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Posts posted by MagicEyes

  1. I’m not really buying that Michael is completely unhelpful, because he’s always the one who’s driving everyone else around and pushing Tammy up grassy hills in her wheelchair (and if you’ve ever pushed someone in a wheelchair, you know that pushing an average-sized person up a grassy hill in a wheelchair is darn near impossible). He is not a lazy man.

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  2. 23 hours ago, BellaBabe2022 said:

    Am I a bad person for predicting that Amy was suffering from indigestion? It seemed incredibly obvious.

    Just like the time when she thought she was dying, but really she just ate too much Chinese food. You’d think she would remember that. 🤨

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  3. I didn’t like Kristen at the beginning, but at the end I liked and respected her a lot more, and I was sorry to see her go. I think she’s very talented, and people probably give her a hard time for being young and cute and giggly. I am none of the above, but I can sympathize with how hard that would be to deal with in a profession that’s very difficult. I hope she can keep that good nature and do her work on her own terms instead of trying to fit in with what other people want her to be. 

    Also, in her defense, sometimes pumpkin pie is unpredictable, and it can take longer than you expect to firm up.

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  4. The Peloton commercial with tiny people yelling “profound” sayings that make absolutely no sense. Like: “You didn’t come to work out, you came to outwork.” What does that even mean? And: “No challenge, no change.” That’s just not true. Did they even think about what any of this meant?

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  5. Was the audition process different this year? The skill level of the bakers last season was so much better than this season, and I’m just trying to figure out why. Were the bakers chosen for their personalities, and not their baking? The challenges were bad, but these bakers didn’t even have a lot of the basic skills that bakers in other seasons had. I’ve watched this show for many years, and this is so disappointing. It used to be so good, and now it’s worse than anything on Food Network. 

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  6. On 11/7/2022 at 10:01 PM, ombre said:

    I would feel remiss if I didn't step up here to preach the gospel of the toaster oven smores.  Nine chocolate chips per Graham cracker half, with mini marshmallows perched in between.

    How long do you cook them?

    I’ve tried toasting marshmallows with a kitchen torch, but I can’t get it to work very well. I’ve had better results with marshmallow fluff. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Ellaria Sand said:

    This may be an unpopular opinion but I’m getting tired of bakes that need to do something else such as hanging from a hook or the standing mask. I don’t need these bakers to be civil engineers.

    It’s too much like Food Network shows. “I’m not tasting enough apple” is also something I expect from FN judges. It’s not a good thing. I’m also not impressed with the s’mores challenge. Have they really run out of ideas for things to bake? 

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