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Mother of Odin

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Posts posted by Mother of Odin

  1. 1 minute ago, TurtlePower said:

    Oh it happens all the time, but most people correct it. I remember once dictating “law enforcement” and it heard “Lawn Forssman”.

    It still hears that but it now corrects itself so I don’t have to. But, it’s ultimately up to the person dictating to make sure it is all correct. Sometimes the mistakes can be pretty funny though. 

    But sometimes, I just hit send and figure that people understand.

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  2. 2 hours ago, LilyD said:

    As for Maddie's spelling mistakes: Thanks for your input! With sounding I indeed meant spelling a word out as it sounds, like what she did in @ginger90's post (Slowing down for there sake) But cabnent doesn't sound like that at all. I hadn't thought of the fact that she also makes strange pronunciation mistakes... I should pay more attention to that next time!

    It could be dictation errors. Apple dictation does that on purpose, I'm convinced. They certainly could use contextual spell check if they wanted to.

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  3. On 2/1/2022 at 10:42 AM, Sandy W said:

    Even more frightening, last I heard she intended to carve herself a career in the medical field.  With an unpalatable dish there are options, send it back to the kitchen, leave it on the table, or eat it and suffer the digestive consequences.

    If she can't be bothered to proof-read her public Instagram postings or utilize spellcheck, how can she be expected to be precise when administering medications.  The results could be fatal.

    I think her spelling isn't a problem with charting. My daughter is a NICU nurse and is dyslexic and does just fine. 

    I am a retired nurse. I don't think Maddie will like nursing. She doesn't seem to have much patience and she will need it in nursing.

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  4. 1 hour ago, steff13 said:

    She's always looked like a witch though.  IMO she's the least attractive of the four wives, both physically and personality-wise.  

    She is the most unattractive wife. It's not even close. Robin looks like a wizened apple doll. It's unfortunate. 

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  5. On 2/3/2022 at 4:55 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

    Question...out of curiousity...Heather mentioned to Noella that she has two children that identify as LGBTQ+...one is Max who is the other one? 

    Good question. 50% so far. That's unusual but not unheard of

    On 2/3/2022 at 9:24 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

    UO I know, but I have liked Shane since day one. He is not only my fav househusband (its a low bar, I know) but my fav person on the show. Can't say my favourite being though, as that honour belongs to Archie. 

    I love Shane

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  6. 1 hour ago, steff13 said:

    We all change and grow.  She may not have seen it as bad treatment in the past.  Just because we could see it, doesn't mean she could.  Maybe him admitting that he would never have an intimate relationship with her again was the straw that broke the camel's back.  I think that's fair enough; that would be a deal breaker in a marriage for me, too. 

    That's my dream marriage. Except Kody and the other wives. Just the sexless marriage part. I have no desire left for that.

    • LOL 4
  7. On 1/10/2022 at 1:44 PM, sheshark said:

    Apparently Mykelti and family had Covid, including Avalon.  As did Christine and kids.

    That's great! They are all okay and have immunity.

    On 1/10/2022 at 1:50 PM, sheshark said:

    Mykelti is not vaccinated due to personal freedoms.

    Good for her. 

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  8. On 12/9/2021 at 2:27 PM, deirdra said:

    It probably began pre-birth; mothers who eat excess sugar and crap can predispose their babies to becoming fat and diabetic.  Mykelti celebrated after one prenatal appointment with a dozen donuts.

    I don't think so. I gained 75 lbs wit my daughter and she has never had a weight problem

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  9. 10 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    This. Autism is a spectrum for a reason. I have autism, know many others with autism and though we are similar in ways, we also differ a lot in the things that can affect us. Many of us can do fine on our own, but with challenges. 

    I lacked social skills and still do to an extent, it has taken me years to learn to “read” people. I still don’t get jokes sometimes. Bright, blue-hued lights make me angry and unable to focus (and everyone seems to have them nowadays). I can’t stand gatherings with more than 4 people because all the talking causes me to be unable to hear anyone—and I don’t know when someone is speaking to me because I cannot maintain eye contact. Grocery stores and their bright lights force me to wear sunglasses. I can’t have lights on if I’m in an office (again, annoyingly bright lights neurotypicals seem to love). I use my own lamps in an office if possible. I hate driving but do it if I must. I succeed academically doing my own research, but have had difficultly in packed classrooms. 

    These are some of my challenges. I can “get by“ socially, but it’s always problematic. I could never go on a road trip alone like Dayton did. 

    All that explains me as well, Except the problem reading people. I can do that too well and it's just as difficult to internalize all the energies and BS

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  10. 10 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

    Mariah is gay, sexual orientation is not shenanigans. Audrey being non-binary has nothing to do with Mariah’s being gay. People are born or wired with their sexual orientation. In some cases, people don’t figure out or announce their sexual orientation until they are ready. People cannot be driven to being gay. 

    If Audrey was a woman and is now not. Can't Maraiah be no longer queer too?

  11. On 12/16/2021 at 11:26 PM, Cosmocrush said:

    Agreed but I was really surprised to hear her say he controlled ALL the finances, including credit cards!  It's 2021 - everyone should not only have their own money but access to the joint stuff - something my mother (who was a working wife back when married women couldn't get credit cards in their own names 1970s?)  taught me early.  At the very least how about a prenup?  So far I've like Noella but is she a dumb dumb or something? 

    Working women could get credit cards in the 1970, I think




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  12. 11 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    I think this may be true., though it’s terrible.  I don’t think Kody was smart enough or emotionally able to figure out how to get them to get safe, as he said.  I suppose he lost control and used the only thing he thought he had to get them to comply.   I have maintained phone contact with people I know are covid risky, but I don’t see them in person either.  But, there’re not my kids. I don’t see it as him not loving the kids, but being terrified they die.  

    . Covid survival probability is 99.7% for Janelle. This has been blown out of proportion to the years lost. 

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  13. 8 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    Same. It’s better to get it done and wake up to a clean, tidy kitchen than have to worry about a mess first thing in the morning. I hate messes and clean up even as I’m cooking, with most of the cookware cleaned and put away before sitting down to eat (it could also be OCD, I cannot relax knowing there’s a mess to be dealt with). 

    That does explain a lot about Janelle—sort of a lazy, procrastinating nature. 

    Meri is kind of anal and controlling

    4 hours ago, GeorgiaRai said:

    I worked full time, had 4 kids at home, and a husband who usually worked opposite hours than me.  It was all I could do to get the kids fed, homework done, laundry for the next day, baths & bedtime in the evenings.  I didn't want to spend my kid-centered time OR my few minutes of quiet/tv time doing dishes at night.  Much easier to clean up, load the dishwaher, and leave anything else soaking until the morning, when I'd get it done quickly before anyone else was up.  

    I'm not sure what timeframe Meri's statement was referring to, but if it was after Janelle had some kids and was working... I'd have been right there with her in the "lazy, sloth-like, procrastinators" club.  

    It's not a big deal. If Meri wanted it done, she should have done it herself

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  14. 2 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

    Oh man, so many things were going through my head when she said this. “Easy to love”?!?

    Mr. “Easy to Love” has basically told Meri they’re just acquaintances and nothing more. He’s shown to be repulsed by her attempts at flirting and I daresay he probably couldn’t be paid enough to spend even one night with Meri. She clearly disgusts him. But he’s “easy to love”? Honestly I think he made all those covid rules because he didn’t think any of the wives could abide by them, but there’s our Meri, still holding out hope that she can raise this sunken ship. The one he wants to spend the least amount of time with us the only one who abides! 

    I don’t know whether to think she’s stupid or desperate—maybe both (which she has denied repeatedly but, her actions……). Just, WOW. There’s 2 cliques alright, the brainwashed ones and the ones who are tired of it. 

    Meri stays out of spite

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  15. On 11/15/2021 at 3:49 PM, Absolom said:

    For whatever her reason, I don't think Robyn is interested or capable of growing adults.  Perhaps it's both she doesn't know how and she has no interest in learning how to teach her kids how to grow up and succeed on their own.  Maybe having them all dependent on her fulfills an emotional need for Robyn.  Whatever it is, it's a disservice to her kids.

    She's a terrible smothering mother. That's so much worse than benign neglect parenting that I had.

    On 1/6/2022 at 5:52 AM, Elodia said:

    Did you know Gwendlyn is autistic? Not that there's anything wrong with that, it just comes as a surprise.


    She's annoying

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  16. 21 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    I'll take Vicki but NOT TAMRA.  I tried to watch an older season yesterday, or Wednesday, and I could not watch her.  I had to turn it off.

    But Vicki is such a loser, I would watch her again.


    Oh I thought she looked pretty!

    I bet Heather has been praying for the day Max asks for a new face.  You know little miss perfect cannot stand that her daughter is not pretty.

    (I used to like Max, she actually seemed kind of normal, until she wrote a book, like gmafb)


    Shannon was pretty and so are her daughters

    16 hours ago, Mar said:

    She was nonstop stroking it at Jen’s house. And then she started stroking Jen’s hair!

    That was strange. Her nose lost its tip. It's way too short and snub and her nostrils are facing forward.

    2 hours ago, SnarkAttack said:



    Oh dear, looks like the first nose job was complete probably for her sweet 16

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  17. On 1/4/2022 at 4:07 PM, kicotan said:

    But I’m betting you didn’t involve yourself in a polygamy set-up where you and all the other wives pump out as many as you can with one man because heaven as if that’s supporting ANY child’s mental health, and then somehow manage to navigate the pandemic clinging to that principle for dear life, regardless of that man’s actual physical involvement with you and/or your kids.

    Kody’s wives have impressed upon their children that “living the principle” is more important than the children are, collectively or individually.  The children have to suffer the consequences of their mother’s decision to go against what is considered in modern times socially and/or legally acceptable by choosing their religious beliefs over what is in the best interest of their child(ren). Their children are at risk for mental health issues from the git if for no other reason than the GLARING absence of a responsible, loving father.

    I’m also betting that not ONE of those 18 children will choose to follow their parent’s chosen religion or lifestyle.  Lucky for them there are a lot who reject the religion they were exposed to as children so they will have some support in that department.

    No, they really haven't. In fact, both Jenelle and Christine raised great kids who love and appreciate their mothers

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  18. On 12/23/2021 at 9:48 AM, oakville said:

    It was interesting seeing Stella working for her mom's lemonade business. She said her mom can be over bearing.

    Stella looks like a young Alexis Bellino.

    During the early years of the OC, the children of the Housewives would get together at events . Kara "tres chic" Keough would provide advice to Vicki's daughter. Shannon's daughters could scrap with Heather's kids.

    Stella got a nose job or something. She looks very different and not in a good way

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