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  1. I must of watched a different series than the experts. As they excoriated David at his court martial hearing and defended poor little Michelle like she was trying. Michelle did to David like Mike Tyson did to his opponents . It was over for her at first peek and she turned the narrative that she was constantly lied too while her whole existence on the show was a phony act and the experts bought it. She wanted David as much as I want a Necrophilliac visiting me at the morgue. Karla's spiritual crap and her tattoos were a turnoff for me. She seemed more like a high school girl than a 30+ woman. Ikeche treated Em terribly and I thought he was a professional gas lighter but her melt down was too much after she did the same the week before(move on). She looked like a battered woman and it wasn't a good look for her. I think Madison's terrible makeup was really war paint as she's ready to battle with Michelle.
  2. I like Pastor Cal but he said that Michelle "was turning the corner". If he really felt that I can now understand why almost every couple fails that the experts pick. She was turned completely off from moment one and treated David like sheat. Michelle has this game that she got screwed over which is completely fake but it gave her an out from being the bad person that very few believe but she played it up. I can only guess that she was pissed for not getting what she wanted and David was her punching bag since she wasn't happy she dam sure didn't want David to be. I don't think David owed her anything since he knew what she was doing and he pivoted. Hate to see Allen get screwed over but at least Madison wasn't nasty to him but I can't rationalize her dishonest way of doing what she did only because Allen was a stand up guy the whole time and she should of communicated to him where she was in their relationship. Personally I don't care if David and Madison had anything physical although the experts acted indignant as they act like these 8 weeks of fake marriages where infidelity is some sort of a breach of holy matrimony.😝
  3. Madison = transactional Michelle = grand inquisitor David = Jersey shore wannabe Michelle, I hate to admit was vindicated but her MO was to deflect her horrific treatment towards David from day one. She was not attracted to him so she used the live at home card/smoking is gross to derail the marriage. She was flat out the mean girl and she played the victim game in an attempt to cover her bad behavior. I do give her credit though for her ability to put all the pieces together and get to the bottom of David and Madison and I really do believe she felt bad for Allen even though he was a pawn in her investigation of her false narrative to justify herself. I don't blame David for looking elsewhere except hate to see it at the expense of Allen who was paired with the wrong person which was a terrible match by the so-called experts. I feel they owe him.
  4. Michelle"s meaning and purpose on the show is to play this fake game of getting to the bottom of David's text and now who was it meant for. This gives her justification for no on decision day which she already made on day one. David was not her type and she used the "live at home card " to nauseam . David could of had a million dollar paid for condo and she was still out. When was the last time she looked at a full length mirror ? Yes, David lied but Michelle's whole modus operandi is a false narrative that she will play to the end. Every season on the first few episodes you would think that the perspective members of the cast are the nicest and sweetest people and then you see their real personalities come out a few weeks later and now I realize why people between age 30 and 40 have failed in their previous relationships. Probably can't expect the experts to change them from their past failures going forward. I really believe expectations is their Achilles heel.
  5. Dr Pia can a new couple find there way with intimacy on there own time without your pushy suggestions. Experts your historical selections have been horrendous. I know it's your job to help them navigate their relationship but can you just state the obvious as many of us see and let them move on with their lives. Example Ikechi & emem. Michelle you never liked David from day one and now that he's being a player it gives you a justification to play the victim card and you're playing it up. This phony act has given you an opportunity that exempts you from being the mean person that you have been during the whole relationship. You wanted out from day one and have been cold and nasty towards David. I don't blame David at all for pursuing another women and only wished he had the honest courage to tell you to your face what a bitch you have been.
  6. Mark is a good guy. Someone said he's not perfect. Who the hell is!! He needs to say NO on d day or he'll be subjected to the ups and downs of Linsey's issues for ever. Linsey is a good person (good nurse/friend)but is co-dependent/controlling in a relationship. She just can't get out of her own way nor understands boundaries. Noi has changed the most over the course of the show. I liked her at first and now not so much. She would be better suited marrying someone like her transgendering brother. Olajuwaon should just stay as Issac. Katina who is very likeable looks like a beaten down wife when O is rambling on about his delusional approach on what a marriage should be. Foreigner song "cold as ice" = Jasmina. I would be both depressed and homocidal if I had to deal with her mentality. Please Michael don't do it. I do not like putting the likes of some of these participants down but can they ever look outside their own selfish set agendas and find some compassion of the others feelings instead of acting offended eveytime things don't go their way ?
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