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Posts posted by bagert

  1. Yeah, they should have kept it the Luke is really Bill story. Because for the life of me, I can't figure out how Bill could possibly be Luke's identical cousin-- if they are related through Luke's mother, and Luke is the spitting image of his father??


    sacrebleu, I think you answered your own question - Tim Spencer must have been Bill Eckert's real father.

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  2. About Josh and Maya - I haven't seen the episode yet, did they finally reveal Josh's age?  It should be 17 - they implied he was driving in the Christmas episode, and BMW established his birthday as Valentine's Day.  That would make it a three-year difference with the 14-year-old Maya.

  3. What happens when "Kreeminator" gets home???

    Kree Boss: Did you eliminate the abominations on Earth?

    Kreeminator: What? I spent the weekend with a hot chick from Asgard.

    Kree Boss: WTF....[sigh] You want something done right...


    I thought Lattimer was doing this on his own, before his bosses found out and came to Earth after the Inhumans.

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  4. If they had the idea but hadn't quite been able to make it work until the fateful meeting in the cell with Zola.



    So the Winter Soldier is all SSR's fault, by putting Zola and Dr. Faustus together LOL j/k

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  5. Watching the "Agent Carter" short again, they could still fit it into continuity. They move the SSR to a new office because of the old one got wrecked by the explosion and because it's probably no longer secret. Thompson and Sousa are assigned elsewhere. Douchey Josh Lyman is the new boss to replace Dooley and doesn't know Peggy saved the day because Thompson took the credit so he doesn't assign Peggy to anything. Peggy at first accepts this but after three months gets antsy and goes after Zodiac alone. When Josh Lyman is about to fire her he gets the call from Howard has already set up SHIELD and tells him that Peggy is going to help him run it. Also Peggy's hair is longer in the short so that works out too!


    I agree with that, but time is of the essence.  The one-shot also happened in 1946.  Sure, if the clock starts on all that now, the one-shot happens in September.  However, if they want to have a Season 2 set before the one-shot (i.e. before she takes over SHIELD) it has to start within a few weeks if not days after the end of Season 1.  There is also another issue with the SSR office: everybody currently in that New York office knows about what she did (and gave her a standing ovation) but apparently none of them are in the new office.  (Remember, a whole bunch of them went out for drinks with Lyman immediately some condescending behavior towards Peggy.)


    Another option, of course, is to jump ahead a few years and turn Peggy into the type of SHIELD director that the original Nick Fury of the comic books was: very hands-on and in the field.  (Hey, Dum Dum could be her #2, which would also be just like the comics!)  

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  6. It also explains how the DVD extra is possible.  Thompson and others like him taking credit when talking with superiors.


    Okay so V-E Day is May 8 in the United States.  In the one-shot, it's (still) 1946, and Peggy had been working in the SSR office where Flynn was in charge for 3 months, and once again given nothing to do, no matter how unlikely that is - none of her new officemates heard what really happened in this series?  Neither Souza or Jarvis are around, although Stark hears what's going on and with Phillips' (unseen) help is able to get Peggy out of there by the end of the short.  The final scene of the one-shot, with Stark and Dum-Dum panting over the ladies in bikinis, puts it after July 5, 1946 - the date bikinis were publicly unveiled - so is consistent with the other dates.

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  7. The picture with Ivchenko in snowy weather makes me think 1) it's part of one of his illusions, or 2) he gets away and this is related to the creation of "Winter Soldier".

    From EW at http://www.ew.com/article/2015/02/20/spoiler-room-scoop-scandal-carter-good-wife-and-more:


    Is it too much to ask to see Captain America in the Agent Carter finale? — Jerrod
    Alas, he’s still a Capsicle during this time period, but Captain America will get name checked during the finale when Dr. Ivchenko sets his sights on making Howard Stark pay for his sins. Suffice it to say, Peggy will face a very familiar situation.



  8. Was that a Madbomb? I'm not up on my Kirby/Marvel mythos, but I think that was a Madbomb. Holy crap, Howard Stark has a lot to answer for.



    Another good catch - Kirby introduced the Madbomb in his first storyline after returning to the Captain America comic book in 1975.  http://www.amazon.com/Captain-America-Jack-Kirby-Vol/dp/0785115579


    Anybody else think "Human Bomb" seeing poor Dooley?



    That's a Quality and later DC character - wrong universe, sorry!

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  9. Here's the first review, once again posted at 10:01 pm Eastern: http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2015/02/17/marvels-agent-carter-recap-episode-7-snafu/


    Most interesting was a link there to an article from last week by somebody who had already figured out that Ivchenko is the MCU version of long-time Captain America foe Doctor Faustus.  I should have recognized Faustus' M.O. immediately...


    R.I.P. Dooley.  Well, now there's an opening for Agent Flynn (Bradley Whitford) to take over in the Agent Carter One-Shot, unless they will eliminating that from continuity.  (But if so, it will be after this series - he's not on the guest cast list for next week.) 

  10. Can somebody explain the episode's title to me?



    Here's an explanation from http://theinsightfulpanda.com/2015/02/11/declassified-agent-carter-a-sin-to-err/ :


    You see, “A Sin To Err” is actually a variation of an old Soviet cipher phrase to translate lines of Code – much like Carter did last episode to understand the typewriter text. You see, “A Sin To Er[r]” is actually the code breaker based on the 8 most used letters in the English language – dropping the final R of course. So between the Russian/Leviathan offensive and deceitful tactics going on in this episode, you can see why such an episode title makes perfect sense.


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  11. It would be nice if they could sort of fill in the blanks though a bit more between first avenger and iron man 1. I mean SHIELD investigated call kinds of crazy artifacts. Plus the Kree visited a Chinese Village and Puerto Rico. Plus some other alien knocked up Peter Quill's mom in the 70's I think, then different aliens abducted Peter years later. So there was a bunch of weird stuff going on that some people must have known about.


    Plus the winter soldier operated on and off for all those years.



    I've mentioned this in another thread - Peggy Carter and Howard Stark are supporting characters in the MCU-official "Ant-Man Prelude" two-issue miniseries starring Hank Pym and set towards the end of the Cold War - a preview consisting of a scene between Hank and Peggy is at


  12. Cut to fLuke:

    They should have let Bill Eckert rest in peace.  That sonuvabitch has been dead all along.



    Shouldn't "they" be referring to whomever stole Bill's body?  I mean, if his body was where it was supposed to be, then Bill could have been eliminated as a possibility for Fluke.


    Yesterday, Ron Carlivati tweeted "The real Luke Spencer is currently in jail with Helena."  Should we take that with a grain of salt?


    This morning, he tweeted, "No she said IF these remains are Luke, then he's been dead for decades. In other words, the remains are not Luke."  It may be that was what Olbrecht was supposed to say, but that's not what she actually said, according to the video.

    • Love 1
  13. I rarely get to see GH nowadays (mostly looking at the summaries), but several months ago I saw a scene at the mental hospital which revealed that there was one person secretly imprisoned there who we were led to believe was Luke Spencer, and another one who looked like Luke, was not wearing a mask, and was impersonating Luke in Port Charles.  I then saw a scene a couple of months ago between Helena and that prisoner, with Helena identifying him as the person who killed her during the 50th anniversary episodes.  This prisoner was later seen in the basement of the old Spencer house, and then replaced with a dead body which has been identified as someone who died quite a while back, so can't be the prisoner we saw.


    It seems that this prisoner was the person we have known since 1978 as Luke Spencer, whether or not it actually was the person given that name when he was born.  That means the person recently jailed who had been taunting the prisoner is either the real Luke Spencer or a heretofore unknown identical twin, with the prisoner being the twin.  (That is, assuming the ID tests were not switched or faked - and how often have we seen that on GH?)  How else are they going explain that person who's been imprisoned for the last year?


    I know that Ron Carlivati is well-known for his disdain of fans who disagree with his plotlines, but I think that having the Luke Spencer we have seen off and  on for 37 years being this evil person for all this time (or at least more than 20 years) is a line that is not crossable without irreparable consequences.  So hopefully if this is his intention, someone RC will listen to will tell him that before GH gets cancelled over it.

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  14. Some thoughts about the scenes: Jarvis is undoubtedly going into custody, perhaps until the finale?  So here we see Thompson with a gun aimed Peggy, whereas last week's post-episode promo has Souza in the same position.  Which one(s) give her the benefit of the doubt?  About the Peggy being on the ledge outside her apartment, we've already seen the promotional photos where Angie rescues her.  However, not only do Thompson, Souza et al not look out the window (a big hint that one of them is indeed covering for Peggy), but there is no one outside the building watching for her?


    Despite the showrunners saying that the Agent Carter One-Shot could be seen as a series finale, it now seems more likely that this series is replacing the One-Shot in continuity.  Peggy's SSR profile is now too high to make sense of the One-Shot, where she is once again encountering condescending male agents which are ignoring her.

  15. Thank you, Proud Mary!  I assume that the second link (in the automat) comes first before the scene in her apartment building.


    (LOL - "automat" is such an outdated term that the spellchecker doesn't recognize it.)

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  16. Yes, they were definitely trying to take advantage of the popularity of "The Imitation Game" by mentioning Turing.


    Watch Captain America - The First Avenger (this one takes place before Agent Carter)
    Captain America - Winter Solider (has a brief scene that takes place in current time featuring a old Peggy, and several scenes where people talk about things Peggy did for the government)
    Agent Carter One Shot that was on the first Captain America DVD (I think it takes place not long after this show end date- this one you can watch online). http://www.dailymoti...2013_shortfilms
    I would add to this list and include the second Ironman movie because that's where the Black Widow program first shows up.




    FYI, there is a Marvel Cinematic Universe-canon two-issue "Ant-Man Prelude" comic which will feature an older Peggy at the height the Cold War.  A preview of the first issue (including a scene with Peggy) is at http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=preview&id=25811


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  17. Nitpick: Since it's 1946, Dooley's either lying or grossly misinformed when he says he's been talking to the Vice President of the United States.



    How about a fanwank that he was talking to former Vice-President Henry A. Wallace, who until September 1946 was serving in Truman's cabinet? :)

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  18. It's Jack Thompson.


    In the pilot, it was stated that Thompson fought in Okinawa (which he acknowledged).  For him to be rescued in that siege in Europe, he would have had to be transferred from there to the Pacific before the Battle of Okinawa (April-June 1945).  How possible would that have been?

  19. This may be of interest: Marvel is publishing a two-issue "Marvel's Ant-Man [Movie] Prelude" series which will have Peggy working with Hank Pym sometime during the Cold War, with Peggy looking somewhat older than her appearance in 1946, and Hank looking somewhat younger than Michael Douglas is in promotional photos for the movie.  This comics series is being advertised as official MCU canon!



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