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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. The band that played between the 3 point contest and slam dunk contest was more egregiously off-brand than Sting. Also how does Guy Fieri get a courtside seat?

    Klay did amazing. I don't usually cheer for favorites but the Warriors and associated players are easy to like.

  2. Oh Harbaugh danced alright.  But danced with the likes of Lou Holtz, Tom Brady, Derek Jeter, etc.


    Michigan got the #1 ranked ESPN recruit this year, the first time the BigTen has gotten the #1 recruit since ESPN started making a list in 2006. And he wasn't even at Harbaugh mania! We also got a guy with the last name McDoom, so that is pretty fucking cool.

  3. I was only in fourth grade when this happened and my teacher had a TV so we could watch the verdict. Being one of three black students in the class I did notice right away our reactions were different from the others and our teacher so race did play a very big role in the support and reaction to this case to many.

    That is so interesting, I was going to post something similar. I was in high school during the verdict and the teacher also wheeled in a TV to watch. When it was read a few of the very few black students in the school were whooping and running in the halls. I remember feeling an intense self awareness of my complete ignorance about racial issues of any kind. I thought that starting with the LA Riots in this show was 100% appropriate and spot on, especially looking back at my super sheltered naïveté at the time.

    I loved this, but I like movies like this even when they are bad, and I love true crime, and this story is the perfect amount of familiar and compelling to me. I didn't know a lot of the details (I mostly remember Kato giving testimony. Was it during spring break? I feel like I watched it all live). Speaking of, the guy who plays Kato is hilarious.

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  4. I saw a graphic yesterday that basically said there have been many more upsets this season than is normal. I think Oklahoma is the most fun to watch, but they lost their first game after being ranked #1 so I wouldn't say they are going to dominate by any means. SMU is also super entertaining, but totally irrelevant due to the post season ban. I haven't seen Iowa play yet but on paper they sure are impressive!

  5. It really feels like Spurs vs Warriors in the Western Conference Finals is going to be the de facto NBA Championship this year, doesn't it?  This season feels inevitable. (pending injury, naturally)

  6. I thought "pretend like you're about to break dance but do not actually break dance" was a funny line, but then the first three seconds of his dance were so hilarious I had to rewind several times. He does that little miniature jazz square think that I have never noticed break dancers do, but it is totally the move they all do. So funny!

    • Love 5
  7. I am very much less offended by Nick Saban success than I am about Lane Kiffin success. Lane Kiffin is offensive to me in every way. Also, the SEC winning is unpleasant.  However, the game was really fun to watch and I overall really enjoyed this season. Already looking forward to next year!

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  8. I have loved both episodes this season, and is it just me or is the costuming even more wonderful than normal? Jumping out at me were Mary's undergarments/robe, Cora's dress for dinner when she was in the bedroom with Robert, and Edith's hat in London. Not to mention the luxurious spotted pig fur, those were some fine pigs.

    • Love 16
  9. I recently bought the Kodiak Cakes pancake mix from a few seasons ago. My husband and I like to make waffles on the weekends, and figured we'd try out some better mixes than the generic stuff we usually use, so we decided to support a small ST business. To make waffles and pancakes you only have to add water to the mix, which is convenient, and the dough smells really good. We made waffles, but no matter how long we cooked them in the waffle iron, they never got crispy. They were really limp and soggy even when cooked all the way through. I wound up putting mine in the toaster oven after taking them out of the iron, and that helped a little. The flavor of the waffles was good though. In the future, we'll probably only use them for pancakes instead of waffles, but I was disappointed that our usual cheaper mix comes out much better.

    I bought Kodiak Cakes also for our cabin because "just add water" is very nice for when you are out of town. They are sold at Target.  I also found the texture to be bad. We made pancakes and they are flat and rubbery.  The flavor is good, but the texture is lacking. I think grocery store brand instant pancake mix is much more appealing.


    I saw that a few people like their Lumio lights... has anyone purchased the blow up solar lights they did an update on Friday for (Luminaid)?  I hadn't seen that original episode and those things looked pretty awesome (great name too, they nailed that). It seems like an awesome gift for my friends who like to go backpacking, but I am curious what people think?

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  10. Side note: fairly convinced Abe does blow after he got a nosebleed. Maybe I'm wrong but It kind of makes ?

    Is this a maybe? It seems like it's pretty certain. Former castmates have said drugs are plentiful at these challenges. It also explains why he can be rational and charming in interviews and then wacko eating nose blood elsewhere. Well, cocaine or mental illness.

  11. I'm not sure she has motivations about what to make people think. She is seeking to inform and entertain. She must have thought she could give info on the story that people wouldn't otherwise know. She did, really. The interviews with the director, the interviews with Taliban, etc. The research is impressive and new, but it doesn't change the overall conclusion: Deserter. Serial 1 had the basic debate of Guilty vs Innocent, but this one has no debate. For me it doesn't make the interviews any less interesting, but I can see how it might not be grabbing others.

  12. My husband (who's also a Michigan alum) will cheer for OSU in the playoffs but he's a way better person than I am. Speaking of reluctantly, getting ready for realively calm NYE dinner with friends feels like such a downer with the game on! This late night (even on the west cost it's getting late-ish) football playoff thing stands to make me finally swear off NYE forever.

  13. For instance, will a Wolverine root for a Buckeye against Notre Dame


    At least this Michigan alum will not. It's similar to baseball I think - people will root for their conference to win generally unless it is your sworn enemy nemesis. Some Michigan fans are bigger people than me, but no way no how will I wish anything but embarrassment and destruction on the Buckeyes, even against the only marginally less despicable Notre Dame.

    I think most Big10 fans and alumni are rooting for MSU. They are enemies of no one (Michigan is their biggest rival but everyone in state has friends at both schools so it's more friendly) and Bama is not exactly a popular team.

    I was hoping OU would win, but that wasn't even close by the end. I have warm fuzzies with that team after a Christmas conversation one tear when my non-football fan sister indignantly told me it was stupid to put the player's names on the front of the jersies. After much confusion she said "well, that Sooners guy has his" and I laughed for quite awhile.

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