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Posts posted by nottopbravo

  1. I'm so pleased to read the recent posts! Diane M, I also lament the lack of activity on this forum.


    I actually started a forum for this on the old TWOP near the end of the second season.  I assumed hardly anyone was watching the show, but the postings started to pick up, and then were down to maybe four posts per episode. 


    One thing I noticed about Sue was that she seems rather reckless.  Instead of babying her equipment (considering where she is), she seems almost to beat them to death.  I guess she got tired of her new toy that the producers bought her as we don't see it in episodes anymore. 


    I wish they would stop trying to introduce new characters into this show (I.e. Eric's wife, Sue's grandson, etc) and stay with the main characters of this show.


    There was a lot of focus on building things this season.  Did the producers give them ideas, or fund them money?

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  2. what do you mean Nick Fury hasn't shown up? He's had more of role in Agents than he did in most of the Marvel movies.


    Like his minor role in "The Winter Soldier"?



    I'm sorry but that sounds an awful lot like you're laughing at us, not the show.  I honestly hope I'm misinterpreting that.


    You're right, my disappointment is in the show, I respect all the people who comment here.  My problem is they "tease" these possibilities that they just might happen, but they don't.  



    I think your count is off.  We've seen Deathlok and now Quake.


    I was talking about major supervillians not minor ones.  And the Absorbing Man barely qualifies. 



    My dissatisfaction with the show is that it's a show about people with (somewhat) normal abilities.  This show could be Scorpion, Smallville, Heroes or mostly any other show.  I'm disappointed, with such a rich history of Agents of Shield, they could have mined that for stories.  If they never mentioned a superhero by name, you would never know they existed in this world. 

  3. I am barely still watching this show, as it has been more disappointing than exciting.  I was almost laughing as some of comments here were expecting the "alien" city to be that of the Inhumans.  If you expect Lockjaw or Black Bolt to show up in this series, you are deluding yourself.  Marvel is saving that for their own movie.  We haven't had one single superhero show up in this series and only one supervillian (Absorbing Man).  Don't expect a cameo from Iron Man or Thor.  Hell, even Nick Fury doesn't show up and it's supposed to be "Agents of Shield". 


    I'm getting my superhero fix from "The Flash".  (Even with its minor flaws, it shows that a superhero series can be done right)

  4. I go up and down on how I feel about Helen, but she cracked me up this week with her unintentional innuendo, explaining her outfit. Something about "Well, it looks serious up front but says 'I'm really fun from the back'!" You could see her brain caught up with her words after they came out of her mouth and she realized, "Hmm... I probably could have said that better." LOL. But the judges loved it.


    I still can't stop laughing at her playing Russian Roulette with Grandma.

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  5. I'd be happy if they left out the first sacrificial challenge ("Brand Knowkedge", really?) and spent the time on that instead.


    Agree on that.  What did having to cut and fry a blooming onion have to do with a steak sandwich?


    Walt and the guys visit BronyCon, a fan convention for "My Little Pony".  Then a customer wants to sell a 1970's board game featuring Godzilla.   


    Figure I'd start the thread even though no one posted on last week's episode. 



    Based on the description, this one has "disaster" written all over it.

  7.  Emeril is so over this, and is now sleepwalking through it like he's on heavy meds, like when he lied straight faced into the camera about how exciting it was being the "menu master".  I think he wanted to slap the self-styled comic, but kept his composure.  


    I thought he totally wanted to slap the female "spokesmodel" who ignored him when he was trying to find out about her dish.

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