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Mother of Odin

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Posts posted by Mother of Odin

  1. 12 hours ago, drivethroo said:

    Robyn is saying buying a house with somebody you are actively divorcing is weird.  But at any rate, out of anyone on the cast, it's Robyn who deserves to have a ki'ki at Ashley's expense after Ashley rode her for 3 seasons for doing the same thing with Juan that Ashley is now doing with Michael.  Robyn should give Ashley the exact same level of sympathy and sorrow Ashley gave her for 3 seasons...which is none.

    Whether Ashley & Michael are divorcing or not, a penthouse is no place for 2 young boys to grow up in.  Ashley and the boys need a house ...and Ashley needs a lawyer to protect herself whether she divorces Michael or stays. 

    The reason it's bad is because it looks like a Lego house just slapped together. For what Gizelle paid for the original house/land and reconstruction of the house, she could've bought a $2 million house and called it a day.

    She has a brand new house, they're not in the townhouse anymore.  She's been talking about the challenges of furnishing it during the pandemic on the podcast, such as having custom made window treatments arriving 10 inches too short and whoever made the window treatments saying it would be months before new ones could be installed or having to have 2 washers and 2 dryers because Juan brings home the team uniforms to wash at home.

    Because new construction townhouses around here are starting around $600-700K and she's in a single family home, I will say her new home cost at least $900K.  Candiace's house (in the next county over) was about a million too.

    If Ashley wants a SF home in Arlington, the house will cost at least a million dollars ---a 1979 tri-level is like $800K in Arlington.

    A single family home in Arlington is over one million dollars

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  2. 6 hours ago, Emmeline said:

    I thought Rinna looked silly in her western garb in the last scene.  I read this in an Aspen publication:

    Newsflash: No one in Colorado wears cowboy hats unless they work on a ranch or are Kurt Russell. The only exception to this rule is during summertime when cowboy hats are the perfect outdoor concert accessory. They keep the sun off your face and provide that perfect relaxed element to a more dressed up look, be it a slinky silk halter top or a short dress to show off those super fit legs. As a side note, never, ever wear more than one Western accessory at a time (cowboy boots with a cowboy hat, western belt buckle with a bolero tie, etc.) unless you are at a costume party, strip club or you work at Kemosabe. The jury’s out on cowboy boots. If you have a really beautiful vintage pair that are timeless, know how to pair them with an appropriately modern outfit, and have the confidence or ease to pull them off then go ahead and rock it. 

    I like cowboy boots with long sundresses and with cutoffs

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  3. 5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    What??  I don't understand Twitter, how is it possible for someone to get another person suspended?  Did she report you for something?  I am just curious.

    She definitely acts like an addict.  I know many of the housewives take ADD medication, I bet she abuses that.  

    Sheree sucks.  I hope Garcelle realized that she is not a friend, and that she spent the season trying to be one of the mean girls, and they acted like she wasn't even there.

    I cannot stand Jennifer Lawrence, she is insufferable, but I am so glad that she came out with her hate for Erika!  You know that has to sting, I hope Erika is hurt by that.

    She reported me for asking why her written English was so much more broken than her spoken English. OOPs

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  4. On 9/1/2022 at 6:49 AM, Bluedog100 said:

    I saw Kyle make the sign of the cross when she got on the plane. Thought she was Jewish??

    It was Garcelle. You can't see!!!!

    16 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

    I remember something along those lines too.  These three spend YEARS at a time not speaking to one or the other.  

    That's what happens when you have a Kyle

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  5. On 8/17/2022 at 10:46 PM, njbchlover said:

    I agree!!!  I spent a LOT of time at discos and clubs in the late 70's/early 80's, and these women really didn't do the theme justice.  They all spent more time and effort on their hairstyles - or at least their glam squads did.

    I really thought we would have seen Kyle wearing her roller skates to the party.  She was actually pretty good at skating, and that disco skating was such a huge part of that era.

    The hair was all wrong. All of them. Dorit's outfit didn't speak 70's disco. Didn't any of these women watch Saturday night Live?

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  6. On 7/13/2022 at 8:06 AM, Sweet-tea said:

    Excellent point. I agree. I think having Dorinda host put her in a power seat and made her think she's the one running the show. I wonder if she would've behaved as badly if they were at an off-site location. Given her history with alcohol, slurring and bullying behavior wouldn't be a surprise, but maybe it wouldn't have progressed to the level it is here. 

    You know it's bad when Vicki says there is no sense arguing with Dorinda because you can't win. Vicki! The calm voice of reason. 

    I am still trying to figure out what is up with Brandi's face. Why are there strange lumps in some areas? Did she get cheap filler like Priscilla Presley? Is it motor oil (kidding)? It's frightening looking, but in the THs she looks ok. And she's skinny but her stomach was protruding when she was wearing that workout outfit. 

    I'm glad Phaedra and Eva have stayed out of the fray. Watching them is relief from the chaos. 

    Brandi is skinny fat. 

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  7. On 7/7/2022 at 8:26 PM, skyedeveraux said:

    I don’t get Taylor’s cold and freezer burnt beef with Brandi. Girl we ,the tv land people, saw what happened…….a decade ago AND we also saw Brandi and Adrienne talk and reconcile their difference and apologize years later and move on. The word thirsty is being thrown out a lot this episode but Taylor is damn near dehydrated and weathered. So dumb. Maybe I’m irritated because I’m on Brandi’s side!!

    Dorinda is what we call a revist historian. She can’t remember anything about a damn thing but spouts slurred mouth diarrhea like it’s the gospel truth .  Put the martini down, pick your phone up and call a professional, girl you need mental counseling.   

    Talor claimed Adrienne was Kennedy's Godmother. That wasn't true. 

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  8. 9 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    Ugh Eva walking into her room and  playing into Dorinda's game.. girl stop Dorinda has anger and control issues 100% and doesn't own up to the low blows she throws out but tells you you deserve them .... There is NO defending that ... Dorinda and her maybe I care to much for things to be perfect and I should just not care ...trying to flip it around once again so she is the victim in this and not the aggressor I just can't 

    And later at that dinner Dorinda attacking Vicki AGAIN... you cant mention anything apparently around Dorinda unless its a positive thing or you are a victim ... the woman just got DUMPED the day before filming started and she was sick ... you cant control either of those two things and causally bringing it up isn't being a victim GOD i cant stand Dorinda for making me defend Vicki AGAIN but come on now

    then turning that slur towards Jill and ball face lie that she wasn't drinking during the episode she was trying to dawg Jill about ... I love Jill's watch the episode and they play back her saying she's gonna have ANOTHER drink ... Jill was 100% right you were put on pause (aka fired for the next season) because of your bullying of TINS so hard that they had to get her away from you for her own protection( you remember that SLURINDA?) when you get drunk ... she is doing it again at this dinner good god

    And that was ALL on Taylor for bringing up something from fucking 9 years ago that didn't have ANYTHING to do with her ... So yes dont throw out shit if you dont expect Brandi to respond .... 

    And Dorinda once again We dont bring up dead husbands and kids ,,,, did she just block out dragging Jills dead husband up not 5 mins before? like for real for real? Dorinda Brandi isn't the one ti fuck with you might get to attack these other girls and smile and everything but Brandi will go scorch earth on you woman 

    Winner of the night was Phaedra with her she could be your mother line and making the bartender laugh 

    I just can help it. I love Phedra on my TV

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  9. On 7/2/2022 at 7:47 AM, snarts said:

    Eva lost some points with me this episode. First with the cigarette smoking and then with her defense of Dorinda's behavior towards Tamra when she wasn't there to see/hear it.

    I was shocked to actually feel bad for Tamra but Dorinda was way out of line. While I used to think it was the drinking that brought out all the anger, I now see that the drinking only magnifies it. Completely sober, she is an angry, controlling, unhappy woman who derives joy in making others feel bad/less than/etc.

    I saw a twitter post that surmised that the reason Dorinda was invited and allowed to host was so everyone could see exactly why she was removed from RHONY and stop clamoring for her to return.  Yep.

    She's smoking joints

    7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    I guess if those women saw us Marylanders eating crabs they would pass out!

    Yum. Old Bay spiced Maryland crabs. Best in the world

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  10. 6 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    I don't know about any power plays Crystal is doing with this group or what happened with her last friend group (I'm dying to find out!), but she definitely is in good with the influential members. Last season, Crystal was besties with Kathy Hilton and this season she is super close to Diana.  She must run in very rich, powerful circles.  It's a good position to be in because the alphas in the group will protect her, ex: Diana being her "bodyguard."

    Maybe Crystal worked for Diana.

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  11. 15 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    So, Crystal got iced out of a friend group of 14 other women?  Obviously, something had to have happened that was pretty serious.  Interesting that Sutton, Kyle and Rinna have all heard the same stories about Crystal.

    And, Rinna - I hope you're not wondering WHY you don't have 14 friends....but, if you are, come sit down next to me and let me fill you in.....  🤣

    Wasn't she Teddi's friend?

    15 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

    If memory serves, she said at the reunion that all her jewelry was stolen.

    I've seen her wearing the art deco ring since.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    According to her story she wasn’t asleep tho and in a quiet house with small children you HEAR glass shatter I’m sorry... I am not saying the break in DIDNT happen ... its just sooo MANY inconsistencies with the robbers and other things and the reason she is giving for having the alarm system turned off make no sense and do lead to more questions  .... 

    I'm saying it. It was an inside job.

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