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Posts posted by nottopbravo


    I kind of figured Kristen would win and I was happy she managed to put her hair up in a braid instead of having it dangling in her food


    If nothing else, I give her props for that.





    Hell, it's not their first time.  They have a reputation for doing that. 

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  2. If anyone needed any proof that Genique was not a knowledgeable cook, it took until the finale to discover that she could not use a manual can opener.


    I found that hard to believe, but possible. 


    Next year, we'll have one recruit who won't know where to get water.

  3. I love Peggy Carter this episode was great.

    Everytime a commercial of AOS comes on I resent it even more, I'm not ready to say goodbye to myAgent Carter.


    Every time the commercial for AOS comes on, where Skye says, "There is something terribly wrong with me", I keep saying, "Yeah, you can't act".

    • Love 16
  4. This Nissan Super Bowl ad is getting praise for being one of the best.  I disagree. 

    Harry Chapin's "The Cats in the Cradle" is a song about a father who never has time for his son.  Basically, the commercial follows the same line, with a father (race car driver) who never has time for his son.  And his son wants to follow in his footsteps because he's a role model?  WTF?

    • Love 8



    I was actually surprised at the amount of movie clips they used. I guess they're using that corporate synergy for all its worth!



    I wish the studios would all get their act together.  Last season on Agents of Shield, they had an episode that tied in with Thor: The Dark World, and I had no idea what the hell they were talking about because they didn't show any clips from the movie to reference it.   Same thing happened with CA: The Winter Soldier.  No clips.  But I had seen the movie before the episode aired so I could put the end of Shield in context. 

    Last night they had a bunch of clips from CA: The First Avenger, to put the Peggy and Steve story together.


    Studios: get it together!


    (I might add that although we saw Steve Rogers last night, no clips of any superhero were ever shown in Agents of Shield)

  6. Airing on TruTv.  New episodes on Thursday at 10 pm.


    One of my favorite shows now airing on television.  Full Disclosure: Michael Carbonaro is a magician with a team of helpers who help him pull off his tricks.  How he "does it" is not shown.  What is shown is him usually working as a clerk or cashier in a store where unsuspecting customers are victims of his pranks.  Chicks hatching out of supermarket eggs, clothing quick changes, crabs appearing in Chinese food delivery, shipping boxes full of children, etc.  Best of all are his ludicrous explanations to the customer about what just happened. 


    Last episode had a baby dinosaur hatching from a fossilized eggs. 


    Love this show.

  7.  However, what irks me about this show is that many times UB bails out people who have made terrible choices in life. For example, they reward employees who have kids they can't afford to take care of or employees with a criminal past.




    I'm still shaking my head at the "True Value" episode where the "boss" paid for $12,000 in parking tickets his employee had.  Not $1200, but $12,000.  How the hell does someone rack up that much money in parking tickets?  Park in a handicapped spot for 10 years?  I don't get it.  Talk about rewarding bad behavior.

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