Even when Billy Miller was portraying a drunken louse, he managed to make the character somewhat likable. JT brings zero positives to any scene he’s in.

    Chelsea - My goodness… what an embarrassment. Was this woman so overcome by jealousy that she tried to compare her joining the podcast of the world’s worst person to Sally staying on as CEO of Newman Media? What a terrible, petty person.

    Victoria’s security - Are we sure these people even exist? The people who clean the bathrooms at the bus terminal demonstrate better job performance than Victor’s team. They lose people they’re following. They can’t keep Ashland from going literally anywhere at all. They’re basically stealing money.

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