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Posts posted by nottopbravo

  1. Jenn, you quitter.  Take your unfortunate bikini bottoms and go home.  


    If that was a real hidden immunity idol, Joe would have played it, and not given it away.  Thus, dooming himself.

    • Love 8
  2. Perhaps the reason this thread is less active is because BRAVO has moved The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills to 8 on Tuesdays, so maybe more people are watching that and just DVR HK. I don't have DVR so I just watch the Housewives live and then find HK on YouTube the next day.


    I have a DVR and have never watched an episode of Real Housewives (of any ilk).  I just think Hell's Kitchen is just too much of the same story, week after week. 

    • Love 3
  3. Just before Barry came in and grabbed the robot bee to save Wells, was Wells going to stand up, or was he going to kick the bee with his super speed?  I saw his leg start to move. 

  4. Highlight of the episode for me: When pulling on the head/chest piece on Darla's model (the earth figure) and it popped into place, the model said, "I'm born".   I had to hit pause button I was laughing so hard.

    • Love 2
  5. Now the graphics department treats these four as "rock stars".


    For fans of the show, I didn't feel it was necessary for them to "reintroduce" themselves this season. 


    So "production" got Sue her new off-road toy.  Did they also buy new rifles (and a tri-pod) for Sue and Glenn?


    I can't put my finger on it, but did anyone else get an "off" feeling from last nights episode?  

  6. Despite its flaws, The Flash is the best superhero show on television.  I started watching Arrow in its first season, but dropped out.  For those complaining about the writers of this show, be lucky it's not AoS, where so much junk gets thrown against the wall to see what sticks with their multiple character backgrounds. 


    I hope Tom Cavanagh gets an Emmy nomination buzz.  He truly deserves it. 

    • Love 4
  7. If I remember correctly, on the first season there was item called "bacon alarm clock".  Although all the Sharks passed (and laughed) at it, I found this item:


    "Wake Up and Smell the Bacon

    Talk about breakfast in bed!  The Oscar Meyer Institute for the Advancement of Bacon (yes, that's a real thing) recently introduced an alarm clock that wakes you with the smell and sizzle of bacon.  The alarm is a free downloadable app, and a few lucky contest winners got a limited-edition iPhone attachment that emits the scent of bacon-y goodness.  Let's not tell Maxwell about this one."

  8. I liked most of the cheftestants on the latest episode but I was bemused by the eye makeup on the Asian woman. Yikes! She seemed like a good cook, though.


    I think I was more stunned than bemused. 


    Too bad the chef only made 10K, the lowest total yet.  I think any item that requires a price should be skipped.  This seems to hamper most of the contestants. 

    • Love 2
  9. Some shallow observations (this show doesn't rate much more): 


    Is Allison trying out for the new Spider-Woman movie?  Those eyes.


    Every time I see Brett I keep thinking of Pepper from American Horror Story. 


    Chef Andi seems like a nice person, but I wish she'd take that giant stick out of her ass. 


    I thought the graphics department was taking a break this week, until I saw the HK teardrop.

    • Love 1
  10. Wells' speech about how how if you try to improve the timeline, "time" will find a way to do something even worse was annoying and unscientific. "Time" is not a thinking being that cares about good or bad. And there were no negative consequences from what Barry changed. The Rogues were still going to do their thing. Cisco being dead would have been a problem for them, but it's not as if Barry would prefer that outcome. The only thing Barry screwed up was the relationship thing, and that was easily fixed with LP, so no, "Time" did not really care about what Barry did. 


    I thought it was great when Well's said that the day will get "worse" and "worse" if Barry affected the timeline.  And it did. 



    Time travel gives the writers of this show a big "out".  In effect, you can kill everyone in the cast, then change it the next week.


    If the writers were smart,


    That's one big mother of an "if".   Seems they decided to give us Fury/Shield, Colson/Shield, Captain America/Shield, Hydra/Shield, and now "real"/Shield.  If they were going to give me an ice cream headache, they could have at least waited for summer. 



    Wow!  Even those incredibly complicated Allister McLean novels (Ice Station Zebra, Where Eagles Dare, etc.) weren't THAT ridiculous!  How would somebody be able to keep all this stuff straight in their heads?  And shouldn't a character who had that much going on be the star of the show?


    I need to start watching this show with a notepad and pen.


    Don't forget the scorecard.  Which will be filled with cross-outs and over-writes. 

    • Love 2
  12. What was the point of Outback Steak guy? He didn't vote did he?



    It was like he appeared, gave his opinion, and was gone.


    Was I the only one thinking, "What has a piece of salmon got to do with leftover steak?"    Seems like the challenge was missed.

    • Love 3
  13. This was a really dark episode of AoS.  I don't mean dark in terms of plot, but dark in terms of picture quality.  I kept adjusting my brightness throughout the whole episode. 



    There were so many problems with this episode, as others have pointed out. No ear protection when dealing with a sonic threat? Why not just ice the screamer guy and everybody else, rather than let Kyle Machlachlan blather on and on? Razor blade lady says she's not powerful and then manages to give Bobbi a heck of a fight? Blech.


    The diner scene made me roll my eyes. Where in this country can a guy in a muzzle sit in a diner and not get a second glance from the other customers? Or did I miss them giving an explanation to the folks in the diner? "Hey, it the new trend in extreme dieting. That muzzle really keeps him from overeating!"


    That's just for starters.   Seems like the writers took this week off.

    • Love 1
  14. I thought the challenges were much more interesting this year than in past years. 



    Lily's crossword commentary made me laugh.


    Probably the funniest moment this season.



    •Crossword - pretty meh as it was just another quiz really.  Only made interesting by Jonathan's tactics at the end of filling all the boxes.


    At first I couldn't understand what he was doing.  Then it occurred to me it was strategy.  

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