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Posts posted by zxy556575

  1. My favorite purchase last year was a small digital room thermometer: "See! The temperature may be low but it's still too freaking humid in here!"

    It supports my expensive decision to turn on the A/C during the (nominally) winter months in Florida.

    • Love 3
  2. My personal animosity towards Sarandon prohibits me from watching, but I'm debating whether or not that boycott extends to reading the forums. Hm. It's a classic Lenten dilemma.

    • Love 11
  3. It was fun seeing Amber in that Detroiters clip! This is selfish, but I hope she doesn't get so successful elsewhere that she leaves the show any time soon. I enjoy all her bits.

    Which reminds me, I guess Michelle Wolf has now moved permanently to The Daily Show as writer and correspondent?

    I could have done without the Jennifer Lopez/shit your pants skit, but they can't all be hits. (I was going to say "winners" except that word is ruined now.)

  4. Any other hitchhikers? My friends and I used to thumb rides to the beach in the summers, even though we had access to cars. Didn't want to bother with crowded beach parking. I'd also hitch to high school if I didn't feel like walking or riding my bike. This was in the suburbs of the Santa Clara Valley, so not a small town. There were a couple of times when a driver tried to paw me, but I just got out when the car was stopped at a light. Did not think anything of it!

    I was also in the habit of picking up hitchhikers when I was driving. This was in the 70s and a lot of them looked like Haight Ashbury rejects. Not a problem!

    Before seat belts and recessed door handles, my sister and I both fell out of the car at separate times. We were on the expressway when I tumbled and it took a while for mom to double back. She later said she was afraid to look, but honestly. My sister got a concussion but I only ended up with a patch of skin scraped off my back. When I fell, my precious cowboy boots were knocked off and I blithely ran around in traffic to pick them up before going to the side of the road. Probably 8 years old or so. Mom later had the back seat door handles removed.

    Another favorite pastime was to use a magnifying glass to see who was quicker at setting dry grass on fire in open fields or our back yard. California in the summer, so not that long.

    My favorite cereal as a kid was, of all things, Grape Nuts. Four teaspoons of sugar from the bowl.

    • Love 5
  5. At around age 10, my sister and I found a parachute and I used it to jump off the roof of our (single story) house. The cleverest part was that we tied the parachute to a wooden chair and I sat in that while she pushed me over. I was bruised but not really hurt and was able to tidy everything up before mom got home. None the wiser was the underlying theme of my childhood.

    If we were specifically told not to do something -- eat (hot peppers), watch (TV shows), or listen (comedy albums), we would make it a point to do so. We'd save up our allowances to buy cherry bombs/firecrackers and go to nearby tinder-dry canyons to set them off.

    In my twenties I used to regularly drink and drive after Friday happy hour with work pals. I once mowed down a street sign but resolutely limped my car away (to another bar to continue the crawl).

    • Love 5
  6. I only heard of this when I saw it highlighted as a new forum here. I've watched five episodes and am really enjoying the atmosphere, setting, and characters, but it's a bit tiring to stay focused solely on the screen in order to read subtitles. I always have closed-captioning enabled anyway, but am used to doing other things and only glancing up every few minutes.

    I expect I'll gradually watch the rest of the series but to ease the suspense, I went ahead and read the plot summary on wiki, which does tell the ending. Relief!

    • Love 1
  7. Was Richard a used car dealer? Because the man is driving an early 2000s Rav freaking 4. Now featuring duct-taped window.

    2 hours ago, Bluedog100 said:

    Marry me, Ezra.

    It's funny to me that Richard is supposed to be the handsome one. Nuh uh.

    • Love 4
  8. Trevor hasn't stood for his opening monologue in quite a while, right? I think his skinny suits were getting too tight. ;)

    And yes to this: "Don't shoot the messenger? Maybe don't suck the messenger's dick either."

    The obvious cuts in Tapper's interview were odd. I'm going to make a point of watching the whole thing online when it's posted. I really like Tapper.

    • Love 5
  9. 4 hours ago, Quof said:

    Do you think he truly was weary, as opposed to wary? Because so many people use those words incorrectly.  

    That didn't occur to me! I'd still cling to my irritation either way. A bag that won't close is easily fixed, although the mental image of him being frightened of it pleases me.

    9 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

    On a related note, I now think you are rich because of how my mom reacted when someone in our neighborhood got Schwan's delivery service when I was growing up.

    Heh. Don't I remember that you have a cleaning service, missy? Now that's fancy!

    Schwan's is expensive, though. Like, a 28 oz container of tomato basil soup is $9.99. That's about what my local Fresh Market charges from their deli, but you know. There's always Walmart and Campbell's.

    • Love 3
  10. I've been ordering food from Schwan's delivery service for probably 10 years. I always use the freezer bag delivery option where the drivers leave everything on your doorstep. No human interaction required. Schwan's provides the freezer bags and cold packs.

    This week the driver left a note after delivery that he was "weary" of using that bag since it was difficult to close. Ahem. First of all, I had put out two bags because I had a rather large order. Secondly, I currently have six bags, all alike, and I don't necessarily pick the same one out of the pile every time.

    Basically, screw the fact that "this bag" is defective It does close and was when the driver left. Secondly, if it was damaged or if there are newer/better bags, then shitting leave me one of those to use from now on.

    I was so irritated that I write Schwan's to say I was "weary" of being their customer and would no longer be ordering from them.

    • Love 4
  11. I think I'll save this up on my DVR since I might enjoy it more as a binge. The first episodes seem to be more about showing everyone's parallel stories and background as things build to (I assume) the actual recording event. Nothing is exactly being seared into my memory and I'm apt to forget what happened watching week to week.

    I do hope the real Marion and Sam had a confirmed affair; otherwise it's just nasty gossip to put that out there.

    • Love 1
  12. I don't know why, when the Doctor found out Heller was skimming, he'd send (one of?) his con teams to infiltrate. Instead of, you know, just offing Heller. I guess it's possible the Doctor wanted proof beforehand, but Max was able to get that without all the Maddie and Sally shenanigans. And if the con team didn't even know why they were infiltrating, it makes even less sense.

    Why wasn't Sally able to leave the house after her fight with Heller? She may have been injured but ran out well enough when Maddie arrived and told her to.

    I'm another one who's suspicious of Patrick. Attractive, youngish, wealthy, charming single man just hanging around in a coffee shop with no one to love.

    • Love 10
  13. Sorry, @ethalfrida

    The show should come with a warning from the Surgeon General not to watch beyond Martin and Louisa's wedding.

    It was delightfully fun at first but turned completely dour and sad in the last season or so. I tried to be loyal, but when I ended up yelling in my head for almost every single character to SHUT UP, SHUT UP! it was time to pack it in.

    • Love 1
  14. It it funny to smush your face against a camera and say, "You, Donald Trump, are a horrible, horrible human being" while the audience screams and applauds? Is Stephen simply going for schoolyard taunts now?

    I didn't appreciate hateful, reductive slings directed at Obama or Hillary and I don't like it directed at the current administration, either. Even though I agree with the sentiment, it's still boorish.

    Get a grip, Stephen.

  15. The numerous ways this could have been prevented continue. From the Hollywood Reporter article:

    "The only two people who know the results ahead of time are the two accountants from PwC, who each have a full set of envelopes and stand in opposite wings of the theater since they don't know from which side the presenters will enter."

    Why is it completely unknown/unplanned/uncommunicated on which side each presenter would be entering?

    Jesus. Grade school presentations of Tigger's Toyland are better organized.

    • Love 10
  16. I wonder sometimes about the benefit of keeping animals in the hospital during recovery. Anyone have personal experience?

    Unless the pets need IVs, tube feedings, etc. it seems like they might be better off recuperating at home. Dr. Jeff says one of the reasons he lives upstairs from his clinic is so he can go check on animals during the night if needed, but most practices shut down after hours. We've seen several instances of, "We came in in the morning and X was dead." That maybe would have occurred at home, too ... but I guess I just feel bad for beloved pets dying alone in a crate.

    • Love 3
  17. Not many actors would be okay with having one of their cheesy movie roles* put on blast in front of this particular audience, so I have to give it up again to Matt Damon and his overall good sportitude.

    I miss the cavalcade of costumes -- remember those? Models used to strut around onstage wearing clothing from each of the nominated films.



    * Although I enjoyed that movie!

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