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Posts posted by Wizardpatch

  1. 2 hours ago, emmyG said:

    Darlene liked books and art and vampires and comics and games and weird rock music, it was part of why she was such a popular breakout character back in the day, she was the girlfriend every mildly-antisocial geek wanted. 

    She would still never have wanted to take part in any sort of participatory theater though, and Romeo+Juliet would have always been too boring and mainstream for her tastes. Romeo+Juliet+Zombies would have been more her style.

    Yes the participatory theater thing was lame, but Darlene seemed outraged that her husband wanted to go out and even see a movie (I doubt it was going to be Fast and the Furious 18 or similar). 

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  2. Didn't Darlene like "artsy fartsy" stuff? She did go to school to be a writer after all and surely she must have had some reason for spending so much time with intellectual wannabe David. 

    I also wish they had cast someone closer to Laurie Metcalf's age for Neville. Aren't they only supposed to be like 10 years apart? The actors are over 20 years apart and Faxon looks even younger than his age.

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  3. You can tell that there aren't any writers over 40 on the show because no character in the Bulk Beauty plotline brings up that it's wrong to fire someone over a personal opinion that they keep private.

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  4. The police arresting a pregnant, pretty, white woman would get a lot of attention. Add in that she was being blackmailed by her dad to give up her baby........

    Does Rich Daddy really see this ending well for him?

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  5. I feel like making Joel "gay and traveling" instead of "presumed dead in a plane crash" kind of lessens the sorrow that Olivia is supposed to be feeling. What is stopping her from telling her son that he is free to come back and visit because Malcolm can't bother him? Same with her daughter before Olivia gets all religious.

    Also, its pretty anachronistic for Harry's family to be so happy and uncaring about his relationship.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

    I don’t watch the show with anywhere near the dedication as most here, but  … although TS is doing an excellent acting job …IMO  it’s time for HL to die or lose powers.  That would leave SB as top big bad.  Life might be more fun because enjoying himself seems to be SB’s main priority. Just don’t cross him.  And a narcissistic psychotic HL stuck with less power?  well it all could be very entertaining.

    And the actual The Boys seem to have lost the directive. Which is a bit annoying.

    A whole year to wait. 🙄 

    Do we really want to see a "chipped" version of HL like Spike from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"? Maybe he will eventually fall in love with Butcher 😆

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  7. 12 hours ago, circumvent said:

    Thanks. That's how uninterested I am in those character

    The whole thing with Evan and Mariana is really silly. I like Evan but it looks like the writers are going to commit a heinous act of character assassination. They also moved from Callie to Mariana when it comes to sex scenes, and the directors continue to be really bad at it. Nothing sensual about it. Hopefully they will not keep doing it the way they did with Callie, when it looked more like proto porn than intimacy.

    I kind of liked the Isabela story, not the blackmail, but that she is conflicted. Now for the battle of custody: grandparents will sue to get the baby (yeah, they will do a 360 on it and fall n love with the girl) because Gael doesn't have a fixed income, they live in a "commune with drugs", and Isabela is not fit because of anger issues. More recycled TV plot

    The dad is just cartoonishly evil at this point. He must know that "plan" wouldn't work. You can't take someone's kid away just because the father has an unusual job. Gael could easily move somewhere else, like he suggested last season. And if worst came to worst, he has the support of his own successful parents.

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  8. An episode about lesbian sex and not one joke about "scissoring", not even from the stereotypical meathead jock? I guess times really have changed.

  9. On 6/5/2022 at 10:50 PM, Broderbits said:

    Sometimes parents love a child even though that child is a monster. There are many evil people among us who have at least one parent who will forgive anything and never stop loving their child. Humans are complicated animals.

    Yeah but if my baby blew my wifes head off, I think I would run away and never look back. Unless Vought raised the little baby with no human contact until she was a teenager, I don't see how it worked.

    But then again, wouldn't most of the Supe babies kill their parents? Why didn't Toddler A-Train run into his parents and blow their legs up? Why didn't Baby Starlight blind her mother? Thats why the X-Men powers are more believable because at least they don't show up until puberty.

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  10. Why would the government allow orphan children who have definitely killed their parents to just remain in  civilian custody? 

    Also, Nadia killing both her parents makes no sense. They weren't killed at the same time, so why would the second one to die stay with the kid when she just killed their spouse? 

  11. Since they already erased Jackie's marital history and son, couldn't they have erased David from continuity too and just say Darlene had kids with a random guy who divorced her? At least there was one small reference to this being her second wedding. I was really hoping David was going to burst in at the end and object to the marriage for the trainwreck value but twas not to be.....

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  12. On 5/11/2022 at 11:31 PM, UYI said:

    That opening scene went from 0 to 100 real quick, didn't it?

    I have no real investment in Ben & Darlene, but if they wanted to elope, they had every damn right to do that, and not to involve themselves in whatever monstrosity Neville & Jackie/Aldo & Harris are getting into.

    I appreciated the call back to how young Becky was when she eloped with Mark, including the concern about pushing Harris away--that is EXACTLY why Roseanne didn't fight Becky & Mark's marriage all that hard; she didn't want her to stop talking to them over their objections.

    YAY Joe Walsh is back! :D 

    Mark was also pretty down to earth, had a minimal age difference with Becky and didn't have two weird kids.

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  13. Ok I guess I am too naive to get it but what did the evil CEO guy hope to accomplish? Who in the year 2022 thinks that they will get good publicity for their news channel by being accused of inciting their viewers to hurt or kill the other political side? If this guy was a radical fanatic, I would get it, but he was just a businessman who wanted to make money.

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