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Posts posted by MagicEyes

  1. I completely disagree with Retta on gargoyles—they are awesome! My dream in life is to have a house with a gargoyle. And a pirate ship playground in the back yard. 😎

    I can’t believe the Poseidon house cost almost half a million dollars. That’s a lot of money for a house that would take a lot of money and hard work to remove all of the heavy concrete things. There are some things I wouldn’t change (especially the jungle room). 

    The people in the cat condo house don’t deserve any help. They’ve been living in the house for 8 years, and it looks like they haven’t done anything to the house. It shouldn’t be that hard to replace a bathroom door. 

    Have the people in the bank house not ever heard of curtains? They can cover those windows so no one can see into the bedroom. Or use that film that covers up the window but lets some light through.

    I was really disappointed with the winner. It wasn’t the ugliest, and there weren’t any special challenges with remodeling it. The problems were mostly cosmetic, except for the history of the house. I would not live in that house. I’m on board with the theory that they bought this house to flip. 

    • Love 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Breedom said:

    Tammy probably has an out-and-out fit on bath/shower day. A shower means she will need to transport that tonnage to the bathroom, remove her clothes which she probably balks about because of more required movement, then getting her into the shower - I don't want to even imagine it. I don't think keeping clean is a priority. There is also no way a thorough wash can be had. Nightmare time for whoever is helping her.

    I don’t think she could fit in a standard-sized shower, and I doubt that she has upgraded her apartment with an extra-large shower. Maybe she’s just doing sponge baths. 

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  3. On 12/22/2021 at 5:23 PM, Mrs. Landingham said:

    Speaking of such things, that Folgers commercial with the guy wearing a shirt, tie, and jacket but no pants who gets embarrassed because he realizes his colleagues on Zoom can see his bare legs. Look, even if I’m not wearing my actual work/dress pants on a Zoom work call, I am still wearing some kind of pants.

    The worst thing about this commercial is the singing. ☹️ It’s not just bad singing, it’s physically painful. 

    • Love 6
  4. How did they not smell a dead mouse? They’re very stinky. I don’t know how a tiny creature can have that much stink in it. 

    I’m not sure I really believe this hoarding storyline. The kitchen was nasty, but it was mostly dirty dishes on the counter. It wasn’t anywhere near hoarding-level messiness. 

    • Love 6
  5. On 11/14/2021 at 12:58 PM, GrannySmith said:

    Kenzie!  Couldn’t remember her name, but I’d love to see her now. 

    She’s one of my favorites! I know a lot of people thought she was a brat, but I think she’s a very smart girl. 

    I want an update on Kailia (I’m not sure about the spelling, but I think this is close). She’s a contortionist, and her training looked brutal. In spite of that, she seemed like a very sweet girl. 

    David’s update was good. Ava is no longer doing pageants, and his creative outlet is now making costumes for drag queens. He seems much happier now.

    I don’t mind Eden, but I can’t stand her mother! 

    • Love 3
  6. 12 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

    Maybe she should just have the delivery drivers leave the food at the end of the driveway so Tammy has to walk a bit to get it. That would motivate her....if food is waiting THAT close, she'll get her big ass up or wheel herself down the driveway. 

    I don’t think she can walk that far. 🙁 She can probably make it to the door, but only for food deliveries. She expects everything else to be brought to her on the couch.

    • Love 4
  7. 2 hours ago, magemaud said:

    But I came here to post that I was channel surfing last night and happened upon the “Toddlers and Tiaras” flashback scene where a mother was giving her two year old daughter a pre-pageant mayo hair treatment! And the kid was spooning  mayo into her mouth like it was ice cream! 

    I’m glad we haven’t seen Ed gobbling mayo straight out of the jar. 😧 I remember that scene from T&T, and I hope they didn’t use the same jar of mayo on their sandwiches! 

    • LOL 2
  8. On 10/8/2021 at 10:10 PM, Spunkygal said:

    Matt brings out the worst in Noel. They are beyond stupid this season and I hate them.

    This show would be so much better if there was a lot more Chigs and much less Matt. Noel wasn’t so bad before Matt came along, but the two of them together are like mean-spirited class clowns. 

    • Love 13
  9. 6 hours ago, BetyBee said:

    It was almost laughable to see how no one dared tell Gwen how god-awful her hair and style of dress was.

    I just binged the first two episodes, and I’m wondering where she found so many dresses with exactly the same shape. I don’t think that style has been around since probably the 1950s. And can we talk about that hair? How did she have hair that added six inches to her height? She was trying her best, but even the hair and the platform shoes didn’t get her closer to god.

    • LOL 1
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  10. 3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    Ari sure is able to turn on and off her melt-downs.  Not only did she ambush Bini in the barber shop with lots of other people there (which he fully recognized) but as soon as he left she stopped her crying and had a sly smile on her face. 

    Ari and Bini are both really bad at fake crying. 🐊💧

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