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Posts posted by 12catcrazy

  1. Ok, so here is a case that Dateline probably wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole but is interesting none the less.  Unfortunately, I'm at work so don't have the newspaper with the names but there is a case here in New York in which a woman's torso was found dumped in the trash on the street.   Some days later, a guy found a leg dumped in the trash at another location.   The police had CCTV images of a woman leaving the scene where the torso was found.   So the police followed the trail and it turned out that the "woman" is really a man (who at the moment is apparently transgender and using the pronoun "she") and had first been convicted of murder in 1963 for killing his girlfriend.   He was given 20 to Life and was paroled after about 20 years.  He was out of jail for less than a year when he then murdered his then girlfriend.   At this point, you'd think he'd be locked up for life but this is New York.... so he was released from jail again and now murdered the latest victim.  

    The current victim was a woman who once came from a solid background but who started having mental illness issues in her 50s and became estranged from her family.  She wound up homeless but recently moved into an apartment in a new building that mostly houses LGBTQ folks but had a lottery for an apartment for a homeless person.   She apparently met the killer through social media but so far, the paper I read (NY Daily News) hasn't been clear on what their exact relationship was.   And oh yeah, before I forget, there was the  really gruesome detail of her head being found in a plastic bag in the killer's apartment.    

    • Love 1
  2. On 3/7/2022 at 9:22 PM, TVbitch said:

     What does Eve want with the lady she is getting drunk?


    Eve wanted some info on Helene (who the lady - Fernanda - had been dating).  And then Eve realized that Fernanda's ex-husband might be tied to The Twelve and is slated to be a victim (and I think that is why Helene had gotten involved with Fernanda - to find out info about her ex-husband).  

    • Useful 7
  3. 42 minutes ago, partofme said:



    Also based on his letter to his parents, I think this guy may have snapped at some point, she was just the unlucky girl who was there when it happened.  

    I definitely feel that she was probably happy to go with him.  Which is why I was surprised there was a kidnapping charge,  I suppose he did mislead her as to why she was going with him, but is that kidnapping?

    The guy was probably mentally unstable but I also think he snapped with this girl because she was trying to corner him.  And none of us know how that final car ride went between the two of them and who said what to whom.   When you look at it, this kind of thing is as old as the hills - Theodore Dreiser wrote a best selling novel called "An American Tragedy" in 1925 which was based on a true story that happened in 1906.   Young man has an affair with a young woman who gets pregnant, demands marriage  and he then murders her because he has bigger plans in his life and doesn't want his future ruined by marriage and a child.    Maybe in this case, he hadn't originally planned on murdering Ally but he was supposedly drunk and high, and well, he had a gun.  

    Again, you have to wish that Brandon had called his parents or spoken to another trusted adult about the situation that he had gotten into with Ally.  Unfortunately, these two young people were a case of Match meet Gasoline,

    I think charging him with kidnapping was a way for him to receive a harsher jail term.  

    • Love 3
  4. 21 hours ago, Ohmo said:

    She may have been an intelligent person in terms of general knowledge, but I was struck by her general lack of awareness of the world. .

    I don't want to quote this entire post but yes, have to agree 100%.   Frankly, from what we saw in this episode, this girl was living out some kind of fantasy.    Pick a school because of football (makes sense for a football player, but for her?).  Oh yeah, Southern school, Southern boys (don't get it, with her being from St Louis).   She was a pretty girl and apparently bubbly - she probably would have easily had her pick of boys to date, but it seems like the guy she decided to try and "trap" wasn't into her at all except as easy sex.    You'd wish that she thought of herself as worthy of more than being for that but did she have hidden self esteem issues? 

    Her friends and family saw her as one thing and maybe she was all that.  Maybe she had the attitude that since she wanted this boy, she would make him fall in love with her.  My take is that she was sheltered and protected by her family and it was probably a  combo of being a shock to  be away from all that family love/protection with the added pitfall of having way too much freedom to do what she wanted with nobody putting on the brakes.   She was in a situation where she really needed some adult guidance and yet didn't appear to reach out for any of it.    She wasn't the first young woman to use pregnancy in an attempt to snag a guy and she sure isn't the last,  but what a waste of two young lives.     

    • Love 8
  5. 12 minutes ago, mojito said:

    I didn't much care for the Jesse character in last week's episode. Just too flaky for me. But I'd like to see Ray as an auxiliary member of the Equalizer Squad. 




    Yes!!!  I enjoyed this episode - good case of the week, and everybody had something to do.  THIS was The Equalizer that I have grown to look forward to - unlike last week's episode which would have been ok if they had made the Jada Pinkette Smith character more toned down, and yes, less of a flake.  

    • Love 5
  6. So far, this is totally incoherent.  I'm wondering if Villenelle killed the other church people or just the Vicar and his daughter.  Amazing how such a beautiful face/body can be so evil and psychopathic.  

    Why has Caroline defected to the Russians?  Now that we know they killed the one woman in the 3 photos, we can figure that the annoying twerp could be on the hit list as well.

    If somebody else is killing The Twelve, why is Eve still trying to find them?  I'm just totally confused.  

    • Love 7
  7. Wow, that broad was a real piece of work.   I can't add much more to what the rest of you have already said.  And I'm totally disgusted that she got such light jail time for what was a really brutal and pre-planned murder.   If that had been a man who pumped 8 bullets into his wife, he'd be doing life without parole.  And yes, she did look so much like Kirsten Dunst (and when I said that to my 74 year SO, he said, "who's that?").  

    And it really is mind blowing to know that somebody is plotting a murder and you don't call either the police or the intended victim.   That interview with Andrea was great - usually not a big Andrea fan but she nailed it there.  

    • Love 3
  8. 7 hours ago, MissLucas said:


    But I like how they kept Agent Knight struggling around kids. And giving Katrina Law some fight scenes is always a good thing.

    Does Katrina Law have a martial arts background?   Was that really her doing that fight scene - if so, she has some awesome moves! 

    • Love 1
  9. Looks like I guessed the winner.   And I read that FOX has given the go-ahead for Season 2, which I won't be watching as I've come to the conclusion that "Competitive Reality" shows are not my thing.   That being said, I would have very happily eaten any of the meat dishes as well as Pyet's appy.  

  10. 2 hours ago, BingeyKohan said:

    I'm cautiously optimistic but I think Carolyn's comedown is one of the aspects that is hardest for me to watch. For the creative team, including Fiona Shaw, I'm sure it's more interesting to explore than a Carolyn who's always chic and cool and calm and collected. But to see her defected to Russia, selling her soul to Vlad, cut off from her pig's-placenta face cream and even her passport. Heartbreaking! I hope she comes back 10x more powerful ... if that's what she wants. 


    Carolyn defected to Russia???  How and when did that happen?   And I thought she was in Spain when that young twerp came in to see her.  

    • Love 2
  11. I guess that I'm the party pooper here; I wasn't really enjoying this episode.  The case of the week was interesting, the Delilah side story was ok (and she wasn't annoying) but I didn't like the Jada Pinkett Smith character.   The concept of Robyn having to enlist the aid of a Master Art/Jewel thief was fine but I didn't like the "crazy" in Jessie.   "Chaos" may work for Jessie - it didn't work for me.   There was also too much jabbering back and forth between Robyn and Jessie and I was watching and saying to my TV "Shut up already and get the heist on!"  Sheesh.  

    Loved, loved, loved Mel's "Rich" look and Robyn & Jessie's evening gowns.   And whoever does the makeup on this show does a great job.  When the ladies have to look every day they look great, and when they have to get glammed up, yowza!   the NCIS and Dick Wolf shows should take notice.  

    • Love 6
  12. Interesting the different slant Dateline had on this case as opposed to 48 Hours a few weeks back.   Dateline seemed to have left out a lot of the info we found out about on 48 Hours and seemed to lean in the direction of leaving the viewer with some doubt that he did it (the victim's siblings feelings just the opposite).  

    If the husband gets off, it's going to be a) no body has been found, and b) the reasonable doubt of the DNA on the inside of her car.    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't 48 Hours say that the DNA was only a partial match to some guy who was a multiple sex offender?  Dateline made it seem that it was , oh okay, we got a DNA match of a known sex offender in the victim's car.   Dateline also didn't go into the details of the victim's affair as much as 48 Hours did (motive) and I don't think brought up that recording device disguised as a pen which the victim bought to use to prove her husband was cheating but which exposed that she was cheating.    I still think that he did it.  

    • Love 6
  13. This was almost painful to watch.   The story was weird, the music way too loud and too intrusive, and way too many commercials (which we know going in, so this show is DVR only in my home).   Yeah, so Eve is getting laid by a hunky guy.  We get it.   Villanelle is still full blown psycho - she might have killed the cat by accident but to try and drown that young woman who was obviously taken with her?  No, Villanelle hasn't changed, but seems to have reverted.  

    I really hope the rest of the series is better because watching this is going to be a slog if it isn't.  I can't begin to convey the disappointment as "Killing Eve" had been one of my favorite shows.  

    • Love 11
  14. It's an absolute miracle that Katrina survived what happened to her.  Talk about a harrowing story and this woman's will to live and also to eventually thrive.  She should be giving talks about domestic abuse.   Hopefully, her book will generate talk about the subject. 

    And there was a story in the NY Daily News today about a 23 year young woman from Staten Island who had been dating a cop (whose father was a high ranking NYC cop) and who died by supposed suicide using her boyfriend's service gun in 2003.   Her mother had never thought that her daughter had killed herself and had been pressing for years to get the case reopened.   The original police work had been fast and sloppy to say the least.  The cop boyfriend called it in and the "investigation" was basically, "Oh, yeah, ok, she shot herself in the head with your gun", case closed.   

    The cop boyfriend wound up retiring a few years back with a shoulder injury and a tax free pension of almost 70k a year.   Oh, yeah, and a few days before her "suicide", the victim had decided to leave the boyfriend.  

    • Love 1
  15. Good episode.  Leslie Odom Jr comes across as an intelligent and thoughtful person.  And it always makes me shake my head when we see the white slaveowner who fathered a child with one of his slaves.  So the Black people were inferior and considered not quite human (a large part of the rational behind American slavery) yet they were totally fine to have sex with and have the SLAVEOWNER'S child who could then be added to the asset bottom line.   As a human you just want to hang your head in shame and disgust.   I don't consider myself the most "woke" person in the room but it just makes me so sad to know that it took a civil war to end slavery in the US.   

    And count me as another person who until very recently thought Nathan Lane was Jewish.  I had read an article about him and it mentioned that he was of Irish descent and I went, "huh?"    He seems like a person who always feels the need to be "on" when in front of an "audience" (meaning when he is not working as an actor).  He is very witty but a bit too much for this show.   

    Yes!  I agree  that HLG and his "how does that make you feel?"  over and over again is tired beyond belief!   It's like it should be a question on Jeopardy: "His catchphrase is 'how does it make you feel?'"   

    Postscript: since many of us who watch this show enjoy history,  The History Channel is running a very good 3 part mini-series about Abraham Lincoln.  There's a million commercials so DVR it and watch it after the fact, but like the previous two History Channel President mini-series, it's very well done and interesting.  

    • Love 2
  16. 11 hours ago, Such A Flirt said:

    Surprise, surprise, the exact 3 we had predicted are in the finale - one from each team.

    I thought the salmon plate looked gross. And I don't understand the deal with the gold.

    Yup, I agree 100%.  And yeah the gold leaf - I think that is "something" in Indian cooking, used for very special events.  I guess with everything having to be OTT nowadays on these TV shows, it's like add something to the dish that is totally unnecessary, super-expensive, to give it some kind of idiot "wow" factor, because maybe it impresses somebody willing to pay $$$ for a dinner out in Vegas.  

    So now that we're almost at the end of this show, my bet is going to be on Pyet for the winner.   Lets check some marketing boxes here: she is young (30), she is very attractive, she is already on social media so she knows how to play that angle, she is Native American and cooking foods that are part of that tradition (which right now seems much cooler than somebody cooking their great grandma's sauerbraten) and she seems to have a pleasant personality without a lot of drama.   She isn't a "pro" chef and she doesn't come across as being arrogant or a kitchen know-it-all, which would maybe make it easier to "mentor" her in the chef world.  

    As far as Mariah and Reuel - they'll probably be offered jobs in somebody's restaurant and they can still be known as the semi-finalists on Next Level Chef.   And to be petty here - is anybody else bugged by Mariah's makeup (the false eyelashes more than anything)?   I can understand wanting to look glamourous on TV but it kind of makes me think of the 1950s ads showing the housewife decked out in pearls and high heels vacuuming the floor or stirring the pot on the stove.   You're standing over steaming pots and hot stoves and chopping onions and you're wearing makeup more suitable to going to a nightclub.  No.  Just no.  

  17. An ok enough episode I guess.  These Dick Wolf shows are the modern day equivalent of watching some moral hand-wringer back in the 30s.  In last night's episode it was OA and his wrestling with personal right and wrong.   Frankly, I think that OA and the older agent should have been interviewed at different times for obvious reasons.  Maybe OA would have been more forthcoming about what really happened if he didn't have the other guy in the same room with him.

    And speaking of OA, I like the actor but he looks as if he's taking acting lessons from the Mariska Hargitay school of bad acting.  Check out his facial expressions and his body motions when he is trying to show frustration or surprise or anger.  Then go watch L & O SVU.  

    • LOL 1
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  18. I had seen this case previously (I think on Dateline).   Its another obvious case where the husband did it but whether he will be convicted without a body remains to be seen.  

    I just really, really, wish that young people would be educated in school  about the dangers of abusive, controlling partners.   I've read so many times that the person is in the most danger when they decide to leave.  It's a damn shame that May didn't quietly make her plans to escape and finally take the kids, grab a bag and go someplace safe.    Too many partner abused people seem to have the idea that the abusive party would never REALLY try to kill them and be stupid about telling the abuser that they're leaving. 

    The night before we watched "48 Hours", we watched a movie called "Star 80" about Playboy covergirl Dorothy Stratten.  She was murdered by her controlling abusive husband when she met with him at home to tell him that she wanted a divorce.  When her lover advised her against going to the house and she did it anyway, I was yelling at the tv , "No! No!" but unfortunately she did and paid with that mistake with her life.  

    • Love 4
  19. 57 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

    Nyesha, maybe next time just throw it in the trash. Same result except it's a] not dangerous and b] some poor PA doesn't have more shit to clean up at the end of cooking.

    I haven't been under the impression that Nyesha is a Gordon Ramsay type of hothead.  Methinks this was all staged for "drama".   And did anybody else notice how Trisha smiled an awful lot?  Like she'd be racing to grab food and have this big smile on her face, and be taken to task by Nyesha and still have a smile on her face.  It was weird.   Anyway, I'm glad that we've finally seen the end of her, and I think that as stated on the last episode thread the winner is probably going to be Pyet, with Mariah and Ruel as the runners up.  The way this show is being edited is leaning towards that.  But who knows?  We may have a big spoiler where one of the other ladies makes the top three, but I think the winner is going to be Pyet.  

  20. Another episode that was interesting and where I had no clue who one of the people was (Lena Waite).   I've been a fan of John Leguizamo for almost 30 years - he's just such an amazing talent.   And it's eye opening that his father came from a father that had all sorts of money but since he was only a "natural" son, and apparently not acknowledged, he had to find his own way in life.   I wouldn't doubt if he had an inkling of who his father was and it must have stung.   There might be some really good reasons why John Leguizamo might  feel more comfortable in character than as "himself".  

    And as an aside - nobody is commenting on HIS Noo Yawk accent - LOL.  Although I'd say his is more how most of us downstate Noo Yawkers speak as opposed to Tony Danza and his old style Brooklyn honk.   And I do know people of his age who speak like that.   Don't get me started on Cyndi Lauper though - nobody has sounded like that in the Bronx since Clara Bow left town.  

    • LOL 1
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  21. Good episode and thanks to all who mentioned that Abernathy was played by "Flambeau".  It was driving me nuts the entire episode trying to figure out where I'd seen that actor before.  Yes and his accent slipped a few times but that seems to be the case on so many of these British shows when they feature a British actor trying to play American in guest parts.  Seems as if they aren't able to pay for the "talent" that can do that in these small parts.  The actor who played Bass Reeves was good though. 

    I'm wondering if there is some mystery with the female stagecoach shotgun rider?  She couldn't really be Estella?   Or was she just put there to flirt with Fogg so we could see his discomfort with it?   And I think that we will see Estella as part of the New York City leg of the trip.  Maybe Bellamy is in contact with her and will use her to win the bet?    

    And not tying Bass Reeve's horse to the stagecoach bugged the hell out of me.  Horses were very valuable pieces of property back then (you could be hanged for stealing one) - no way, one would have been left behind.  Also, I didn't pick up on the show being filmed in Europe because of the horses' leg action but I kept thinking to myself that those were some really fancy horses for an old west stagecoach, and you also don't keep galloping horses forever or they'll drop from exhaustion.  I have to keep telling myself this is "fiction" and to just enjoy the obvious fantasy of it all.    Can't believe that it's almost over... 

  22. Another enjoyable episode and an interesting choice of who the bad guys were.   My only complaint is in the soap opera ending.  Why does this show have to go THERE?  I really don't care about Max's love life - I want to see crime solving, not stupid love triangles.  At this point, I'd rather him wash his hands of both women and save that kind of drama for the cases.   

    Anyway, I really hope that the show is renewed and we get to see more of it in the future.  

    • Love 5
  23. Amie Harwick - what a sad story.  I wonder if  Gareth Pursehouse had ever been arrested for physical battery and/or violating the orders of protection when he was abusing Amie years ago, and if not, why?   

    It's also a shame that after the incident at the red carpet event when it became apparent that this guy was completely unhinged that she just didn't jump on a plane and get out of L.A. for a while.   It sounds as if she didn't have a good security system at her home and maybe that she just really didn't want to believe that she was in that kind of danger.  The mind-boggling thing is that the psycho might actually wind up getting off scott free.  One would hope that a Los Angeles jury would be smarter than that, but then again,..

    • Love 5
  24. 2 hours ago, cameron said:

    Tricia unfortunately lives to see another week.


    Glad to see I'm not the only one feeling this way.  Is she supposed to represent everybody who is wracked with insecurity but with enough "attaboys" gains enough self-confidence where she can Triumph?  Yecch to that.  

    I also think that Chicago Redshirt is on to something.  And if it goes the way CR is predicting, then you know the fix was in.  

    • Love 3
  25. I really enjoyed this episode although I had no idea who Terry Crewes is.  And I also assumed that his father was dead from the way they talked about him and also happy to see that his grandmother is still alive.   At my age, it's beginning to give me pause when I see people on the show whose GRANDPARENTS were younger than my parents (both deceased).  

    And I agree 100% with iMoney above about Tony Danza's hair!  I kept saying, "Guy, it's not 1975 any more - get a freakin' haircut!".  It just looks bad - not flattering at all.  

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