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They wouldn’t even need to make anything for the next gen. They are all over the media and we know more about them then we want to.
True but I was more referring to the public expecting some emotion from her. I don't necessarily disagree with her stance on Diana. The people were in a frenzy and the Queen sees herself as having to maintain that stiff upper lip, I understand that. I think she still could have managed it better to avoid it getting as bad as it did.
It was sad watching the Queen dealing with Philips funeral plans. I think she would have liked to spend the time in a happier manner. I found this finale to be an anti climax and a bit of a filler ep where not a great deal happened.
It was so funny watching Mou Mou spit the dummy and vent about the Royals. After so long trying to weasel his way in and losing his son in the process the Royals are now racist and Dracula's and the British people backward because the Egyptians built the pyramids. Sums him up quite well. A spoiled naive millionaire who still wanted more.
This was another ep that I felt I had seen many times over in other movies. For a moment when the Queen had all the special staff attend and explain their jobs I thought she was looking a little incredulous at some of their job descriptions and titles. And then I realized she was actually in admiration! I understand the history but someone employed just to fold napkins? It is funny watching this with hindsight as it seemed Blair was a national hero for a few minutes. Also hearing his plans to guide G W Bush as he believed he was now the "Senior Partner". Yeah, no worries.
Surely Charles can't be so stunted emotionally? The best thing he could have done would just to spend time with William or let him know he is there for him if he ever wanted to talk. The way he keeps pushing it would make me uncomfortable too, then when William expresses anger he argues rather than listening. It was mostly a boring ep. William the reluctant pin up boy, oh the horrors.
I lived through this period but didn't pay a lot of attention to any of it. I did however feel like I was watching a number of films which contained segments of Diana's death. So this ep was a little boring for me as I felt I had seen it all before. Mou Mou is a bore, losing a son due to his games and yet all he can think about is playing more games hoping that this time, he will weasel his way into "The Firm". I don't think mentioning previous events is verboten, so... it seems the Queen didn't learn much since the ep in another season where there was a landslide or mine collapse and killed those school children. People wanted her to show some emotion with that as well.
Precisely, she was playing a game against people who had centuries of training at it and infinite advisors and support. In the end she was just a naive woman who thought the love of (some) of the public and some celebrities would be enough. Di also seemed like a care free party girl who lacked the discipline to wage her own war.
I didn't care either and did nightshift the day she died. Most people I knew were totally over her way before her death. Diana did however play the media a lot and was their darling. I think she was getting the blame because "Mou Mou" was really a non entity to them even though they were aware of him as he tried to ingratiate himself into their sphere.He really just didn't matter enough to them to even blame him. I have always been skeptical about Diana and even when she did charity work it seemed to be all about herself and image. I don't think Charles was into the idea of the photo as portrayed in the ep.
I think he was a social climber who wanted to ingratiate himself into the Royal family thinking it would lift his profile and they weren't impressed by him. The Royals may be many things but they aren't stupid when it comes to these things. For me the actor is too masculine looking and strong. Charles is more on the weedy side. The actor does a good job with the speech and mannerisms though. The odd thing about Dodi is his fiance in real life and the show is far better looking than Diana. I have always been very skeptical about Diana and her antics.
At this point is there anyone who doesn't already know the story? Not to mention the last film about Elvis was terrible.
Anyone seen the new eps yet? I tend to have it on in the background as it has run it's course but something about it doesn't make me want to say goodbye yet!!
Watching this show again and still enjoying it. I was very late to the series anyway first time viewing was 2021! It still holds up well given it is 20 years old now. Despite having seen it before I don't remember it 100% so was surprised Chris Keller (ick!) turns up as early as Season 2, I thought that was later on. Happy the Felix storyline didn't last very long. Up to Season 4 at the moment. Lucas is embracing his writing now that basketball is no longer possible. Dan murdering Keith is still an amazing story line for me, no cameras, no one suspects anything? How does Dan get (or Keith) get into the school given the cops had already surrounded it by the time Dan got there. The show is pure fantasy, I know and it only gets crazier after Lucas and Peyton leave. I would have liked to see them do more with the Goth Girl Glenda Farrell she seemed interesting and a nice balance against the more glam girls of the shows. Watching the show it is like they had several ideas of how it should work and decided to go with all of them! And how many psychopaths can one town have! I always got the impression Nathan married her so they could have sex. Haley was adamant about no sex before marriage.
Herman and all the boobs who run the bar and come up with silly money making schemes? Yep. The Chief lacks the charisma to carry the show and Kelly needs an equal guy pal. Just don't bring back Gabby!
I like TV shows and films involving cowboys and rodeo's etc so I thought I would check this one out. I just couldn't get into it. The characters/actors all feel better suited to an urban environment and the overall show feels very confused. Almost like what they really wanted was another city based soap/drama but someone insisted it had to be set in the world of rodeo complete with fashion industry side story. A lack of authenticity.