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Posts posted by AndreaK1041

  1. I like Vanessa and Steve talking. He's the only person she calmly and rationally talks to. I think she thinks no one else is smart enough to have a real conversation with.

    It's an interesting dilemma. They are discussing how Liz could beat them, but it would ensure they take each other to F2. John they both think they can beat in the vote but they are worried the other one of them will keep him for that reason. They are the anti-Cody.

    • Love 4
  2. Only episode of the season that I've found an East Coast feed of to watch live and SO glad I did! Austin, what a chump, especially after his punchable speech! And then to reference his failed wrestling career as if anyone knows what he is talking about? Ha. He is going to be so crushed that neither he or the twins got a "family at home" package during a live show - Big Brother pretty much disregarded them!

    Yay Steve! Glad he won so he can relax for a bit. He doesn't even have to vote.

    Are Brenchel coming on the show to announce she's pregnant? What else could it be?

    I'm so happy right now. Toodles Austin, you big barefooted ape!

    • Love 9
  3. TMZ said it was Steve that was evicted damn it who is right?! Sounds like every one is full of shit and just guessing. This is like being ON Big Brother who can we trust?

    Do you have a link to this? I don't see it on their twitter page or website.  If it's there, I would believe it.  It's a trashy website, but not really an inaccurate one necessarily.

  4. Thank you for warning me off Minority Report. Will there be a Fall TV episode similar to the one you did in the summer? I really enjoyed that and watched full seasons of 3 shows I would not have otherwise seen based on recommendations.

    • Love 1
  5. I think Vanessa is using a lot of strategy, yes.  But waiting to explain it for months gives her the opportunity to reflect on what happened, what was shown on TV, and to craft a narrative that may not reflect her actual intentions at the time.  I don't like that much.


    7 Hours until the episode... hopefully there's a feeds leak, but still, that's not that far from now.  And for 6 hours of those 7 I am working, like I am right now.  Sort of. 

    • Love 7
  6. For sure, Vanessa is yellow, John is green, and Steve is orange. Liz and Austin are brown/blue and I believe when given the choice, Vanessa will take Liz over Austin to final 3, resulting in a brown Liz.

    Ah, you got to the level my brain was looping on, which is the Liz and Austin cannot be Red and Orange (together, whoever is either red or orange).  In the grid to Vanessa's left (the top in the photo) I could not figure out why she was thinking that Liz/Austin would not take each other if they won veto and then was confused by her arrogance there.  Now let me look again, because I'm getting there, but I'm not there yet.

  7. I think the top row is F4 HOH winner. The left column is F4 Veto winner. Vanessa is clearly yellow, because she can't win HOH and none of the colors in the top row are yellow. I think John is either the lighter orange shade or the green, because he's in both hypothetical HOH columns. Whichever one John isn't is going to be the other person Vanessa doesn't put on the block (either Liz or Austin).

    You are smart.  I wonder what purple is.  It must be something she is unsure about.  Can you figure out the other colors based on the existence of purple?


    Ooo!  JMac is green for sure.  The one on the right is in progress of being built and green is still there. I continue to stare... (I think Steve is blue, but let me prove it, empirically ;-) )


    ETA again, if Vanessa wins F4 veto she plans to evict JMac.  Back to the puzzle...

    • Love 1
  8. Great win by Harbaugh. I'm cautiously optimistic we can win a majority of the rest of our games. Aiming high! It's been a rough 10 years.

    Too bad Auburn came back, but the loud NOOOOOOO that rang through my house on that ND touchdown was really something to behold. Stupid lucky sons of bitches.

    Hope the Spartans get a win! Oregon is always so crazy fast, so that's a scary team with or without Mariota.

    • Love 1
  9. I don't think he thinks he's like Dr Will. He doesn't even attempt to be charming or flirty or any of the things that made Will's shtick work.

    I think he knows he's outmatched in almost every way and frankly just doesn't care. It's not like he could suddenly turn on super strategy talk with any of these people and have them take him seriously. There was a conversation awhile back (around the time of the slip and slide HoH) where he was telling someone he was trying to win comps, but he couldn't. Sure he has thrown some (obvious one to Steve), but I just don't think he's that good.

    I like him because the only person in the house who doesn't whine and freak out at every turn. He will try to win veto today, and if he does, he will not give two shits who goes. If he doesn't win, I don't know if he'd campaign against Steve, but he knows what he says is irrelevant to these people, so why not have a nap.

    • Love 17
  10. I think an Austin backdoor is a decent play. Austin and Steve are the most emotionally fragile, so spare them the nomination. If Austin wins veto, Vanessa gets rid of Steve, because she has "no choice" (but overall that's good for her). If anyone else wins veto, Austin goes home. Eh, I like it. Either way if Austin wins veto, he's safe, so why not stroke his massive ego?

    • Love 2
  11. Austin is so repellant. I hope they put the whole cast including Jace, except Austin on the Bold and the Beautiful just because he asked to be on it. He is neither Bold nor Beautiful. The scene with him and Liz talking literally face to face grossed me out so much!

    • Love 3
  12. I think it was a good move for self-preservation, because if the veto had been thrown to Julia, she would be in trouble.  I think her best move of the game though was first getting Steve's trust and then convincing him right before the Double to evict Jackie.  That was the eviction that really shifted the numbers to protect Vanessa.  I can't actually think of a better game move by anyone currently in the house other than "winning comps" which is not in and of itself a strategy.

     I also like that Vanessa big time pushed for the Austin and Liz showmance early on to deflect attention (though she can never claim that in any jury arguments).

     Personally, I find Vanessa annoying and tiresome, but she has made some good, if subtle, moves.

    • Love 1
  13. I would have liked to hear that too.  Steve's speech during the live show a while back was by far the best of the season.  I'd like to hear Steve vs Vanessa final 2 speeches.  Everyone else would be incoherent, except Austin who thinks if he pauses and enunciates, that is his smart voice.  Saying it slower makes me thing it's less profound, dipshit.

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