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990 Excellent-
Krysten does remind me of one of my friends who has thyroid problems. She used to have issues with her eyes being “bulgy” but meds have really helped her out. It was Stacia with her feet on the bed. I thought the same thing. So gross!
I have a really unpopular opinion about Deepti. I keep seeing posts on Instagram and other media outlets with people expressing how beautiful she is and I’m sorry but she’s not cute. She’s pretty rough looking. One of the first things one of my friends said about her when watching it was “wow, she had Shrek’s nose!” So I’m not sure why she’s suddenly being compared to Megan Markle and being hailed as a great beauty. That said, she’s a lovely person and I’m glad she dumped that jerk Shake. But, let’s be realistic here…she’s no looker. Also, this show should cast more average Joe types. I’d like to see how blind love truly is. Let’s get some more heavier people or some more physically odd looking folk. Most of the cast are all fairly decent looking so of course they will give it a shot.
S14.E11: Worst. Dinner Party. Ever!
Airy2021 replied to Emma Snyder's topic in Married At First Sight
I agree. I have so many apps on my phone that should be deleted. Including dating apps I haven’t opened or used in literal years. I’m just lazy about deleting things on my phone. O needs to calm the F down. -
S14.E10: Mighty Mighty Boston Bonds
Airy2021 replied to Emma Snyder's topic in Married At First Sight
I'm so confused by Steve. How much money does he have saved to live off of? Why apply for a show to get married and follow through with the marriage if you have no income and no intention of contributing financially to the union? He seems like a nice guy and I would totally be all for him living his life how he wants and just being a vagabond living on his savings if he was single but he's coming across as irresponsible on tv. Are we missing something? Is he planning to work and we just aren't hearing more about it and Noi wants him working ASAP when he is more comfy living on his savings? It's sort of confusing and weird but I still like them together. Olaj and his giant forehead need to just get off the screen. He's so chauvenistic and bizarre with the "COOK FOR ME! CLEAN FOR ME!" stuff. What year is it?!?!?! I'm done with him. Katina should RUN! Michael and Jasmina are so boring. They make me actually long for Alyssa back and that's saying something. I can't stand her...even though she's a good f*cking person. Lyndsey makes me uncomfortable. That's all. -
Where does O get this antiquated vision of a wife from??? Most wives nowadays work. Is he really expecting her to work, come home from work and cook and clean while he just gets waited on???? Marriage is 50/50. This isn’t 1950 anymore. Now, if she was a stay at home wife with no job I would say she would have more household duties on her shoulders but that’s not the case here so O needs to chill. This is married at first sight not Housekeepers At First Sight. He needs to get a grip and realize it’s 2022 and women are no longer relegated to housework.
I could have sworn Katina called it Semen. I did a double take at the screen.
Shaina truly is a horrible person. She says she’s a Christian yet she’s backstabbing, manipulative and totally selfish. She doesn’t want Shane. She just wants to stir up drama because someone else took a guy she could have had a fling with. Also, if she’s so Christian why was she so sexually forward with Shane in the pod dates talking about how she can have sex more then 5 times a day and she’s fine with public sex and stuff. Isn’t sex before marriage kind of a sin???? She needs to reevaluate Christianity and the Bible she says she loves so much and maybe not be so promiscuous??? It’s like these people who are so anti-gay yet all they do is sleep around, drink, curse and treat everyone around them like crap. Such great examples of what a Christian should be. 🙄🙄🙄 side note: I don’t agree with that because I’m agnostic but I hate hypocrisy and so called “Christians” who only become Christian when it suits them.
I was shocked to learn that people who had seen Alyssa’s social media noted that her past boyfriends were fairly good looking with six pack abs. How?!? She’s not even cute. She has no chin!
It's so frustrating hearing people dead set on a specific number of kids. My super religious cousin wanted FIVE kids when she got married and after two she had her husband snip snipped. The two were enough! It's so much hard work and it's expensive. Maybe Noi will realize that someday but she's got some sort of fixation on three kids. Marriage is about compromise. If Steve only wants two kids maybe that's a good number to come together on?
S14.E06: Dark Side of the Honeymoon
Airy2021 replied to CSunshine76's topic in Married At First Sight
They said he could come off as condescending and she ran with that. It was ridiculous. I actually laughed that she chose to use that as an excuse not to spend the night with him. Girl, just be honest…you think he’s fugly and you don’t want to be near him! She’s so full of crap. It’s insane. It’s a shame because she’s honestly on his level as far as looks go. She acts like she’s some sort of second coming of Kim Kardashian yet she’s missing a chin, yet somehow has a double chin and has horrific lip injections and buggy eyes. She needs a reality check. -
S14.E06: Dark Side of the Honeymoon
Airy2021 replied to CSunshine76's topic in Married At First Sight
I think he knows what she's after at this point. Which is to get screen time as a jilted bride while living for free in the apartment they are given. She wants him to dump her so she is portrayed as the victim. She wants him to cave and say, "This is over. I want a divorce." so she can say, "See! I tried! He didn't try!" and keep acting like Chris has been some horrible person this entire time. I think she is going to hang on until the end and drive him to saying he wants a divorce just so she can claim she "tried" which is such a joke. She's a HORRIBLE person. She walks away from any conversation she doesn't want to take part in like she's 12 years old. It's disgusting. Her parents should be ashamed of raising such a crappy person. -
So true. She’s a dickhead. I cant stand her. She had a terrible attitude and she should never have signed up for this show.
Amen!! It shows how classless and immature she is. She hates Chris for no reason other then the fact that he was matched with her and he doesn’t fit her physical criteria for a mate. She’s a snotty brat and she needs to just go away. I feel terrible for Chris. He should seriously just leave and tell the show he’s done being gaslit and put down by that awful woman. The producers are definitely drawing things out when they should just let it go and put us all out of our misery with this couple.
Omg I laughed so hard at that. One of my favorite movies!!
I would have more respect for Alyssa if she just said to Chris “I have zero attraction to you and this will never work.” But, instead she has to act like she’s the victim of a prank and blame everything on the guy who literally is in just as bad of a situation, if not worse, then her. It’s not gonna work. She needs to just tell him and leave. We don’t need to be subjected to footage of them doing solo activities when we know it’s a waste of time and they aren’t going to work out. It’s like that season with Mindy and Zach. Such a waste of time. He wasn’t into her at all from the start and it dragged on and was like torture to watch.