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  1. Sutton: This is not going to be Sutton on trial at sea! Someone at Bravo: How should we name the episode? Bravo Bravo Bravo.
  2. I thought this as well! And now she told us that they had separated and she was wanting to ask for a divorce but didn't want to do it to not look like the villain, because of him being in terminal state with his cancer. Edit: Juneau Gal remembers Boz saying earlier that they had already separated. Thanks!
  3. I still haven't been able to watch the episode because there are no subtitles. I haven't read any of your comments because I don't want any spoilers. But can someone tell me: was the TJ thing something juicy or were you disappointed in what it was actually about? Should I continue to sit at the edge of my seat or can I relax and stop fussing? Edit: Never mind! I just checked again and the subtitles have emerged! Wohoo!
  4. We should've done a GoFundBaltimoreBetty for our shared purposes! Edit: if the sentencing was 26.2., I realize I'm really late for this! I haven't been able to watch the first two reunions before now because of the lack of subtitles, and that's why I haven't been reading these posts either.
  5. This! I'm still fuming that we didn't get to know about Meredith's breast plate. I noticed that too. She looked much better in the dressing room, in my opinion.
  6. Okay Ethan annoyed me in this episode. When Gabi told him that Dhan shouldn't be watching any news, Ethan told her he'd take care of Dhan. C'mon, that's like peeing on something to mark your territory. You don't have to be such an ass, Ethan.
  7. This is an unpopular opinion but I don't dislike Ethan. I can see why he would ask Gabi to stay away. He's being human. He's tired of always coming in second after Gabi and the whole team. I know he's a therapist but even therapists are just humans. There's always someone in every cop show who is tired of their officer husband/wife canceling dinners, dates, whatever plans because of work. How is Ethan any different than them? In my opinion, when Sir got scared when someone was coming in behind Gabi, I felt it was because he knew that that person would hit Trent/Gabi. He wanted that person to not do it to save Gabi, and he was yelling out loud to warn Gabi that something was about to happen.
  8. Margaret can be annoying, but I'm glad we got more insight into Jamie's disappearance and why Margaret feels so guilty about it. Kelli Williams is doing an amazing job as Margaret. ❤️
  9. I agree, the actress who plays Gabi is overdoing it. She's too dramatic and too edgy. She's too much. This cracked me up 😄😄
  10. I feel intuitively that you don't invite people over to make them wait for 45 minutes, then grab their handbag and try and guilt trip them into giving you the bag. 😒
  11. I agree, it's probably an unpopular opinion but I'm with you. I don't think she adds anything to the show 🤷‍♀️ Like you, I don't dislike her or anything, but I barely even notice she's there. I also don't find her eccentric ways that interesting, and I think I'm in the minority here.
  12. I just want to say this forum is the best. One episode with Kathy and now you are all calling PK PJ as if it was his real name. You guys make me laugh so hard! Cheers! 😙🥂
  13. Is Jassi wearing the infamous breast plate a la Meredith Marks? What was the problem with Stacey's wig, according to Ashley? I totally loved it on Stacey. Ashley is so incredibly rude, to see Stacey and the next second she's whispering to Gizelle about Stacey's neck, right in front of her. I cannot stand Ashley, she always gets so much pleasure from other people's problems and mishaps. She's the biggest gossip. Gizelle being petty and buying the one dress Stacey said Wendy shouldn't wear. Gizelle, grow up. TJ is so weird. I hope AJ continues with his anti-TJ campaign and Stacey sees the light.
  14. Trust Ashley to show off her boobs even when she's supposed to dress and act like a man. 🧔‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  15. I am SO over Jacqueline and Mia talking about their sexual escapades. Honestly, I could not care less. Why do they always bring it up? Nobody cares!! Get a life. And I honestly don't mind girl-on-girl action, it can be beautiful, it can be sexy, but please spare me from having to watch Mia and Jacqualine. Please. Oh god please no, not Jacqualine and Ashley. Please no. Mia and Jacqualine and their jealousy is so weird. So. Weird. They need to grow up.
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