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  1. Yesterday I caught an episode of 'Tales From the Darkside' from 1986. It was Christmas and a little girl opened one of her gifts, which happened to be a big honkin' box of crayons! Probably the 64 w/sharpener. What a coincidence.
  2. That was such a bizarre statement from her, RIGHT AFTER saying that she'd worked with kids for 20+ years! "I'm used to the box of 10" or however she put it. And she's 43 years old— back in the 90s Crayola had a box of 96! (And may have come out in the 80s.) And they definitely had boxes of more than 10 since before then.
  3. borealis

    All Episodes

    Here is an exit interview of Ryan & Sarah, he says he was out there 9 days. Interview is 36 minutes total, his comment about 9 days is around the 2:30 mark.
  4. Mazzy Star "Into Dust"!!! The song during those last few scenes, where they told her they paid her bill, and Jake talked to Michael, etc. I had to really focus on the dialog, I just wanted to sing the song. lol I listened to the album over & over in the mid 90s— hard to believe it's over 30 years old. Okay, done fangirling now.
  5. borealis

    All Episodes

    OMG!!!! What a selfish, manipulative cow!!!! Moral superiority my ass, and it wasn't a love letter, it was a letter telling him to tone down his awesomeness to get the target off his back! THAT is why she's pissed, cos she needed him to get the letter— ironically, so he could raise his chances of winning. Then, bam, Extraction! WHAT in the actual FUCK! I am supremely pissed for him. $250K BYE BYE! I'd lose her next. If she gets this manipulative this fast who knows how she's manipulated him all this time. Aaarrrrrrggghhhhh....
  6. Poor Stephen Baldwin. First, he's "Alec's brother", then "Justin Bieber's father-in-law", and now "that douche that was on that 'Special Forces' show".
  7. That poor medic, being interrogated by the likes of that douche. The woman who thought she had hypothermia, what was the answer? I realized later that I must have blinked & missed it.
  8. Also Accessories, they showed a pic of stockings (hosiery), but the contestant said pantyhose and the pic was labeled as pantyhose. I realize that younger generations don't wear either anymore, but they are two different articles of clothing and it was labeled wrong from the get go. Between this & Led Zep and ELO as spin off bands... (is anyone there over 45 to fact check stuff?? besides Rob, I mean...)
  9. Dammit, those weren't pantyhose, they were stockings. It's like calling leg warmers socks.
  10. Gotta admit, I've never thought of Led Zeppelin as a spin off band (I assume they consider it "spun off" from the Yardbirds w/Jimmy Page). I got almost all of British Invasion. If they had a "Rock from 60s-90s" category I'd nail it. And that news people one, those guys were both 33, I knew they wouldn't know Connie Chung or even Peter Jennings!
  11. Janusz' accent & voice remind me of Latka Gravas.
  12. I dozed off for most of the show, but woke up in time for what I'd been waiting for, Alternative Music. For me, anything past 2005 is questionable, 2010 is no bueno, but 2022 is just cruel.
  13. Looks like Katelyn conflated (the name) Three Kings Cake and (the actual cake) Princess Torte to come up with "Three Queens Cake".
  14. I was wondering what a 70s pimp outfit had to do w/the 60s.
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