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Mother of Odin

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Posts posted by Mother of Odin

  1. On 12/26/2022 at 10:13 PM, altopower said:

    That makes me sad. I don't like Meri much, and I know that lots of people (including me) didn't spend the holidays with family, but she only has one child. It would have been nice to spend the holiday together, the way the other ex-wives did.

    Leon is mean

    • Like 14
  2. On 2/27/2023 at 2:07 AM, drivethroo said:

    The problem with the colorism discussion is it's a two-tiered problem.  There's colorism within the cast and production and there's colorism from the viewing audience.

    The viewers know, and the lighter skinned cast members know the lighter skinned cast members are favored within the cast, with production and with the audience. Candiace & Wendy know they can't really call out the cast & production on this issue. Calling out the cast is futile because all of them (except Karen) pretended not to know what was going on.  Calling out production only earns a bad edit.  Ashley quickly figured out the "who me?" act wasn't going to land so she gave some pagaent answers and addressed her statements to Wendy (and not Candiace, who has also been a recipient of the colorism criticism especially where Ashley is concerned).

    Karen allegedly claimed Wendy didn't have the "right look" for Potomac but Gizelle is the one who said this so who knows?

    Ashley knows full well she's benefitted from the colorism against Candiace. It's not "well Candiace is just a nasty person so that's why people don't like her." That may be, but Ashley ALSO is a nasty person but she doesn't get nearly the vitriol Candiace gets. Ashley's mouth is so nasty, Katie packed up and left the cast trip and was never seen again until this season.  Ashley has also described Candiace & Wendy in violent, aggressive language but never described Robyn this way and Robyn crossed state lines to roll up in Ashley's face for talking about Juan.  Ashley knows the receipts could've been pulled out on her which is why she quickly made her acknowledgment about colorism.

    In fact, Robyn has been physically aggressive with 3 cast members (Ashley, Monique, Wendy) and Mia has been repeatedly physically aggressive with Wendy and we don't see the viewers who scream Candiace needs her ass beat screaming for Robyn or Mia to get their asses beat. Props to production for repeatedly showing flashbacks of Robyn running up on Monique tonight.

    A deep dive into the colorism of the RHOP audience would be more than most people could handle because IMO there's specifically 3 groups of people who cheered the violence against Candiace and I will just leave it at that.

    Robyn was mute on the issue because she knows she benefits greatly from colorism.

    The person who needed to be slapped for their "huh whatya talkin' about? what's going on? I don't understand" act is Gizelle. Girl, you understand.

    Basically the light brights (minus Karen) thought they could malign & abuse the darker skinned girls without consequence this season because many in the viewing audience also didn't like the darker skinned cast members. Unfortunately for them, it backfired.

    Based on how bad the GEBs & Mia came across on this reunion, next season will be a GEB + Mia takedown humilliation season. Gizelle will take it like a champ but Mia & Robyn will be going through some things. 


    Candaice is my favorite now. I like both her and Chris.


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  3. On 2/8/2023 at 9:06 AM, TurtlePower said:

    I was looking at Hello Fresh because I hate grocery shopping (anxiety, autism) and the cost works out about the same. But there are lots of complaints on the food arriving with not enough ice packs (salmonella anyone?) and issues with cancelling. That made me think twice.

    It’s easy to eat healthy and not cook. Every meal doesn’t have to be a production, as you mentioned about your friends eating popcorn (done that). I’ve had a bowl of yogurt for dinner, or oatmeal, tuna out of the package, and if I’m feeling motivated, a piece of fish in the oven. Oftentimes it’s a pre made salad with minimal dressing.

    I have ordered for years and rarely have a problem. If there is an issue they will credit you

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  4. On 1/26/2023 at 12:30 PM, GeeGolly said:

    I don't see scars, but I don't see nipples either. So I was thinking Leon filtered the chest area because 'nipple rules'.

    It might be but, many are choosing non nipple sparing mastectomies.

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  5. On 2/3/2023 at 10:13 AM, Cetacean said:

    The age of reason is considered to be seven years old.  Children as young as 14 can be tried as adults in a court of law. 

    Calling people in their 20's "kids" seems bizarre to me.  At that age they are fully capable of making rational decisions and understanding the consequences of those decisions.

    We all gain wisdom as we age and I am sure we all look back and see how we could have done things differently.  But excusing lying, cheating, grifting behaviors "because they are young" just doesn't cut it with me.

    The frontal lobe doesn't mature until mid to late twenties.

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  6. 5 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

    The DMV is such a hard space to film in because people don't want to be on the show and businesses do not want to allow the cameras. I remember when the Real world was filming in DC. Disaster. We need interesting and non thirsty people. Don't be a sane married couple, because we now know these women will say any lie for a storyline. Everyone I think about in the DC area that I think would be great, it think they would never be on this show. 

    That's why the Housewives of DC sucked. Nobody was willing to look bad and nobody wanted them filming

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  7. On 1/14/2023 at 8:42 AM, Cetacean said:

    The reason that large breasts can cause back pain is because large breasts shift your center of gravity forward, which means that your back, core, shoulders, and neck muscles all have to work harder to maintain your posture.  There are PT programs designed to strengthen the core and back muscles.

    They may or may not work but are sometimes required by surgeons to rule out other means than surgery.  Obviously they may or may not work but are worth a try before an invasive procedure.

    I think my big ass must counterweight my F cups.

    • LOL 17
  8. On 1/23/2023 at 7:36 PM, Libby said:

    Yep. Pretentious is a good word. I didn't like Leon when they were a kid and I still don't. Who really cares what they think about making coffee in the morning? The drama, please...


    What is this? Is this real?

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  9. On 1/16/2023 at 11:48 AM, Meow Mix said:

    This is what I am wondering as well.  As I said before, I won't give the guy doing the interviewing a click because he is very problematic, but I could easily see Paedon feeling comfortable with another guy and saying all sorts of stuff without thinking it through.  Once again, I do believe Meri took her resentment out on some of the kids which is yet another wrong choice from her.  But, I think Paedon was basking in the spotlight and things got out of hand.  The fact that he canceled an appearance on another podcast lends weight to that assumption.

    ETA: What in the world is JO's problem?  This obsession is getting downright creepy.  While I think Meri played up the victim narrative with the catfish, this person does seem to have an unhealthy obsession with the family.

    That guy is creepy. I don't think anyone is comfortable with him. He looks like a tweaker

    On 1/18/2023 at 6:28 PM, Tuxcat said:

    If you watch the three hour video that Paedon did, he provides some fairly concrete examples with regards to his "sexist, homophobic and transphobic" views. So Gwen does not need to provide those. And here she uses the term "violent abuse." To date, Paedon did not say the word "abuse" regarding Meri - neither did Gwen - actually none of them have with the exception of Maddie's 30 second tweet that didn't even name any names.

    The situations are similar though. We have accusations and allegations of various things without any concrete examples. So if are going to condemn Meri, you should also condemn Paedon. Or, reserve judgment for both until we know more.

    I see the words abuse, toxic, gaslighting, narcissist... thrown around so much these days. It all becomes very muddled. And in light of the attention seeking behavior of Christine's children, I read with caution. 

    That being said, I think sibling rivalry and roughhousing is vastly different than sibling abuse -  and the seriousness of that issue should't be demoted just because they are siblings.

    I think they are two peas in a pod and that's why they hate each other

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  10. On 1/14/2023 at 8:50 PM, Tuxcat said:

    That account keeps deleting old things. A few people tracked it to Canada. Other's said it was an account solely used to discredit/mock Meri (long before this team showed up). Today it deleted comments and said it would switch to private. Now it's staying it is seeking additional legal and technical advice to protect "innocent parties."

    It could definitely be Jackie since this "team" maintains that Meri was never catfished.

    I agree that the synthesizer is using speech patterns - or maybe we are wrong and it really is the kids because there was one that was exactly Aspyn, you know how she laughs when she's nervous. It was the same cadence and everything, I find myself very confused and I used to think of myself as being able to pick out the scams pretty well.

    My brain at the moment cannot make sense of this...but why they keep saying "we must remain anonymous for our protection but more will be released in the next weeks" Is it just to protect the show? I know there must be a reason but I can't think of it. The account wants us to think its the family. 

    @toxcicitea is the account

    They can do anything now. Deep fakes

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  11. 2 hours ago, General Days said:

    But there are ways to respect the guidelines. I don't have to deadname (i.e. use the name Kody and Meri gave to their only biological child together) Leon, in order to note that Paedon did. I can even say that, by deadnaming Leon, Paedon seems to be rejecting their identity and disrespecting their wishes.

    Too many landmines surrounding this issue. I'm not getting banned. I shouldn't have posted.

    • Hugs 2
  12. 22 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

    I didn't watch the video, but from the description I don't know of another way to interpret it. Could you please explain?

    On another note. I wouldn't put too much weight in Paedon's shit talk. He was raised by professional truth stretchers and outright liars. I'm sure his suffers from my fish was this big syndrome.

    I can't explain without breaking the "rules".

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  13. On 4/21/2022 at 9:50 PM, ninjago said:

    What in the hell is Martina freaking Navratilova doing on this POS show, lurking around in the background nervously while these idiots yammer along and ignore her?  She's a legend!

    She could at least wash her hair or even just brush it

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  14. 43 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

    Skittles is a game played in British pubs on a table like shuffleboard. Small bowling pins are used...thus the reference to beer (pub).

    That makes a lot more sense. Because beer and skittles don't go well together. IMO.

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  15. 18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

    Unless, Kody is faking a lot of his bizarre behavior, I wonder if he might have something wrong….I mean really wrong.  Like maybe he needs a full neurological work up.  When he was debating over going into the ER….I thought it might have been a good idea. , but not for covid. There are some neurological disorders that cause people to lose it, like he’s been doing. Even a vitamin deficiency can cause cognition issues.  He might have been annoying before, but this is to a whole other level. Plus, Janelle talked about things she told him, yet he has no memory if it. Plus,  forgetting birthdays, forgetting kids ages, mixing up what he’s said before and to whom, emotional outbursts, depression, etc…….it should be checked out.  

    Sounds like menopause. 

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  16. 10 hours ago, Cetacean said:

    Again, that all depends on zoning laws.  I live in a rural area but on a lake and our township laws require at least 1200 square feet in any new build.  And living quarters above a garage are not allowed. 

    These morons seem to think "it's my land so I can do whatever I want" but that's not the way it usually plays out.  Flag is so upscale that I'm sure they are pretty strict about things.  I wouldn't think the neighbors would appreciate overlooking a tiny house from their million dollar homes.

    You can't have living space above the garage? Most two-story homes utilize the garage roofline to add living space. I have a ranch with a loft above the garage. My old house had my master bedroom above the garage and that was a suburban box mansion. 

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