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Posts posted by zxy556575

  1. 3 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

    I don't pay a lot of attention to Grace's hair. To me it pretty much always looks like rich woman blond. I'm always just so impressed with Frankie's - and how beautiful Lily is at this age

    From my thinning, visible scalp perspective, I'm so freaking jealous of Lily's hair!

    • Love 8
  2. Frankie has made a few jokes about Grace being bony. The two of them poking fun at each other's idiosyncrasies and foibles makes me laugh, though, because they're always spot on.

    (Although honestly, Frankie is very thin herself.)

    • Love 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Bastet said:

    I’m surprised it took Frankie this long to embark on a crusade to rid her life of processed food.

    Right? Frankie been a junk food addict is another sitcom-y odd couple difference between her and Grace, but it doesn't really jibe with her vegetarian, holistic earth philosophies.

    • Love 9
  4. Oh my word! I just assumed the art directors or someone had whipped up those paintings -- surely the one of Grace with the martini was made for the show? And the ceramic penis fountain.

    Looking at Nancy Rosen's other work, I really do like her style. I'd totally buy some ... prints of them. I'm not in the original art-buying tax bracket.

    • Love 2
  5. 2 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

    Robert in that wig had me howling, as did the gang frantically running between house and hospital.

    I like that the ex husbands are still part of Grace & Frankie's lives, even if peripherally. Like, there's no question that Sol will go to the hospital when Frankie falls ill, or that the guys will come to the aid of the women when they're laid out on the floor. There are 40 years of marital history there and I appreciate that the four of them have worked their way to civil, and even friendly, relationships.

    But I could not care less about the musical and associated shenanigans. A conniving understudy and accidentally spilling a drink on a caricature of a homophobe protestor ... not absorbing drama. As good an actor as Martin Sheen can be, I think he's the weakest link on the show. I've never bought him as being crazy in love with Sol, or even gay, because he comes off as so unnatural and awkward in the role.

    • Love 8
  6. 6 hours ago, EarlGreyTea said:

    Frankie clearly has a warm relationship with her boys, but Grace's girls can't fully....I don't know the word. Grace has put up more a wall with them over the years, and now that she's divorced, can't fully let their relationship thaw.

    I really like that Grace isn't the stereotypical grandmother fawning over/living for the grandkids, either. It's consistent with her character and is also a point of view we don't see much in entertainment.

    • Love 9
  7. My sister and I used to stay with our dad in San Francisco every other weekend. At the time, he was pretty alcoholic-y. One Sunday when I was around five, he took us to the Marina for an outing. He fell asleep and I fell off the dock into the oily water. I knew how to swim but some passing dude had to jump in and haul me out.

    Another weekend dad felt the need to stop at one of his favorite bars. He left us in the car, saying he'd be right back. That wasn't true and my sister and I ended up wailing because we both had to pee. Passers-by took note and called the police, who took us to the station and called our mother. Pretty sure Dad got an earful.

    My parents were fun drunks and I really enjoyed my freedom and independence as a child, but it wasn't what you'd call safe.

    • Love 3
  8. What a great episode! I was jiggly with excitement at seeing Gaga mingle with the queens. Their dawning realization was really fun to watch.

    Ru did a good psych-out with her announcement making it seem like she was going to change the pageant winner.

    Am I supposed to be moved or impressed by Peppermint being transgender? For purposes of the show, she's just another contestant to me.

    Totally in love with Sasha and her perfect makeup so far.

    • Love 1
  9. I give the series a C- overall. I never warmed to Danny or understood what his goals were. The fights were lackluster and character development for everyone was haphazard and inconsistent. There were too many head snapping changes about who the bad guys were. Nothing made me care about any of them. The biggest sin was managing to make Claire tedious and whiny.

    I really enjoyed the other three series, so maybe my expectations were too high going in.

    • Love 3
  10. Jimmy is, for the most part, genuinely entranced by the goofballs and nerds of the world and it shows in his interviews. I'm sure I've said it here before that I think he's the best interviewer of all the late night hosts. He's also adept at making small talk with people Sal rounds up for street bits or during a big board segment with viewers.

    My beef with Jimmy lately is that he hasn't visited the barber shop in a while! He's great in the remote pieces.

    Does anyone know what happened to Adelina, the security guard who used to be featured a lot? She sat outside Jimmy's office, mostly eating all day, and the staff used to prank her a lot.

  11. I'm still an unabashed fan of TBBT and Sheldon so am looking forward to this. We haven't seen a kid in an adult world since Doogie Houser, right? Plenty of scope for various plot lines. I hope they devote sufficient time to Sheldon being a child in college instead of focusing only on his home life.

    Looking forward to the two other siblings being "dumb as soup."

    • Love 4
  12. I think of the kids the same way I do the husbands, which is that I mostly only care about them when they're interacting with G&F or their actions affect them in some way. The storylines on their own are kind of meh.

    • Love 7
  13. I thought Sol was being self-involved again explaining the mustard painting, but as usual, he knows Frankie very well.

    I enjoyed the way the woman who bought Frankie's painting was styled. It was perfect "plus size senior citizen by J.C. Penney" including the ugly polyester print and necklace attached as part of the blouse.

    • Love 4
  14. 5 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    But remember back when it was exciting to go to the mailbox, because there might be a letter from a friend?

    Maybe I remember? Like when it was my birthday and I might be getting money. ;)

    There are community mail stations where I live now, so I have to freakin drive to get the mail. (Well, it's three blocks, but still.)

    A couple more:

    - The company I'm working for as an independent contractor sent me the wrong 1099 tax form. I asked their accountant for an amended one on FEBRUARY 9 and still haven't received a reply. Now I'm emailing her every three days or so, adding higher level managers to the cc list each time. Jeez, woman.

    - I went to Walmart, did my grocery shopping and proceeded to check out, only to be told that all the registers were down. This is not the first time this has happened to me there. Yes, we all suffer under the whims of our electronic overlords, but what I don't understand is why Walmart can't post staff at the door to alert customers that the store is effectively closed. At least that way I would have wasted a trip but not the additional 20 minutes filling my cart.

    • Love 1
  15. I never really processed what a nightmare grocery stores are until we started listing all our peeves. Maybe it's because we do it on such a regular basis.

    Anyway, the bagging person. When they offer to help me out with my groceries, I always say no thank you. THAT IS MY FINAL ANSWER, Regis. Don't continue asking me if I'm sure, reiterating how heavy the bags are, saying it's no trouble, etc. Today after saying no three times, I looked at the guy and told him he was making me uncomfortable.

    Like, are there really a ton of customers who are just fronting by saying no and who want nothing more than to be sweet-talked into accepting a walk out to their car?

    • Love 3
  16. 2 minutes ago, Temperance said:

    I'm also unsure what criteria we're voting on with the tweets anyway. (Are the tweets the silliest, most memorable, most outrageous, or most offensive, etc.?)

    Yeah, it seems to be up for interpretation. I switched between most offensive and most ridiculous. My prediction: the one about a president being impeached for incompetence will win.

    • Love 2
  17. 3 hours ago, ari333 said:

    Huge peeve. Chain letters in any form, emails, real letters... HATE.

    I'll go you one better because I hate all postal mail. It's bothersome!

    I have my bills, banking stuff, insurance notices, etc. set to paperless delivery. I sign up online to opt out of all advertising and take the time to individually write or call to remove myself from other mailing lists* and catalogs. I typically get only 5-6 pieces of mail a week, mostly to Resident. It all goes directly in the recycling bin, but I wish companies would stop wasting trees and money on me.



    * It's especially annoying when I make a charitable donation and the organization takes that as permission to constantly re-solicit me.

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