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Everything posted by umgoblue

  1. You are thinking about all wrong...that was your appetizer.
  2. SIX Eggo waffles!! Now I can't lie...when I was growing up, Eggo waffles were as big as a plate. Now? Not so much. A saucer, at best.
  3. I look up and all I see is blurred out twat...this is going to be interesting! Everybody strap in!!! (or everyone talks so slowly it will be boring. I guess the jury is still out.)
  4. Evening, Pounders! Eating habit: a taco and cream of wheat (don't ask)
  5. @Pepper Mostly Watch me model proper Pounder behavior... Twopper - check your mail, I sent you a note so you wouldn't be left behind. Hahahahhahaha! Seriously, you didn't miss much, except great company!
  6. With the robot, they can remain in their hometowns and he can do the surgery from Houston. But where we will get our traveling drah-mah?!?
  7. Thanks for reminding me that you left me behind, Pep!!! Ha! Y'all were trucking along and no one said. where the hell is umgoblue? You know she is always late, missing episodes and shit. We better go get her lagging ass. I never know when the season starts.
  8. I love that the gang is back togther, but this is a BORING episode. Right out of the box...
  9. My focus was lost in her cooch and I spent all my time trying to find it.
  10. He could lose that with a daily shit over four months. No effort.
  11. Ya see Dr. Now said 50#/month...but he really didn't mean EACH month. But over all the months. IDIOT
  12. They hug... a lot! At least 29 minutes of the episode is devoted to random hugging.
  13. He is being ghosted before he even leaves town! Black screen of death ditch: Geno kept calling Jess to no avail. Her number is currently disconnected.
  14. Here we go with the trusting the love with a relationship that is two minutes old.
  15. Is it Geno's?!?!?!? (He found that with his weight loss, too??)
  16. Losing 55 pounds..leads to..Gaining confidence..leads to..Getting a little nookie...leads to...losing HIS MIND! Glad his cousin called him out on his shit!
  17. Leaving his mother at home is the best decision he has made, besides initially going to Houston to eat Dr. Now.
  18. I am trying to count the amount of calories burned when the ball comes directly in front you and all you do is flick your hands....5 calories/hour. Low yield!
  19. They're cousins...Identical morbidly obese, cousins all the way...🎶
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