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Everything posted by beeble

  1. This is an interesting point: I hope the show resolves it. I will say that I teach ESL and people have different ears for accents. Some people can keep a very heavy accent while others drop theirs fairly quickly. There really isn't a standard. BUT: for Don to have the clearance that he has for the work that he does, he may have to have been born in the US. I'm just guessing here, of course, but I don't know what the Reagan administration's policy was on that.
  2. I was 14 in 1983 and while I didn't watch The Day After, I remember it as a fairly big event. It wasn't on the level of Roots, which was a phenomenon, but it struck me as a big deal. Kids talked about it the next day but nobody seemed traumatized. Then again, our city was industrial and had been hit really hard by the recession so theoretical freak outs were just that: theoretical. Reality was a little harsher. Did people really buy the movie "Sophie's Choice" just to keep around for a relaxing video-watching evening? That should have been a clue to Elizabeth that she's not dealing with average people here. I think we're meant to look at Elizabeth's actions as one that takes a toll on her but I had a hard time being sympathetic. I am tired of her #1 weapon being her foxiness (and #2 being her inexplicable super-human strength). Elizabeth has become unlikeable. She's not just a product of her upbringing. She's cold and nearly amoral. I think she's lost Paige ("Because of YOUR actions, YOU have to live a lie and report on Pastor Tim" - um, no, because of bad parenting, Paige is now under ridiculous stress) and I don't see her carrying any emotional burdens the way Philip does even though we're meant to think she does. I would really like it if this assignment actually blew up in her face.
  3. That slap was fun but really out of character for Diane. Kurt is the one who hurt her, not Alicia. Diane would have done the exact same thing had the shoe been on the other foot. But damn, it was fun to watch. Can we have a spin-off about Diane seeking revenge on everyone who has ever hurt her? Jason will show up again, just not as a permanent fixture. So is Grace now stuck in Chicago for a year? If I were the child of a self-centered politician who'd hurt my family over and over, I would pull a Zach and high-tail it out of there right after high school graduation. And yes, I'd take the memoir class.
  4. I freaking love that while everybody, FBI, KGB, and the audience are all completely tense and on edge. The teenagers, however, are just kicking back and drinking like they're in a Richard Linklater film.
  5. On the upside, Sansa finally made a good decision. Dany, out of one pickle and into another. Melisandre to the rescue wasn't what I'd had in mind for Jon Snow. She doesn't have the best track record.
  6. I will miss Desi's ridiculousness. He's pretty hilarious as a character.(As a human, he's awful). But Charlie! I want to know about his fall - Christopher Abbott did a wonderful job here. I was just enthralled by how much Charlie had changed for the worse, and how Marnie could see it but preferred to bury her head in the sand. I used to find Charlie so freaking obnoxious in his preciousness. So many lost souls on this show. Marnie's next plot line: dealing with ringworm, Hep C, and an eating disorder. That girl is not healthy skinny. I don't mean to shame AW but crap almighty, she looked like she had literally been starving.
  7. I didn't either because Diane is awesome. But i hate the inside joke that there are oodles of amazing musical theatre people who walk in and out of this show, some of whom are regulars, and NEVER show off their chops to the rest of the world. So I really, really wanted Christine Baranski to launch into some Sondheim with Megan Hilty doing some non-Smashy stuff. Seriously. Lin Manuel Miranda is probably going to appear as a witness expert soon and Daveed Diggs will play a humorless investigator from neighboring Indiana who shows up to do something underwritten and boring while Nathan Lane goes back to playing the dreary guy who decides how much to pay people.
  8. I like that Peter is still corrupt but I really don't care about the details of his case. Just bring in Larry David to "Yada yada" the whole procedure. Did you get what part of the episode was aboot? It's aboot Canada! It's aboot how the US can't compare! I think I figured that oot on the third aboot. Luka's right - those are cute hats. Did not-Snowdon actually cross into US territory when he crossed the yellow line? He was clearly back in Canada when he crossed back, and I don't know what the rules are for that. I don't think back seat with your brother rules ("This is MY space, this is YOUR space, and the arm rest is no-man's land") are applicable here. That allowed my brother to reach over into my space whenever he thought there might be even the slightest transgression into his sacred territory, which, like the Toronto airport, included no-man's land.
  9. Oleg is by far, for me, the most interesting character on this show. The actor is just riveting whether he is speaking Russian or English. And he doesn't have to do silly spy things like wear a wig and pretend to be someone he isn't. He just shows incredible depth with his characterization, even in complete silence. I think he's the best actor on the show. Emmy nominators: notice this guy! Philip finds comfort in his kids and he can relax around them. And yet...he should have noticed Henry's absence just a little sooner. That always bugs me. Our kid is hanging out at the FBI agent's house...again. Henry is so clearly in need of attention - I get that everyone is stressed out but this is essentially parental neglect. And speaking of Stan, WTF is up with his kid? That is one creepy teenager. (But even he thought Henry's behavior was weird) Maybe this is wishful thinking, but I think Martha might have some reservoirs of strength. She didn't get her job by simply taking a typing class. She is smart. She'll figure out soon enough that "Clark" doesn't work for that agency he claims to, simply by realizing that their office budget couldn't possibly be that high for one guy to spy on FBI counter-terrorism. He's only supposed to root out internal affair indiscretions, most likely with budget screw ups. At some point she has to figure out that he's going well above and beyond what any bureaucratic oversight agent would do. (Of course, her world is crashing around her and she probably can't think straight. I'm sure Valium and scotch will clear that head of hers right up.) (Oh - and where the hell is this agency when it comes to checking out Carrie in Homeland? Clark - you're needed on another show) I don't think Stan and Aderholt have permission to hold a Martha stakeout. Doesn't anybody follow rules anymore?
  10. Oh Nina. I gasped. What a sad, lonely, and needlessly bureaucratic death. Oleg will disavow his father for this. Martha - good gravy, where did those acting chops come from? She must know he knows, but he doesn't know she knows he knows. Anyway, I'd give Agent Aderholt a date anytime. Stan was feeling the major ick as he looked at the Kama Sutra, then looked at her bed, then back at the book. This was a good episode for the actors. Good stuff all around. (Although casting could've tried just a little bit harder to find an actress who looked more like a young Keri Russell. That girl looked nothing like Felicity.)
  11. It's just so fitting that the FBI director would lose his shit over the xerox machine. The copier is always the center of the bureaucratic shit-storm. I work in a school and access to the copier is essentially the ring of power. Is Glanders airborne? Or transferred via bodily fluids? Does it matter? Nah. It's gross and makes you bleed from gross places. As long as Dylan Baker hangs out I'm fine with the Vague Virus. Ruthie Ann Miles is awesome. (Watch her sing "Something Wonderful" on YouTube and you'll cry) I hope there is more to her than meets the eye. Surely the show wouldn't hire a Tony-winning actress just to play generic "Korean wife of important dude." Pastor Tim is certainly thinking that he can save the Jennings from their Soviet ways leading him to attempt a conversion, because Jesus is awesome, yada yada yada. Poor guy has zero clue what he's up against, even when Paige spelled it out for him. Paige may not be stupid (like her dad said) but Tim is. I'm completely lost on what's going on with Nina. Her life was shit, and now it's worse...so...yeah. She was morally compromised but sympathetic to start with. Now she is less morally compromised I think, but...I don't know.
  12. I always miss these things!! And yes - I'm super fortunate. I bought tickets the day they went on sale for a NYC trip happening three months later.
  13. Who did he play in this episode?? I love Leslie Odom! I actually got to see Hamilton and thought he was amazing. I would love that whole cast to show up.
  14. If Eli goes to jail he'll either die on the first day or he'll end up running the place.
  15. When Alicia said, "Peter, you're always getting indicted," I laughed out loud because I was thinking the same thing. Marissa can handle herself in a courtroom but she obviously doesn't want to put her dad in jail. Still, I kind of wish she and Eli had called Will Schuester's bluff just to have her on camera more often because she's all kinds of awesome. I wish Lin Manuel-Miranda had time to play a prosecutor on this show.
  16. Thanks for that. I wonder if that was/is standard procedure. But don't these people have to pass background tests? I assumed that's what those tests are for, so that the FBI doesn't have to spend valuable resources tailing people every now and then. I'm guessing there were a lot of people working here, and level 3 clearance for stupid, sexy Glanders was pretty significant clearance, meaning that William was deemed an OK guy. But ok, I'll accept this was the rule. New questions: When will Stan have William-watching duty? When will he see Philip talking to him? I also really like Dylan Baker as an actor and hope that his character gets to seep into P and E's lives.
  17. Stupid Glanders. Go away. That is the most intense Chekov's gun in recent memory. I still don't get this: Elizabeth did not have permission to visit her mother in East Berlin but she did it anyway...how? The Centre is pissed at her, according to Gabriel. This mother thing isn't going away. William was born in the USSR and made into a spy, a la Philip and Elizabeth. Now he works in US gov't science stuff but is being tailed by the FBI! Um, shouldn't that be a warning to the KGB, that one of their own is getting the side-eye by the local officials? Shouldn't they just tell him to lie low? And Philip, in front of God and everyone, decides to just have an unwigged talk with him! Ugh! Carelessness drives me nuts.
  18. Before we talk of killing more wigs, please remember that it's only 1983. Hair is going to get much, much worse before it gets better. Both Elizabeth and Philip have to wear headbanger wigs before this is all over.
  19. Oh why couldn't Kit Harrington have played Gwen's husband? Then she could have glared at Mary after her "You had every opportunity" comment to say "You know nothing, Lady Crowley." Matthew Goode looked seriously in need of a sandwich or two. I predict that Anna will have two sort-of emergencies and one whammo of an emergency that will require the Crowley's to put others' needs before their own, before she gives birth to a baby boy, whom she will name Bates Crowley Bates.
  20. By "again" I meant that he's no virgin, but yes, it was way back in 1912 that he had any fun at all.
  21. Because everyone must think of Alicia first when encountering stressful situations. That storyline made me freaking hate her. He told his dad. And Alicia was upset that news of it would hurt her campaign. I have politicians in my family (small potatoes, comparatively) and they are seriously self-centered enough to do the same thing. This week, the way everyone was confused and trying to figure shit out made me miss Kalinda. She would have found dirt on the whole state of Iowa and gotten 99% of the counties for Peter. Seriously. She she may have become a cartoon but she got shit done.
  22. She'd kill everyone! But at least Thomas might get laid again. Poor guy is too hot to go without as long as he has.
  23. It doesn't have to happen all in one night. But I definitely think they ought to claim some ownership of that house and estate they've so willingly served all these years.
  24. Obviously. I was being sarcastic. Mary was mocking Edith for calling the flat Greyson left to her hers. Hence the remark.
  25. Carson and Hughes ought to raid the scotch cabinet, get properly buzzed, talk a little dirty, and then just go for it in the library. Then in the back seat of the car. Then under a portrait of one of the former Lords of the Manor. Then in Mary's den-of-sin bed. Then head over to Violet's house and start over again. And don't mention warts ever again.
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