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Everything posted by MagicEyes

  1. I love this show! I'm watching the new season now. So many good doggos!
  2. Thank you all for making me laugh tonight! This has been a hard year, and I need all of the snark I can get.
  3. That's because they've been doing it forever! I would love to take a dance class, so I'm seething with jealousy.
  4. He's lucky he didn't just get dumped somewhere in the country. It was kind of her to buy a ticket for him and take him to the airport.
  5. I won't be watching, mostly because of Grangie. She needs to go away, for good.
  6. Oh, maybe it's the soda! 🙀
  7. People who are on this show should watch this show. It would save time for all of us.
  8. And Mom throws him right under the bus. Enjoy your under-bussing, William!
  9. Two walks in one day?! What show are we watching?
  10. He can walk, outside, with no help. Why is this man even on this show?
  11. Commercial. Time for a snack! But I don't have two pizzas and a full can of Pringles.
  12. Was what we just saw the diet? Because if that's the diet, what did he eat before? And how much weight has he gained?
  13. I can't buy Pringles, because they don't even taste good but I will eat the whole can in about two days.
  14. How many cans of Pringles can he eat in one meal?
  15. So much cheese! I would like to register a complaint with the management that I eat a fraction of this one meal in an entire day, and yet I do not lose weight. The universe is out of balance.
  16. It doesn't seem possible, but the choreography in the new Jardiance commercial is worse than the first one. They could at least get a kid who makes TikTok videos to do the choreography--that wouldn't cost much, and the dancing would be much better. 😉
  17. She does not look like the same person! I wonder if her real eyelashes have all fallen out because she wears fake lashes all the time. Too much lash glue.
  18. They should just give up and have a nice vacation in Mexico.
  19. I could believe in a god that does something useful!
  20. There are too many people named Daniel(l)e on this show!
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