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Posts posted by Wizardpatch

  1. It just seems so creepy and mean-spirited that none of the kids even mentioned thinking about their mom when their dad is remarrying. Especially DJ, who Dan pretty much checked out of raising in most of the original show because he was dealing with Becky/Darlene drama.

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  2. On 8/22/2021 at 11:11 PM, Elizzikra said:

    So if the show ended 35 years ago (which makes me feel so old, I need to go to Fantasy Island to renew my youth), and Mr. Roark was at least 65 when it ended, he would have had to have lived to be 100 years old, and would have to have served in the "welcome to fantasy island" capacity until his death for him to hand the reins directly to Elena. Otherwise, there had to be someone in between.

    I have a sense that there is a reason the dog is a senior dog. I love the grey/white muzzles of the seniors; I've adopted several old dogs and they are just my speed. So I think it's not an accident that they cast a dog who is visibly older. Does he carry the spirit of original recipe Roarke? Or is the old dog going to die to teach Elena a lesson about grief and loss (and my cry, angrily, at my tv, because there is no need every to kill a tv dog). Finally - how did the dog get to Fantasy Island. That's a hot, humid climate for a dog that was breed to hunt and retrieve fowl from cold water. He must be hot all the time there. Did someone bring him there as a pet without regard for what an uncomfortable environment it would be for him?

    Honestly, I'm more interested in the dog's backstory than I am anyone else's.

    Wasn't there a "new" Fantasy Island show that lasted half a season in the 2000s? Maybe that is canon.

  3. Did Gael seriously think that his Woke Ultra Feminist, Having Sex on the First Date friends would shame him for getting a woman pregnant? Did he think he was on 7th Heaven or some other show? So ridiculous.

  4. On 6/15/2021 at 5:19 AM, JustHereForFood said:

    Glad to see Victor being finally supported by the team, though I wonder if they would care if he wasn't so good at basketball.

    Would they care if they didn't suck so bad at basketball?

  5. Episodes like this make me feel like I am really out of touch even though I am just in my 30s. Are parents nowadays supposed to support our high school kids going on blatant sex retreats for the weekend?

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  6. Why didn't Izak try a little harder to get Richie to go to the car and save Gina? Surely he must have known that saving the life of an undercover agent would be a big plus when it came time to avoid a prison sentence.

    Worst case scenario, he should have knocked Richie out if he refused to go back to the car and saved her. It would only have blown his cover to Richie and the cops could have kept the kid isolated so his father wouldn't know what happened.

    But why did Izak even interfere in the first place, when she had the gun on Richie? He could have just stayed out of it entirely and told Daddy something like "the damn traffic kept me from getting to Richie on time, boss. By the time I got there, they were gone."

  7. 8 hours ago, MissLucas said:

    Maybe they realized that this would remind the audience of creepy kid DJ? Even in the times before Criminal Minds & Co. the writing for the character often left me feeling uneasy. Adult DJ gives off a completely different vibe and I'm glad about that.

    I disagree. Creepy, bowl-cut, weiner kid DJ was funny to me. I know the guy isn't a professional actor anymore, but at least the old version of DJ had personality. I understand having him mature, but he should have kept some of his old whinyness.

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  8. On 4/9/2021 at 6:59 AM, Gigi43 said:


    I'm kinda glad Stabler was beat up at the end only because it would be ridiculous for a 60yr old Stabler to be able to take those two guys. Call me ageist if you want but I hate Liv chasing down 20yr olds too (SVU did this one scene once where Finn drove up to a chase as Benson ran and it was awesome)


    I'm in for another week.

    At least on SVU, it makes a little sense. Pedos and rapists are not likely to keep in the best shape.

  9. If David was going to have such a miniscule role in the show, why not just have him die before the reboot started? At least that way, it wouldn't ruin the classic episodes that focused so much on this future deadbeat dad.

    Back to this episode: Did Ben grow up in Lanford? He and Darlene seem about the same age and the hardware store is located there, right? They didn't go to school together or anything?

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  10. I just don't believe that Roseanne would have such an intense feud with a neighbor, especially over something as stupid as trash cans. The few neighbors we saw on the show quickly stopped interacting with the Connors as soon as possible and it's not like Roseanne had much inclination to talk with them in the later years.

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