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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. We did this last season -  it was fun and keeps the actual episode thread empty of posts like "what a d-bag" or "yeeeesssss" with no context.  


    PS - Mods can you lock this thread after the episode airs?

  2. Does anyone know if the long time between filming and airing is normal

    It's normal for Bravo. Several show that air in the summer have Christmas scenes. I think they film for a relatively long time and then spend extra time developing storylines and edits. I think for some shows they'll even restart filming if they think they haven't gotten a story.

    I like how this is edited, like the 3 second clips of Christmas Day for each. They take time to craft shots too, like the overhead angles of the big room when Julie and Annabelle met for coffee.

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  3. I don't understand what Julie's husband does exactly "running Mapperton". It's not like he's there mowing the lawn. And I assume it's not actually like Downton where he is debating what to do with the land and at the same time supporting the town? I honestly have no clue the current function of an estate like that.

    I thought the party was beautiful and everyone looked great. I liked to see Annabelle being generous for once about how beautiful the table was and how happy she was to be there. I also like Caroline F as she seems like a warm person. The whole thing is a charade I'm sure, but I'm totally on board.

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  4. Yes. Competitions are filmed Thursday's and Saturday (normally HoH/veto, this week 2 HoHs). The final episode shows all 3 parts of HoH, the eviction, questions from jurors to the Final 2, voting, "reveals" to the cast (like if someone was part of a twist or has a secret identity), and then the winner. It's a 90 minute cluster.

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  5. If tOSU can stop the turnovers they're the best. And they had 5 turnovers, like 'Bama, byt still managed to win.

    I would hardly call 5 turnovers vs NIU and 5 turnovers vs Ole Miss a valid comparison.


    I don't know who's best.  I know I watched every minute of the OSU vs NIU game, and if that's the best this country has to offer, it is a really really bad year.

  6. There are still a lot of questions moving forward.  Is LSU really that good?  Probably, but Auburn is most certainly mediocre at best, so we will see.  Is Ohio State the best team in the country? Most certainly not, but they don't play a quality opponent until *November 21*, so what do you do with that? Is the Pac12 as good as they seem? Is the SEC finally ending this long national nightmare of dominance? Time will tell.


    Michigan needs to play a lot better to beat BYU next week. The quarterback situation is not good.  I am endlessly amused by Harbaugh in his grandpa reading glasses marching up and down the sidelines with the occasional emotional meltdown tantrum. 

  7. A few times other people have asked her vaguely about fame or her poker career and she has kept her reactions very muted, until tonight when Liz asked if she was good at poker and she looked into the camera sort of awesomely to say "fairly".

    Fairly good, yes. She's the 5th highest earning female poker player *of all time*. Her crying and BB nonsense is not for me, but I think that is awesome.

  8. I never liked Rachel or Brendan, or for that matter Elissa.  I think Elissa might be the most artificial person ever cast on this show.  


    Here's an UO: I was cheering for Amanda in S14.  Was she a stellar human being? No.  I was rooting for her though.  Oh and I like Ian, even now.  Oh yeah, and to top it all off, I liked Zach last year.  So now you all know, I am awful. 

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  9. I think Steve played scared for a huge majority of the game, which I don't like. That's why I liked James (though his shrinking to the background when he was not in power I didn't like) and why I liked Janelle back it the day. I sort of love that wrecking ball, blood on your face type of player. It's not a good way to win of course, but I'm here to watch a TV show.

    • Love 6
  10. Maybe Julie is just exaggerating what we saw on the show? She's probably barely paying attention most of the time anyway.

    I think this is true.  The exit sure did not look edited to me... I think we saw all that happened.  It was weird that he sat there for a bit longer than most, but he pissed and moaned his way out eventually.  The actual quote the tweet references is: "I’ve never seen someone almost refuse to leave the house like Austin did.  He sat there in utter disbelief and almost seemed like he was not going to leave. He was trying to get Vanessa to undo her vote. That being said, he pulled it together and was a good interview — honest and calm. Gotta give him credit for that. He was poised."


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  11. I realize they have very little to do in the house everyday but memorize things, but daaamn those first veto questions were answered fast. I do not fault Liz for losing that at all. Last year's contestants were no where near that good at that comp.

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  12. This is the biggest mystery to me.  Juliet is lonely.  These people will never be her friends.  Why bother?  Who cares?  Meet some other moms in the neighborhood or through school events, take a cooking class, get involved with a charity or volunteer your time at the pet shelter, take Julie's yoga class, and make some real friends.  She'd probably be a lot happier than trying to fit into some group of imagined aristocratic superiority.

    It's a mystery to me too.  And if her husband is only home for the weekends, why not move to one of the cities he does business in?  I know, I know, they speak English in England, and that's appealing, but if no one is happy?  

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