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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. Didn't Sean Doolittle and his wife/girlfriend also buy up a whole ton of tickets to LGBT night to make sure it would be a success?  I like that guy.

    • Love 3
  2. *** unless Ohio State is playing


    I wasn't just checking wikipedia to do The Game-eve research on the series mainly to see the last time Michigan has won because it feels like it has been several decades. (3 years. Same feeling.) Did you know Michigan beat Ohio State 86-0 in 1902?  That fills me with joy.  Also did you know (to be fair and generous to the opponent) that OSU has had 7 Heisman trophy winners?  Impressive.


    I will not be surprised either way tomorrow.  I think OSU has more athletic talent, but Michigan plays harder and better as a team.  Both teams are going to a good bowl but not the playoffs, so there isn't *that* much to play for other than pride, in which case, points to Michigan because we have almost no shame to lose as far as this rivalry is concerned lately.  The real question is whether an OSU player will be ejected and leave the stadium with middle fingers in the air like the classy lads they are.  Here's hoping.

    • Love 3
  3. The scene in the bedroom was hilarious. "Think about it... Picture it..." Plus the Sacajawea on Lifetime line was even funnier in context than on the promos.

    I'd like to think the guest stars give this show Hollywood cred. I like it more every weekend am now terrified it won't last.

    • Love 5
  4. Are you more or less butthurt than the Ohio State players spouting off to the press? You breed a culture lacking discipline, and this is what you get, Urban.

    This TCU/OK game is fun.

    • Love 3
  5. Rob Lowe was born to play this role. I absolutely love this show.  How spectacular did he look waiting in the car at the repair shop? 


    I hope other people start watching it.  I would never have even given it a try if it hadn't gotten praise on the EHG episode that aired the day of the premier... pretty much all sitcoms fly under my radar until they are in syndication.This one needs more positive press!

    • Love 5
  6. I think they are actually not going to Ann Arbor... they were already there this year and there are a whole suite of great games that same day.  But I agree with your point, I do not think ESPN hates the Big10. Then again, I'm a Michigan alum and even I can feel the pro-Michigan bias from various announcers and commentators on all networks. It doesn't bother me of course, but sometimes I hear things that if I were a fan of the opponent, I would not care for one bit.

  7. Kirk Herbstreit moved his family from Columbus to Nashville a few years ago because people were giving him shit about disloyalty to OSU. He's in a tough position as the face of college football for a network, he has to try to be objective. But when they interview him on Sundays from his house you can see his OSU jersey on the wall.

    The Pac12 did themselves no favors whatsoever yesterday. Oklahoma looked really good. Lots of close ones out there: Clemson, OK State, TCU, Nortwestern, Michigan. I think the Top 4 is still super in flux. And I think Michigan is going to beat OSU. It's like the karma gods are shinning on us after the Michigan State game.

    But comments like calling a game a close one or barely winning - when we have beaten all opponents by 20 ir more - is predudicial.

    Might want to take a second look at that...3 games were closer

    • Love 1
  8. Roamyn, Herbie was also talking shit about the OSU linemen on Twitter. The Buckeyes have not been impressive this season by the eye test, but I agree with you, he should show some loyalty. Demond Howard wouldn't do that.

    I guess for 3 hours next weekend I am a Buckeye fan. I will preserver.

  9. For me it's not even the money, it's the humiliation, which is primarily due to the "24/7" Live Feed.  You get professional people on the Amazing Race because it is an adventure and that's what the show is about. Big Brother, while primarily a show to outwit opponents, is also an invasion of your privacy.  I don't need my personal grooming habits broadcast on the internet, thank you very much.  And I definitely don't need my coworkers getting to know me in that way. Or my non-household family members for that matter.

    • Love 2
  10. Apparently Demarcus Cousins threw a temper tantrum in the locker room (again) and most of it was directed at George Karl (again). Now the Kings ownership is considering firing their coach early in the season (again). What was that about not being completely dysfunctional, Sacramento?  What a disaster.

    • Love 1
  11. I hate the Giants, but AT&T Park is wonderful. It's worth a trip.  Oakland's O.co stadium on the other hand is a total dump in an undesirable area with really awful food, but on the plus side you know people are there because they want to watch baseball.


    I've been to the Metrodome and County Stadium, but was too young to know they were bad. I liked the Metrodome because getting blown out the door was fun and my mom called it the humpy dome, which was amusing to 6 year old me. I've also been to new Miller Park, Wrigley, and two that I do not know the current name of... Comerica (Tigers) and the Jake (Indians). You can tell the states I have lived in!


    My husband was a Tigers bat boy during their last year at old Tigers stadium during their last season, so that's the ballpark that we have actual photos of in our house. We got some really beautiful black and white ones taken during demolition, plus a nice one of the last game taken from above where we can see him on the field.  I never went to that park, but it looked pretty awful from the outside after it closed.

  12. I'm surprised Iowa is at 5, that was a big jump.  There are 2 Big10 teams in the top 5, 6 in the top 25. I'm pro-Big10, but that seems like a lot.


    Do you think OSU really would beat Bama again?  I guess it's possible, I didn't think it would happen last year either, but they have been positively sluggish this year. Perhaps they are conserving their energy.  Why not I suppose, they are undefeated and in the playoff.  No need to go crazy. But, zzzzz.

  13. There have been a lot of racial incidents at MO (the last being discovery of a swastika made from feces on the floor in a dormitory), and the black students are complaining that the President of the University is doing nothing about it.  The black football players are threatening to boycott all football activities unless the President steps down.

    And it worked.  Other members of the University added to the pressure and the President resigned today.


    I think this week is the least interesting of the November weekends for games (at least for me, I don't care at all about the Big12). Was surprised at how quickly the AP poll reshuffled itself to mirror the Playoff rankings. Polls are silly. But I love them!

  14. The Buckeyes win was extremely unimpressive, I think Bama takes over at 2.

    I've been excited for November football for quite awhile and today did not disappoint. I guess I have to cheer for the Buckeyes over Sparty in 2 weeks now.

  15. I wonder how teams like Florida and Baylor will fare in the rankings with close scores this week against super weak opponents.


    I am so excited for all of these 12:30 games... the remote is about to get a serious workout!

    • Love 1
  16. If the Big10 can get on board with Maryland and Rutgers, the Big12 should be able to accommodate someone.

    I still don't get those teams. What do they add? Makes no sense geographically, academically or athletically. Maybe the Big12 wants them?

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