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Everything posted by WoofDCC

  1. Hannah just posted a retrospective from tears to triumph. So happy she didn't let the DCC cut break her. We're rooting for you Hannah. https://www.instagram.com/p/CShmvnhF05S/
  2. Madeline S and Tori!! Yay! To me last season was an anomaly with girls applying who in an ordinary world would not apply as they are more interested in dance careers... oh hello, Alora. The fact that Tori came back and this is Madeline S' third time applying shows their dedication to DCC.
  3. I thought Lemonbus or some insider said Tori (whom I love) did a terrible solo and the comment from the judge about not 'don't ever let her do hop hop again' was actually said about Tori and not Meredith as aired.
  4. I'm starting to see Claire as a future point. She's transformed herself in a year. 3 more years and I could see her as point.
  5. We should take it as a sign that she's a queen who slays and.... Kelli, girl bye! 😇
  6. Until I see Madeline S on the team, I won't believe she made it. It's the perfect dramatic cut for Kelli in the 11th hour. Nice me says: Kelli leaves Madeline to the 11th hour to give her every chance to make the team. Cynic me says: Kelli leaves Madeline to the 11th hour for the drama of it.
  7. Noooo. Dang. If there was any year for her to make it, this would be it. Everything went in her favor.
  8. Madeline S, you hang in there, girl. We're rooting for you.
  9. Kelli isn't in hair and make up and I don't see a film crew...?
  10. Doesn't Claire's IG story prove it's NOT Kristin? Her vanity area is in the background and someone who looks very like her is standing in the mirror. Also based on these numbers.... could Madeline S be making it this year? C'Mon TPTB, she's the legacy we all need.
  11. There is so much drama this season, they better NOT make it an 8 episode season. Give us the 15 episode season we deserve.
  12. Justice for Hannah. Made SG right out of TC.
  13. I want to make a point on being an "insider" as I was one once. Not for DCC. For another show years ago. I was an intern who's boss certified content for parental ratings etc. So I'd know what would happen before anything aired. My point is an insider doesn't have to be someone who is literally working 9-5 inside the DCC HQ or someone who IS a DCC. They could be someone for example who archives the dailies everyday for DCCMT producers and editors to work on later and so they can take a sneak at the uncut footage themselves. An insider can be ANYONE. And sometimes, as in my position, the further away you are from the likes of Kelli and Charlotte, the more emboldened you feel as you are 3 degrees of separation from the show and no one knows who you are. And a point about TPTB being on forums in disguise and leaking misinformation to 'keep fans guessing'. I was once an extra on a movie that the fans were rabid about spoilers and leaks. Reading the forums, the fans WERE CONVINCED that the producers, director etc were infiltrating the forums. And... it could not have been further from the truth. The movie people were concerned about making a movie and not some forum on the internet... it was the last thing on their minds. The same thing happens on sleuth detective forums, they are always convinced that the murderer has secretly infiltrated the forum. So my point is, Shelly is just Shelly doing her thing and I'm grateful for her. She is highly unlikely to have multiple accounts and seeding misinformation. Why? See above. This is a pattern of behavior that all forums go through.
  14. DC has been announced as the feature team for HBO's Hard Knocks. Which means if they cover DCC it will be the un polished Kelli and Charlotte producer's cut of DCC.
  15. I'm nervous for Madeline S but rooting for her. Didnt kelly say she was in her mother's year but didnt remember her mother?
  16. Big name would be point IMO. Rachel W.
  17. I thought you said vets and legit nearly died.
  18. No news on Claire Doolin?
  19. If it's true and one of those rookies is retiring after 1 year... and 3 vets got cut last year so she could get one of their spots... Girl, bye.
  20. Is it some Texas magic that Charlotte being in a new relationship isnt news anywhere?
  21. That's a shame. She was a great dancer. I guess a future in onlyfans is the only option. I don't get it.😞
  22. Favorite RedHeads Hannah Holly P Meredith Oden- That time she taught the kickline 😄 Fave brunettes Bridget Molly Brianna Favorite Blondes Kashara Lexie Brennan Cianna
  23. I could only imagine TPTB putting the tattoo girl through to finals for the conflict and drama of her having body tattoos.
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