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Everything posted by Nick24

  1. IMO Jared has very limited acting skills. That was clear to me on SPN. His facial expressions are mostly predictable. TBH, in the last few seasons of SPN Sam felt kinda one-note to me. It's not a dig. Just my observation.
  2. That can't be Sam. You know, Sam had the dog. Walker didn't AFAIK. That's THE difference between them! 😁 Well, I have to stop doing that dog joke, but thanks to S8 I can't let it go☺️
  3. Speaking of, I've watched My Bloody Valentine (2009). I was very impressed with Jensen as Tom Hanniger. His character had such serious mental issues because of horrible trauma. Jensen perfectly played it. The movie is gory, but it didn't bother me, so I enjoyed Jensen's performance a lot. Spoilers for the movie
  4. I'm a Jensen fan and I don't hate Walker, because I don't watch it. IMO if you (general you) have never watched the show, you can't hate it. If you (general you) are not interested in the upcoming projects, there is no need to trash them. But this is exactly what some of JP fans have been doing for a long time. I just don't get that. Nor do I hate GK (Gotham Knights?) for that matter. Exactly!
  5. I guess we all should get together, rewrite the last 4 seasons, then go back in time to 2016, fire Dabb/Singer and make the CW film our rewrites. Is there any free angel to facilitate? 😊
  6. Because it seems like they are eager to find any reason to hate the prequel and to keep saying horrible things about Jensen.
  7. For the first time I got to listen to Kansas song ''Nobody's Home''. Oh boy, the last lines of this song perfectly describe Dean's ending and what has happened to his legacy. I mean these: I felt like crying because of the last line, because Sam couldn't even be bothered to tell anyone about Dean's death, so all their friends never got to know what had happened to Dean, they never got to say ''goodbye'' to Dean. For them Dean just disappeared. Sorry for bringing this up again. Bad me. I just needed to share.
  8. It's not that he only attacked Jensen. He also publicly insulted the writer. IMO Jared should have publicly apologized to Robbie. He never did IIRC.
  9. This might be the wind playing with Demon!Dean's hair...
  10. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Padalecki gave Dabb notes on how to write the finale.
  11. https://www.tvinsider.com/1058055/jensen-ackles-dean-the-winchesters-premiere-supernatural-spinoff-photo/?utm_source=syndication I wonder if this is Dean's own journal or somehow John's?
  12. This pisses me off. Jared's fans have been blaming Jensen for creating the prequel without Jared because ''SPN legacy belongs to both of them''. + Jared's own nasty twitter comments last year. At the same time, neither Jared nor most of his fans were interested in that statement when it came to 15.20.
  13. Unfortunately, that parallel describes much of Sam's attitude toward Dean.
  14. Dean sacrificed his own well-being, any chance of a peaceful life for the sake of helping people. This is much more important and admirable than making demon deals (2.22) or committing suicide (11.17) IMO.
  15. Actually that Dean's speech made Sam look horrible. Truly horrible. Sam was the one who let his brother say that sh*t. Sam was the one who couldn't be bothered to comfort his dying brother. Sam was the one who couldn't be bothered to say anything on his brother's funeral (compare with Sam's own words in 13.01 on Castiel's/Kelly's funeral). So, once again Sam was being a self-centered dick who cared only about his own feelings. Well, apparently Dabb/Singer/JP didn't see it that way. But, of course, it doesn't make the things better for this viewer anyway.
  16. That motivation sounds interesting. Maybe they could tie it somehow to Dean's eyes bleeding in Bloody Mary. Yes, I'm bitter that they dropped it.
  17. Could we have at least one story All About Dean? Pleeeeeeaaase!!!
  18. But not for 15 seasons. Character growth who? That's why I'm kinda attached to S10, because it seems to me that Dean started to feel that he was a worthy human being, who deserved more than being Sam's guard - his confession in 10.16, talking about taking time off in 10.18. Even in 11.11 he was listening to Mildred about ''living a long and happy life''. Isn't that tragic that only being turned into a demon, having God's curse managed to wake some self-worth in Dean? Anyway, then Dabb undid everything. Screw him.
  19. That'd be great. I imagine Jensen and Robbie taking all the scripts of S12-15, putting in one place, salting and setting on fire. I'd love to participate in that party. Or at least salt&burn 15.20. The problem is Jared Padalecki who won't be happy with that, becuase he's in love with Dabb's garbage.
  20. This is the biggest tragedy of Dean's life. Dean always cares about Sam's and his other family members'/friends' well-being. The only person whose well-being Dean didn't care about is his own. Not to mention that that supposed family didn't give a f*ck about Dean's well-being either.
  21. AFAIK They would have to pay Dabb for using his character.
  22. I will really break my TV for any "All About Sam" story. No. No. NOOOO!!!
  23. I completely agree. That is why I hated that whole crap in 15.20 about Dean's driving. Dean just cannot have peace doing nothing. He just can't. F*ck Dabb/Singer for that. I am just saying that it seems to me like Dean has some reason to uncover the truth. IMO That's why he looks kinda worried. Something else must be going on. I really can't wait.
  24. IMO The main reason Dean would want to uncover the truth is that he doesn't believe what he had known because of Chuck. It means that this is supposed to happen after defeating Chuck. This is impossible to be between 15.19 and 15.20 because of Sam, so more likely after 15.20. So, either Dean is in Heaven or Jensen and Robbie are going to show us something completely unexpected.
  25. So, instead of looking for Sam, Dean decided to learn more about his parents....Well, at least that's better than hitting poor dogs.😁
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