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Everything posted by Nick24

  1. Going with the quality of writing Season 2 is almost perfect. It felt that the writers were doing their job with care. Also, there were 2 my all-time favorite episodes -- WIAWSNB and IMTOD. And such wonderful episodes like CSPWDT, Crossroad Blues, Nightshifter, Roadkill, etc. But they had the strongest writers/producers team at the time -- Raelle Tucker, Ben Edlund, John Shiban, Kim Manners.
  2. Indeed! I've read so many praising for Season 5, calling it the best season ever, incl. that garbage of 5.22. TBH, I'm shocked at how so many people are that blind about that season. I mean, first, Mr Kripke&Co. were running over their precious canon during S5, weren't they? Retcons, retcons and retcons. Then they completely destroyed Season 4 and all the set-ups in both S4 and S5. These are the facts, whether they like it or not. I'm really pissed, too.
  3. THIS!!! I mean, it's even better! That would prove, that Jack sucks at being God and Dean could kill him for that!!!! With all torture (Alastair school, of course). Robbie, I'm begging you, do it! P.S. If the Akrida did kill Jack, that would be a problem, because that Akrida would be my hero. So, it better be Dean.
  4. IIRC ''Lazarus Rising'' when Dean was trying to prove to Bobby that he was really Dean. And ''The Werther Project'' to open that box.
  5. Actually, Dean might summon Henry to 1972 somehow in order to help Mary and John. Of course, in this case they'll need to explain why Dean cannot interact with them directly, but Robbie is capable of making up something creative. I've been thinking if Dean set up something in the past that led to some tragic (in his perception) event in the future, that might explain ''Bloody Mary''. I don't think they'll go there but they could give a closure to some of Dean's dropped SLs. More importantly, maybe, just maybe, Robbie could tie up Dean's mission and his possible help with the Akrida situation to ''The Righteous Man/The True Servant of Heaven'' thing. If Dean is/was in Heaven and there is that Akrida threat to all the existence, Dean might be the only one who can participate (indirectly?) in the fight because of his once established status. That will be nice, if Robbie uses some of those opportunities.
  6. There are no details, but they can go either way, I guess. If a time traveller, then they might give them some kind of family hunt - Mary/John, Henry/Millie, Samuel/Deanna.
  7. Looks like Henry is going to show up in Ep 7. Isn't Samuel supposed to make his first appearance in that episode, too? Sounds very promising. https://tvline.com/2022/10/13/the-winchesters-supernatural-gil-mckinney-cast-henry-winchester/
  8. TBH, Supernatural has changed Mary/John story many times with no explanation. First, they were talking about Mary/John great love, but then they retconned it into ''They hated each other, it was all the angels''. First, they were talking about Mary quit hunting after her deal with Azazel. Then they retconned it into ''hunting after Dean was born''. And on and on. Just like they ran over the mythology in ''Taxi Driver''. They have never explained any of those retcons. Unlike them Jensen and Robbie are going to explain us what's going on in the prequel.
  9. IIRC that's not exactly what they've been saying. They've been saying that nothing in ''Supernatural'' is going to change and that they're not going to throw away 15 years. So, by the end of the prequel we'll have come to the point when all of the original show events remain intact.
  10. I guess I've come to the point that I'd love anything not Sam-related. Kinda desperation.
  11. The thing is that imo demons/angels became weaker in SPN not because something had happened to them and their abilities, but because the writers just wanted them to be weaker.
  12. I heard that as ''slick''.
  13. Didn't John say that the mysterious stranger just vanished? I mean, if that was Dean, how could Dean vanish if he was on his own? Does he have some abilities now? Maybe Dean's become an angel or even replaced Gack😊
  14. This sounds very interesting. Maybe some of events in SPN were our or the characters' wrong perceptions of them. Or because of that fight with the Akrida, they needed to tell us that Chuck had been writing their story, whereas he never really had. Maybe our perception of the finale was wrong, too. I mean, this won't change anything, because all of it did happen, meaning that the characters truly believed it had happened, but at the same time it wasn't exactly the truth, and it could clean up some of Dabb/Singer messes.
  15. That's ridiculous. I'm wondering who gave them right to claim that John and Mary were the least liked characters? Were there any surveys among all the viewers I haven't heard of? I could name at least one character who was imo 100000000x more annoying than the rest of the characters of the entire show.
  16. At the beginning that demon told Mary about Samuel something like ''He's going to end up in Hell with the rest of your kin''. It might be on purpose. SPN Season 6 made me believe that Samuel had been brought back from Hell. John's been there, too. So has Dean. So has Sam. Maybe they're going to give some extra explanation why most of the Winchesters have been to Hell.
  17. Speaking of Dean's mission, I sincerely hope Dean's not doing this for Sam. IMO we've seen enough of Dean doing all for Sam in SPN. Let Dean do something for himself!
  18. This didn't bother me, because demons (angels, too) were already turned into some joke in the latter seasons of SPN.
  19. Well, I loved it. I really did! The episode itself was interesting and entertaining. I like the idea of their Big Bad. The cast did great. Drake very impressed me with John's PTSD after the war and I hope for exploring more of it. I like John/Millie dynamics, too. The other main characters Latika, Carlos and Ada seem to be decent, and I feel like I'm getting interested to learn more about them. The music was wonderful! And Dean's voice in the beginning and Dean himself at the end!!! All in all, I'm a happy viewer and I'm really looking forward to seeing more!
  20. That's us begging the network to give the episode now!
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