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Everything posted by SimplexFish

  1. I'm sure everyone has been craving Cinnabon (I sure have) so incase you're wondering the "Cinnabon Classic Roll" like Gene brought to the security guards has 880 calorie. Honestly I thought it would be a lot more LOL https://fastfoodnutrition.org/cinnabon/classic-roll
  2. I sure don't remember Saul having anything to do with that....I do remember Walt returning to his backyard to retrieve the oleander plant, I think it still had the identification tag Lily of the Valley on it from Home Depot/Lowes.
  3. "Favorite Minor BCS Characters and Why?" That would be an interesting topic to hear members thoughts on in this forum
  4. I wonder at what season/episode in BrBa did G&G decide that they were going to eventually do a prequel based on Saul? It could not have been in the first couple of seasons...I doubt they ever thought there success was going to be so great much less assuming that the minor character of the cheesy attorney Saul Goodman was going to be a crowd favorite? Also how much thought was given into "co-writing" BCD as they were writing BrBa to make the upcoming per-series believable? ? Price (not my real name) is my favorite minor character in both shows!
  5. https://screenrant.com/gus-fring-gay-better-call-saul-breaking-bad-confirmed/?_gl=1*t5nl7s*_ga*cnluQ1dxY2Rad05RbWUtTG5na2FXWjVvcjdoVkZ1dHcwd1ZtRXV5ZG5CbGFUeEtYczhydkVySEZYRndhX0JqUA..
  6. I think he said the SIZE of a Volkswagen, LOL
  7. Sure he does, we saw him digging money out of the wall in his office and also he called the vacuum man for another $250k disappearance before changing his mind.
  8. I think he said the SIZE of a Volkswagen, LOL
  9. Its $250k and also no more Ed Galbraith...
  10. It never showed Saul getting the black book from the Veterinarian, I hope that still comes up
  11. Maybe the intimidating, in your face original Jeff that scared the bejesus out of Gene in the mall but not this wussy mama's boy Jeffie. Not only was new Jeff a bad actor but it was like the writers completely changed his entire persona...
  12. This episode gave me BrBa 3/10 "Fly" flashbacks! The store layout in the snow, the ridiculous "slip and fall" from the bad Jeff, the fat security guard licking his fingers along with all their jovial camaraderie when the nightly Cinnabons would be delivered, the MY loading dock lady. What a waste of 1 of the last 4. What happened G&G?!?!
  13. I dont like the actor that replaced Jeff the cab driver... not a good "Jeff" at all
  14. Maybe Kim moves to a very, very cold city to begin her new life?
  15. When does "How To Build Sex Room" come on? Asking for a friend...
  16. Another real good one for 06-10
  17. Kim is not gone until shes gone...all we saw was her packing and leaving Jimmy, nothing more. I think she has a different fate awaiting her besides what was possibly eluded to in the last episode. We will see her in at least one more show sooner or later
  18. Dane's are wonderful gentle doggos, just remember they have a short lifespan, which means them going over the Rainbow Bridge way before they should
  19. This explains episode 9's time jump https://screenrant.com/better-call-saul-season-6-episode-9-timejump-length/amp/ This explains is Gus gay? https://screenrant.com/gus-fring-gay-better-call-saul-breaking-bad-confirmed/?_gl=1*t5nl7s*_ga*cnluQ1dxY2Rad05RbWUtTG5na2FXWjVvcjdoVkZ1dHcwd1ZtRXV5ZG5CbGFUeEtYczhydkVySEZYRndhX0JqUA..
  20. Well for just one, how about the man in the bar where they screwed him into buying that crazy expensive bottle of Zafiro Anejo Tequila and even took a big check (never cashed) from him for the fake business investment? What did he do to deserve their BS scam?
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