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Posts posted by MagicEyes

  1. They flip-flop so quickly. Sometimes they’re both very rational in the talking heads, and it’s the complete opposite of when they’re talking to each other. It feels like this is very clumsily faked, and it’s hard to know what’s real.

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  2. Oh no! I didn’t see that coming! Tammy just got dumped. It was just too much for him to handle—first he finds out that Amy is pregnant, and then he finds out that Tammy gained back all the weight. Not a good day for the doctor.

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  3. 5 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

    Tammy looks like she gained the weight Amy lost.  It's ridiculous that she's blaming the pandemic for her weight gain since all she did before the pandemic was stay home and eat.   Amy is looking better, but I noticed at that family bbq that she wasn't holding back.  She made the remark "I'm eating for two now".  If she keeps that up she'll have her stomach stretched back out in no time. 

    I have a theory about this. They always have to weigh 1000 pounds between the two of them, so if Amy loses weight, Tammy has to gain weight. 🙂


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  4. Can anyone explain to me how any of these men could possibly be worth it? There are much better men out there who don’t have horrible mothers.

    I can’t believe how stupid these men are. Especially Mike. He’s a dumbass. He’s so stupid that he thinks it’s okay that he gave his mom a key to his apartment without telling his girlfriend because she came over and cleaned. And she was so hateful about the apartment not being clean (to her standards). It was so horrible because not all of their clothes were put away. That woman has a screw loose. Steph seems to be smart, so I think she’ll get out of this okay, but she really deserves better. Run, Steph, run!

    Laila scares me. I don’t think she’s faking. She is so hateful and nasty. I would like to coach Emily in how to respond. She’s doing pretty well, but I think she could do better. I hope Shekeb cuts off contact with Laila so he can finally have a life.

    I was on the verge of not watching this show any more, but the moms are getting nuttier, and I want to see what happens next.

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