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Posts posted by Wizardpatch

  1. Is there a reason that they are ignoring the whole sex aspect of being in a cult. I mean, that is almost always what motivates these cult leaders, right? Is that too yucky even for cable tv?

  2. If you noticed carefully, Dan was one of the only people to not say anything negative about David.

    Maybe we can chalk this up to John Goodman disliking David's character change. Or maybe it is just reflecting that Dan is still highly resistant to insulting a boy he treated like a son for many years.

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  3. On 4/29/2023 at 8:08 AM, emmyG said:

    Mine was a lot like this. IIRC the minimum meal plan for people in the dorms was two all-you-can-eat cafeteria meals a day, breakfast and dinner (you "couldn't" bring anything out, but stealing some fruit and bagels from breakfast was common) plus a separate food credit balance that could be used to buy snacks, lunches, and saturday dinner (for some reason the cafeteria only did brunch on saturday). There were a number of non-campus restaurants signed up with the food credit system so you could order pizza delivered on it. If you blew through your food allowance before the end of the semester you could beg off friends, since I don't think they could get the cash back anyway for unused credit, but you'd still have the cafeteria meals.

    If you moved into a campus apartment with a kitchen then you didn't have to have any cafeteria meals and your required credit was lower. There was a convenience store by the apartments that would take food credits.

    You didn't happen to go to college in Central Florida, did you? Sounds exactly like where I went.

    Calling the Connors "grifters" makes it seem like they are carnies ripping off naive people on fixed fairground games. Darlene, despite her other flaws, is kind of the opposite of a grifter since she doesn't seem to have ever gone after David for alimony or child support. Even Dan was getting "grifted" out of rent money from his kids up until a year or two ago. The only real grifters now are Becky and Harris.

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  4. 16 hours ago, QQQQ said:

    60 would mean Dan was 25 when Roseanne premiered. Dan and Louise (and the actors) are actually almost 70.


    The orange foundation makeup is back. Soooo bad.

    Dan and Roseanne were old enough to have kids and be out of high school in the early 1970s so they would at least be in their late 60s by now.

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  5. On 2/23/2023 at 12:10 PM, emmyG said:

    Whatever happened to the Dan who was quietly angry and depressed about Darlene throwing her future away, even when she was far better situated to take care of a baby than Harris? (Darlene's sudden excitement about motherhood was totally out of left field, but at least she had a plan. And a partner, before they retconned him into a deadbeat.)

    The difference is that 80s and 90s Dan at least held out the hope that one of his daughters would reach middle class status. 2020s Dan has realized that is never going to happen so they might as well have a big family.

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  6. 1 hour ago, greekmom said:

    Yep it was that twerp.  The fact that that POS is the father should be enough for Harris to rethink her decision.

    I found it very unrealistic that no one besides Jackie seemed to be concerned that the homeless goober will be in their lives from now on or just a deadbeat dad.

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  7. If Jazz ends up going the exhibitionist/OnlyFans route her transgender friends are headed, will that finally convince her mom that she made a couple of bad choices? 

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  8. 14 hours ago, CrystalBlue said:

    Ha!  See what I did there?  Your opinion is fine.  If Darlene hadn't entered adulthood with the makeup-free casual look, no one would bat an eye (or eyelash) if she presented herself with a more professional, put together look.  Her personality being a separate issue, of course.  😀

    Thats why its so ridiculous that a relatively normal guy like Ben longed after her for years and wanted to marry her. If it had been a real life relationship, I have no doubt that David would have eventually divorced her regardless of his brother dying or not. The happiest she has been was because she got a new couch.

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  9. Chucky and Mixter would have easily had time to get away if he hadn't immediately betrayed her.

    I feel like we needed more explanation for their 50 year relationship than a 60 second montage. Why didn't he ask her for help during the Childs Play movies etc?

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  10. You know the almost last people in America who actually believe in demon possession? The Catholic Church. 

    I know he likes to play inanimate for adults, but since "good" Chucky is under their control, why not just show him to the two dimensional bad priest? Maybe he would stop being a stereotypical bad guy authority figure and help them? I doubt this is how it will go though.

  11. Why is this show always trying to retcon Roseanne into being some kind of 80s helicopter mom? The only time I even remember her being mad at a teacher is when DJs teacher suggested the "special" class for him. Didn't she usually just blame her kids for whatever trouble they got into?

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  12. 26 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    The weird thing is that I swear that last season had a storyline where Neville took care of a nephew who became a romantic interest for Mark.

    Neville seems too soft hearted to abandon his nephew like that.

    Wasn't that an old girlfriend's kid? Anyway it sounds like he didn't like or downright hated his brother, so I can see why he might not care about his nephew so much.

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