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Posts posted by bagert

  1. What thing interesting that Manny Coto said and I was thinking the same thing at the end, is that his fantasy would be that Jack arrives in Moscow and is told by the Russians that they actually need his help.



    Yeah, I thought the same thing.


    Did the sniper who shot Audrey ever got caught?  We saw him get in a car which drove off.  A loose end for Kate and Chloe (who never met in person, right?) to handle in a DVD extra.

  2. Could Rafe's opening his eye after being declared brain dead mean that he is now a vampire?

    I just figured it was BSC Nina was hallucinating.





    Regardless of this, I have a feeling that Rafe is still alive.  Why?  Stephen Clay is Rafe's bio dad, and he (apparently) survived being declared dead. I can just see them about to start harvesting Rafe's organs when he comes back to life LOL

    • Love 1
  3. Here's how everything gets worked into a single episode.  First have everything build up to a crescendo right up to the end of the last commercial break.  Then, this script sequence:



    Jack: That was a close one.  I must be getting old!

    Chloe: Yeah, I think you actually got winded once or twice, sometime after dawn.  (Pause) Well, I'm outta here, see ya.

    Jack: Wait, Chloe.  It's time for you to go home. [That last sentence is from the U.S. promo.]  That's what I'm doing.

    Chloe: Well, we do have those presidential pardons - I just got mine a few minutes ago!  Besides, I hear with us gone that domestic terrorism is way up. (smirks)

    • Love 3
  4. He is ComaBaby, stolen by Stephen Clay.


    Okay, I just reviewed the last several days of the episode thread, as well as the above discussion.  I can't possibly see this as being true.  To me, the strongest argument is that after her death Alison separately appeared to both Lucy and Rafe, and told Rafe that Stephen Clay was his biological father.  I don't buy that this Alison was a hallucination that both Lucy and Rafe had.  Could this angelic Alison being unaware of or lying about Rafe's parentage?  Also very doubtful.


    If you want to discount these visions of Alison, then let's look at the timeline with Silas, Ava, Nina and Franco:


    1.  Franco has a relationship with Ava.

    2.  After they broke up, Ava had Kiki around 22 years ago, and does not tell Franco about it.

    3.  Ava starts an affair with Silas, who is married to Nina.

    4.  Nina becomes pregnant with Silas' child.

    5.  Shortly after Nina find out about the affair, she enters a drug-induced coma.

    6.  Ava and Silas break up about 21 years ago.  (In 2013, she falsely claims that Kiki is a 19-year-old product of their relationship.)

    7.  Assuming Nina's child did survive, it would be born within nine months of her entering the coma.  That baby would have to be 20 or 21 now.

    8.  Rafe is currently 16 or 17 years old.  (Note: Molly and TJ are also in that age range.)


    Finally, when would Stephen Clay have switched someone with the real Rafe Jr., who was with Rafe Sr. and Alison?


    Sorry, I believe that the biological parents of Rafe Kovich Jr. were the late Stephen Clay and the late Alison Barrington.

    • Love 1
  5. William Devane wasn't credited until the end of last week's episode, and IMO he was on screen for easily as long as Tzi Ma was this week.

    I don't know - maybe it's only for guest stars, or maybe you have to have the actor's permission.

  6. I'm still in shock that the one potential real surprise this season might possibly have had was ruined by plastering Tzi Ma's name on the opening credits.



    My understanding is that Screen Actors Guild rules require an actor to be credited at the beginning of the show if they have a certain amount of screen time.  For instance: in Babylon 5, a character presumed dead since Season 2 was surprisingly discovered and freed in an episode in Season 5, and the fans loudly made a similar complaint; J. Michael Straczynski (the show's creator/producer/writer) said that they had no choice.  (On the other hand, if someone makes a brief cameo at the end of an episode, that can be saved until the closing credits.)



  7. I liked Frank Hursley's grandson (the mechanic). He can come back once in a while.



    I noticed that they spelled his place "Hursly" on the sign, presumably for legal reasons.  Of course, they call him Bill in the episode, and Walt in the credits, so...

  8. Was anything mentioned about the President's resignation?  Can the Secretary of State do anything besides accept it?


    So was that stuff with the feed looping shown at the end of last episode?  I guess at least they showed the last few seconds before the explosion from the drone feed so that we didn't notice that Heller could have slipped out before impact.  It sounded from their conversation at the end of last time that like Jack did not give Heller a heads-up in advance...did Heller trust Jack that much when he told him to move out of line?


    Kudos to Kim Raver for something very subtle: When she first talked to Jack, her tone was very calm and with no trace of anger, although she must have known that he was in on Heller's plan.  I knew at that moment that Audrey did indeed love Jack more than her husband - as Mark feared.


    Gotta say that Jordan's death surprised me - and was meaningless, since Navarro was still found out quickly.  Here I thought that Jordan was going to be Kate's Chloe if Kiefer decides to retire as Jack.  He seemed pretty competent too.


    So - Cross and Chloe are in a relationship?  I honestly didn't see that coming.  In retrospect, it explains why they kept giving each other another chance.  I still think that Cross is telling the truth when he told Navarro he was just a middleman - so who is the big bad then?


    Finally, that promo from Fox Latin America that mentioned above showed Heller was alive, and it was the one shown right after the last episode.  I'm sure someone got in big trouble for that!

  9. About the Alzheimer's...in earlier episodes I didn't get the impression that Heller was only about a year away from having the disease full-blown.  So Heller won't/wouldn't have made it through the term.  Well, maybe he figured that no other President has done that lately, so why not? LOL


    Hey, why no pardon for Chloe?

  10. I have to say, I like the Mike Novick idea - it definitely keeps Jack in the field.  I assume that the new President will travel to London during the time jump (probably from 10 pm to 10 am).

  11. I think that blackwing is just assuming that the guy in the preview who is apparently fighting with Jack who just fell off a building ledge (while Jack is still on it) is Ian.  They certainly put Margot screaming in a split scene with it to make you think that.

  12. Good job in noticing that the clock wasn't silent.  However, let's think a second about this.  Jack and Heller's conversation was just the two of them.  The only way I see this working is if either Heller or (likely) Jack planned a way out without telling the other.


    Another issue: We haven't seen a VP yet.  (And a good point was made above about the President's resignation.)  Sounds like if Heller is dead, Jack goes rogue again.  Will Mark tell the VP about the Executive Order (which he will act as if it was genuine)?


    Okay, I know that the scene with the line "The United States doesn't negotiate with terrorists" was probably shot before the real U.S. government traded five Taliban leaders for Bergdahl, but didn't that sound very timely?  (Note it was on one of the U.S. promos.)


    The first image of Heller from the drone looked like a stunt double (also noticed that on a promo).  However, the close-up right after that looked like Heller himself, so it probably was a production error (or my bad eyesight LOL).


    Liked seeing Chloe using unsecured wireless internet in a London pub LOL.  Am I wrong, or did she one year leave CTU to do something at another bar with a wifi hotspot, while fending off someone who was trying to hit on her? :)

  13. The line I always listen for is "It's complicated."

    I believe he didn't say it this season until the 4th hour and then he said it about his relationship with Audrey.   Kind of disappointing.



    However, thanks to Facebook, "It's complicated" is today most associated with relationships.

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