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Posts posted by bagert

  1. If Pamela is killed off, it's a sign that they plan to cancel the Barnes-Ewing feud for lack of competitors on the Barnes side (would be down to just Cliff, and Ken Kercheval  is regrettably looking pretty old).

    • Love 1
  2. I can't wait for announcer guy.


    You mean to say, "The role of Jason Morgan is now being played by..."?


    Olbrecht's comments point to Mikkos Cassadine being Nathan's father, since it's not Victor or Faison.  It would have to have from preserved sperm though, since Mikkos died in 1981 and Nathan is not that old.

  3. But watch it be Anne and then they put Bobby with Tracey McKay. Melinda Clarke seems too high profile for just one episode.

    Well, you'll notice from the press release that Tracey is in the episode, but if they killed off Ann, I expect it would be Bobby and...Sue Ellen!

  4. In the two-hour finale, a Ewing dies according to the promo:





    Here are the press releases (http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/07/dallas-episodes-309-315-press-releases.html):


    Episode 3.14 - "Endgame" – Monday, Sept. 22, at 9 p.m. (ET/PT)

    While Christopher races to find Elena, Bobby is double-crossed by the cartel. No longer able to sit by, John Ross puts his own life on the line to attempt a rescue. Meanwhile, Nicolas tries to prove himself to Elena by making a deal with the authorities that puts him on a collision course with John Ross' plan and places both their lives in jeopardy.


    Directed by Millicent Shelton
    Written by Bruce Rasmussen
    Created by David Jacobs
    Developed by Cynthia Cidre


    Episode 3.15 - SEASON FINALE: "Brave New World" – Monday, Sept. 22, at 10 p.m. (ET/PT)

    In the electrifying third season finale, the Ewings and the Rylands finally force the cartel to pay the piper as some lives are saved and others are lost. Bobby and Sue Ellen form a new alliance to protect the family, which pits them against John Ross, who is still trying to regain control of Ewing Global and fix his marriage to Pamela. And Elena is pushed to the brink when she finds out the real depths of Nicolas' betrayal. As the season comes to an end, enemies are unmasked, new alliances are formed, and John Ross learns a shocking secret about J.R. that sends him halfway around the globe in search of a surprising new cohort.


    Directed by Steve Robin
    Written by Robert Rovner
    Created by David Jacobs
    Developed by Cynthia Cidre
    Guest Star Melinda Clarke


    Finally, here are promotional photos for 3x14:



  5. And reading about Douchefer's latest actions, he's CLEARLY his mother's son. And I don't mean Pamela.


    Wow - comparing Christopher to his bio mom, Kristin Shepard.  I have to think about that one...


    Beth Toussaint still looks good, why TPTB got old looking Melinda Clarke to play Tracy, I don't know.

    I don't know if they tried to get Beth Toussaint, but IMDB says she hasn't been on TV or in movies since 2006.  I would think if the show went searching for the doctor/supposedly widowed husband of Pam, who only played a minor role in one episode of the original series, they approached Toussaint, who would be much easier to find (she has been married for 18 years to actor Jack Coleman - who has had steady work for many years). 

  6. I'm starting to come around to the idea that Cliff did fake JR swapping the deeds in order to get Elena on his side.  It's like Sue Ellen said, we will never know why he did it.  There just couldn't have been enough money involved for JR to do this to family who had been loyal to the Ewings.

    • Love 1
  7. The scene with Judith Light unzipping her top while negotiating with the cartel was hilarious.  "These Americans are crazy."


    I was impressed with Light's acting when seeing the video of Emma (and Ann) captured - I am convinced of how much Grandma Ryland loves Emma.

    • Love 4
  8. Concerning the next episode (3.12, "Victims of Love"), this is from http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/07/dallas-episodes-309-315-press-releases.html:


    As Ewing Global goes public, twists and turns abound while everyone scrambles to claim ownership. Pamela struggles with what to do now that she knows Cliff didn't really kill J.R., and Bobby seeks the aide of an old flame Tracey McKay (guest star Melinda Clarke) to help get back control of the company. Meanwhile, Judith and Ryland work to fix their own problems with the cartel, which ends up putting lives in the balance and aligning the Rylands and Ewings in a way no one ever expected.


    Tracey (then played by Beth Toussaint) appeared in slightly over half of the Season 12 episodes in the original series.

  9. I laughed my ass off during the Sue Ellen & Bum scene when Sue Ellen was all "Wait... YOU painted JR's portrait?!?!?!?" complete with the "dun dun dun!" music and the "close/closer/CLOSER!" cut progression thing they do. And all the while, Bum's got this look on his face like "Well, um, yeah. Yes I did. Is that a problem or something? Why are you looking at me like that? This is not a big deal. Sometimes in my spare time I do a little painting. So what? You'd have already known that if you had ever taken the slightest interest in me as an actual person for half a damn second."



    I didn't have any problem with Bum being a painter, but him killing JR (for whatever reason) and painting that portrait seemed creepy to me.  I guess it could have been worse - Bum could have mixed in a bit of JR's blood in the paint he used :P

    • Love 1
  10. Also, another major continuity break tonight: Elena gives Pambecca a deed to some Southfork land and says "This is what your family took from Cliff" or whatever. Uh, no. Anyone who's seen Dallas: The Early Years knows that a drunk, broke Digger Barnes sold that land to Jock Ewing; Jock even tried to talk him out of it, but Digger was adamant. It was only after he realized the land had oil on it that he came up with this "stolen" malarkey.


    Well, I think Elena was just parroting what Cliff had told her, and Bobby realized it wasn't worth the effort to argue about it.

    • Love 2
  11. Well...what an episode to put on Labor Day night, probably one of the lowest TV-watching days of the year.


    That was possibly the best episode since JR died.  Larry Hagman is still bringing out the best in everyone, even beyond the grave :)


    I turned away just for a second towards the end - was that the "big boss" Nicholas was talking to, and if so, who was it?

    • Love 2
  12. and if this run is actually the end of Dallas after 17 or 18 combined seasons (depending on whether you count the original miniseries as a "season") and 397 total episodes,


    I also have 397 episodes but "just" 17 seasons counting the original miniseries as Season 1 (while not counting the TV-movies or the reunion).  I hope we can get to 400 in a Season 4!


    Sassy black nurse is now officially my favorite character on this show.


    I agree!  Note she was very professional when informing John Ross that he was now on the list :)

  13. I'd like to suggest a not-so-differently filmed scene in Olympia that could have been used if this had been the series finale: the medical personnel are giving out the real vaccine/cure (i.e. they aren't evil) and Tom finds his wife in time to save everyone in his family. In that scenario, Alfre letting Tom go find his family makes a lot more sense :)

    • Love 1
  14. Of course, since this was Baltimore, I kept waiting for the characters from The Wire to show up.



    That reminds me - Alfre Woodward guest-starred on the Baltimore-based Homicide: Life on the Street in 1998, reprising her Dr. Roxanne Turner character from St. Elsewhere.

  15. I am surprised that they found the cure so fast - it's like the show didn't think it would get renewed, so technically they could wrap it up next week.


    I think it's more like, the producers wanted to provide closure if the show did not get renewed.  More than one ending may have been filmed.


    Along the way, they encounter a friend, and must decide whether or not to trust her.


    My curiosity is piqued -- who do they encounter ?  Did they previously think that she was dead ?



    On the spoilers thread, there is a link to some promotional photos for this episode - they appear to provide the answer.


  17. ottoDbusdriver - thanks!


    Any survivors on the Russian cruiser are pretty much doomed now that Typhoid Lars is out and walking about.  Unless he injected himself with the cure that Rachel carelessly left behind, but even then it would take time to work so he is probably still contagious.

    I believe Dr. Scott may have left the vaccine on purpose - she agreed to go to the Russian ship apparently being fine with them getting it.

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