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Posts posted by 12catcrazy

  1. 2 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Three episodes only.

    One gripe: Joan. Still don't like her. Don't like the newly-trim  Rigby's "poaching." And don't care for her anachronistic hairstyle. For that era it should be dead-straight, parted in the middle, not wavy-curly. 

    Same goes for the 'do of reporter Frazil, although she is too old for either of the above styles. (Don't get me started on CS Bright.)

    I'm a third through Episode 1, and am finding it excruciatingly boring. Endeavour must be also, as he is letting his charge out of his sight and presence often. And not pursuing, or even being on the lookout for, that "man in black" following the player? 

    And constructing an entire storyline around this particular sport? 

    Moreover, what was with Jackie's NOT  standing up to meet all those from his past on the TV show? His elder comes out, and Jackie just sits to shake his hand. 

    Of course, it's all the writer's raison d'etre to collect a bunch of suspects in one place. How conveeenient for Morse.

    Morse sleeps on the couch?! Is unaware that Jackie had a girl in early?! 

    Morse doesn't ask "Bill Shaw, Special Branch," for any ID?!

    Hanging in the bar after the big game, while Jackie is elsewhere?!

    WTH kind of "bodyguarding" is THIS?!

    Well, as it turns out---PISS-POOR, THAT'S WHAT THE HELL KIND!!

    BUT EVEN WORSE, Morse's dereliction of duty is a major PLOT POINT---and shown as part of the clever policing!---when Thursday and Morse figure out that Jackie met with former love (now-married and abused) Mrs. Sellars after the TV show. But why wasn't  "bodyguard" Morse WITH Jackie?!

    And no Superior questions Morse on his complete failure to guard, when Jackie goes missing?! 

    Men laughing and drinking at the bar with a murdered young team member not cold yet?

    A hoary old tale of game-fixing? What is this, 1932? Plus, a conspiracy to acquire land? Gee, haven't  seen THAT plot before.

    OMG. What an execrable script. We've waited for this? 

    Meanwhile, there was a package bomb, a murdered woman, and a targeted professor... Why can't that be the main story? Oh, wait; Morse investigates when spelled as bodyguard. 

    I don't know. I'm completely  underwhelmed. I get no personality from Morse, Thursday, or Joan; only a hint, because of his physical change and approach to Joan, with Rigby; a bit of wryness from Bright. Indeed, Winnie's laughter brings the most spark. 

    Who'da thunk?!

    I agree with everything you say (and My God, I have never been bored with watching this show until now) except for the hair.   Stick straight (ironed or set on super large curlers) and parted in the middle was usually teen girls.   A women of Joan's age  (20s) was more likely to wear it like she did and believe it or not, Bouffants were still being worn at that time (I know because I had teachers who wore them).   The reporter's hair wasn''t right for that time - for one, a woman of the reporter's age would have worn it more styled and again, possibly more bouffant.   Her long layers wouldn't really be a thing for a few years later and then usually worn by younger women.

    I also had a quibble about the Hot Pants seen on the runway.  1971 was certainly a year for Hot Pants but they were almost always worn with boots (especially the lace up ones) and also usually with colored hose.  The way they showed them on the runway evoked more  1930s chorus girl than 1971 hot fashion trend.  

    As an aside - does anybody know why the actor who plays Jim Strange lost so much weight?  He looks almost like a totally different person - it was hard getting my head around that it was still the same actor/character.    I think he is going to wind up marrying Joan (in the future).  Maybe another reason Morse likes to hit the bottle.  

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  2. Watched this week's episode and it was so tedious that it could have been "Oak Island".  Lots of hot air (pun intended) wasted on throwing smoke bombs into a cave opening.  Everybody wetting their pants over the smoke getting sucked into the cave.   Maybe instead of the astro physicist they need a geologist on this team.  Somebody who understands um, rocks and cave formations.  

    As for the lights in the sky - the first thing I though was drones.   Obviously, the locals know all about this tv show and maybe somebody is playing with them or actually had a reason for the drones (if that is what they are) to be up there.   The flight pattern made me think of the constellation Cassiopeia (kind of a long W shape).  I'm going to assume that next week we'll find out more after the "frame by frame" analysis is done.  

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  3. On 6/11/2022 at 4:34 PM, PsychoKlown said:

    In my profession I encounter so many older women who think they can charm people with their cutesy behavior.   She was attempting this while talking to the flabbergasted detective on the phone requesting a letter of innocence.  

    I also think that she believes she’s the smartest person in the room and in her mind there was no question that the jury would believe her. She certainly failed with reading that room. 

    I usually do not mind an hour episode but this was one I wished was two hours. I would like to know more about what the stepson feared from this woman.  I suspect he had some interesting stories.

    I know the verdict was just announced so I’m guessing Dateline wanted to strike while the irons were hot.  I just wish they would have done a deeper dive on this case…it might have been worth a few more weeks of investigation.


    I had a slow day at work yesterday so I tried to do a deeper dive into this case; unfortunately didn't come up with all that much - just that the victim and his wife met in the early 1990s and that he divorced his wife in 1994 and was estranged from his son for many years (what happened there seems like needed background material).   Also that the murderer had a successful catering business where she didn't cook but did the business end of it, until the last recession pretty much killed it.   Also that the insurance and extras she had on hubby was more like $1.3 million and that she had wanted to sell the house and travel the world and apparently hubby hadn't been totally on board with those plans.  

    Yeah, lots of background that I wish we knew about this case.  A "happily married" spouse usually doesn't decide to bump off their husband or wife without some kind of good (in their minds anyway) reason.  

    Also, Psychoklown, do you think the older women - cutesy behavior thing comes from some women trying to use their sex appeal to get what they want, and then when said sex appeal fades with age, going the cutesy route because they are used to trying to manipulate others and when one angle is gone, they try another?  

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  4. I wonder if almost nobody has posted on this thread because it was so  hard to find.  

    Anyway, I actually enjoy this show but will say that Lauraleefaerie and GustavMahler make some very good points.   I don't understand all the shade against Dragon - frankly, from the pained look on his face every episode, he looks as if he'd rather be anywhere but there.    And this is just typical Prometheus production fare - from the narrator on.  I keep expecting cameos from Giorgio and his sidekick Dave Childress as well as the Lagina Brothers.  

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  5. "The Jacket" was a really heartbreaking story.  AJ was such a beautiful girl with a future, only to have her life snuffed out by that scumbag lying "father".   I just kept shaking my head in amazement at him still proclaiming that he didn't do it.    Yeah, your GPS just happens to show you traveling to some out of the way derelict house and the poor girl's body was dumped there.   Nope, but he didn't do it.   What a sociopathic bastard.  

    And it really makes one want to know the story of how AJ's mother met and wound up marrying this guy.   If I recall the story correctly, AJ didn't even know who her real father was  (one has to wonder about the story behind THAT), then her mother married the one guy, who is the father of the other two children.  Then Mom and Step Dad had an acrimonious divorce and Mom wound up married to this guy who had a past criminal history.     You'd think as a woman who has three young daughters, she would have been careful about  who she brought home, but either she didn't do a deep dive into this guy or he did such a great job covering his tracks/being a bullshit artist that she had no clue who she had married.    

    Was there any local news coverage of the crime where they did any kind of investigation of the family?    And I'm guessing that the scumbag dosed AJ with heroin to subdue her enough to sexually assault her.   Makes you wish they'd bring back The Chair.   

    • Love 3
  6. I thought that this was a very well done documentary.   It was interesting to see how his comedy morphed from the early 60s to the 70s and how he had a resurgence in the 90s.  I had been familiar with some of his comedy in the early 70s (I was a young teen who'd listen to nightime FM radio) but I had no idea that he was also on tv in the 80s.   He had a brilliant kind of warped mind that excelled at word play and also was able to cut through so much of the bullshit of life.   I was sad that both he and his wife had bad substance abuse problems (and sadder for his daughter, and trust me, I know what that was like) but on the other hand,  they also had such a love story.   It was tragic that at the point in his life when he felt that maybe he could slow down career-wise and spend more time together that she became fatally ill.    His second wife appears to have been considerably younger, but thats usually how it goes. 

    Listening to so much of his later comedy I kept thinking, oh boy, if he had still been alive in the last 5 or so years, how much material could he have had, but it seems that so much of what he said 20, 30 years ago is just as true today - if anything, more so.  

    • Love 10
  7. The texts received by Parker's ex-wife and ex-partner, and their replies were identical which leads us to believe that they are/were working with the same person (The Raven?).   Now we will see if Parker's ex-wife is really a bad guy or if she is a good guy pretending to be a bad guy and who needs Parker's help in taking the real bad guy down.   

    Gazing into my crystal ball, I think that Raven has a mole in the FBI and that Parker's ex is aware of it.  She might be worried that there is also a mole in NCIS.   So she has gone undercover as somebody in co-hoots with the Raven and pretends to kidnap Parker.    

    I'd love to see her REALLY being a bad guy but something tells me that isn't going to be the truth.  Why did they now have to drag all this personal Parker crap into this?   I don't care if he has a crusty father who plays board games with him; I don't want to know his ex-wife (who he clearly still has feelings for), and God only knows what the backstory of "something even a happy marriage can't recover from", and I don't think that I want to know.   We've got the romance with Knight/Palmer (nice to see Ducky again) - show leave it at that.   Please.  But it appears that the actress playing the ex Mrs. Parker is being added to the cast list, so she is going to be around for a while next season.  

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  8. 9 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

    Good episode - I like both Palmer and Knight so it was nice to see them get a focus, and it was awesome to see Ducky again. I wondered how the case would tie to the Palmer/Knight situation, and they linked it together nicely. I was surprised the irritating doctor was in on it, I didn’t see that coming. Good investigation and good case. And while I usually dislike romance on crime procedurals, I do think Palmer and Knight have good chemistry. Knight has been a good addition to the show, and so has Parker - I loved Parker’s scene with Ducky in the morgue. 

    Xeliou66 - you said it all for me!  I'm another person who can't stand romantic pairings on these types of shows (I still gag when it comes to Rollins and Carisi on L&O SVU) but both Knight and Palmer are so likeable and they do have good chemistry, so I'm on board with that.   

    Not looking forward to Parker and the ex-wife which will probably be one of these things with the "cute" bickering or they still have a flame for each other.   Why ruin a good thing with Parker - keep him mysterious and his personal life out of the show.  

    • Love 7
  9. 3 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

    Calling it now, the CIA took her to put her into a deep undercover op. 

    You'd think if it were the CIA they'd kidnap her in a safer way than t-boning her car and possibly killing Robyn as well as injuring/killing Aunt Vi and Dee.  

    • Love 6
  10. I agree with everything that Ohmo said above.  Just makes more sense that Brenda would kill her husband than anybody else.   Especially with a gun kept in a kitchen drawer (don't we all have junk drawers with scotch tape, broken rubber bands, various pens that don't work, and .. guns!) 

    Actually, I really want more of a deep dive into Brenda and Buddy's marriage.   Dateline kind of alluded to it with all of the stuff about he wanted to do this and that and the other thing and she always went along with it.   You really have to wonder about the possible amount of simmering resentment this woman had for years, and I think that it probably was the tax audit/investigation that finally made her crack.  

    My guess is that she was a very passive-aggressive type of person and rarely (if ever) actually blew up in anger at her husband.  Maybe he was a domineering jerk (they didn't seem to interview any of his employees) and she learned to go along to get along.   And why didn't they have children?  Was is a choice that they both made (if they couldn't have their own, there could be adoption) or was it HIS choice?   just lots of questions that could possibly be a clue in why she did what she did.  

    And did anybody think that she looked much more stylish when she was arrested than she did while her husband was still alive?   She looked better with the short grey hair than she did with that dowdy dyed long hair with bangs.   Maybe she finally felt "free" - women's hair can say a lot.  

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  11. I really enjoy this show as long as I check logical reasoning at the door.   That being said, I really like the cast and they have great chemistry together.   It's also satisfying to have the good guys win most of the time.   Hair, makeup, and clothes are mostly on point (I agree that Mel looks better with the more natural looking makeup; that shade of red they use on her is wrong).   Even the teenager is getting easier to like this season.   

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  12. 22 hours ago, GiandujaPie said:

    I love this forum. You guys always say what I think too. What a bunch of losers Matt and Angela and their merry band of roommates are. And yeah, the whole pirates and polyamory thing was not really necessary as none of  it turned out to be relevant to the case, so it seemed to be there just for titillation. 

    None of those people looked remotely appealing or attractive to me so I don't know how they had so many marriages, divorces and kids among them but I guess they attract each other. 

    You (and everybody else above) said it all - took the words out of my mouth.   And this episode reminded me of the photo of a  "Keep Portland Weird" bumper sticker somebody posted on my FB feed a few years back.   Portland seems, um, weird indeed.  

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  13. Well I felt totally ripped off with Part 2.  It was mostly a rehash of Part 1 with a more recent interview thrown in as the bonus.   Mrs. Shelton is what my mother would call "a broken down tomato".  

    Hard to believe that she has gotten away with so much but she is smart enough to let somebody else's hands actually get dirty (with the exception of shooting the guy in the back).   Her husband is serving a life sentence - amazing how it was HIS DNA found on the discarded items near the one murder scene.   Probably was a win/win for her - her enemy's husband was dead and her husband was behind bars, which was probably fine by her.  And in a state where people get put on death row for a lot less than what she has done, she gets off scott free and can laugh like hell at both the reporters and their audience.  

    • Love 4
  14. So did anybody watched this weekend's Part 1 about the female disbarred Texas lawyer Catherine Shelton?  Talk about a WTF story.  Bodies drop like flies around this broad yet nothing seems to happen to her.  And that's in a state where people seem to get sentenced to death in cases where there is less evidence than what they can pin on this woman.  

    One ex-boyfriend- a doctor whom she apparently only dated for a few months and then sued him for half his assets claiming they were common-law married - was murdered in his garage.   A man who could have possibly been implicated in that murder wound up being murdered himself, and there is more coming.   One ex-boyfriend joined the Marines to escape her (probably prevented him from being killed) and they interviewed yet another ex-boyfriend who she actually shot in the back and yet she got let off the hook in that case ("self-defense" - yeah the guy GOT SHOT IN THE BACK as he was trying to leave).  

    I'm waiting for Part 2 to air this coming Saturday.  

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  15. I can't add much to what has already been said but Michelle got away with murder.   The jury had it right.  And did anybody else notice her body language when she was being filmed asking for whoever took her son to bring him back?  She would sort of turn her head away and downturn her eyes which to me said that she was lying and knew damn well that her child hadn't been kidnapped.  

    This seems to me to be the case of a woman who just got sick of being tied down with a young child and wanted "out".  It was probably easier to kill him than to dump him on other family members to turn him over to foster care.   I think that if her sister hadn't moved to Florida, the boy would not have been murdered as it sounded as if the older sister did much of the child care work in the family.   And no surprise that she sticks by Michelle while writing off the niece as a lying, wanting revenge drug addict.    Better to think ill of the drug addict than to come to grips with the fact that your beloved "little sister" murdered her five year old child.    

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  16. Really good episode - I enjoyed Robyn's detective work and the lack of shoot 'em outs and chase scenes.   I also enjoyed their take on "12 Angry Men" but also how they had most of the jurors originally closed minded about the case and with the attitude of "we just want to go the hell home".   Makes you wonder how many innocent people get locked up and guilty ones are still out on the street because somebody else got convicted, although most of the time, I still believe that the police get it right in who they arrest.  

    This show still has a great hair/makeup & wardrobe crew.  Loved Mel's boots and Robyn's sweaters but that Granny Square thing - no, just plain no.   Talk about an Ugly (actually Fugly is more the term) sweater.   And some hipster fashionista type would pay $800 for that thing?  Those Granny Squares need to stay back in the 70s where they belong (and if I only had my Granny Square midi-skirt from 1971.... not that I could fit into it but. it was  a helluva lot more attractive than that sweater).  Sigh.  

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  17. 19 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    I can’t believe they provided the remaining Dexter episodes for him to watch in prison! Much too lenient a sentence. 
    Yes, too bad the first guy didn’t come forward before. That could have very well cost the other guy’s life.  

    Kind of makes you wonder about prison.   And I looked at my prior post re "Dexter" and realized what a hypocrite I am as I watched all 4 seasons of "Killing Eve".  Talk about a show that glamourized a psychopathic killer!  Somebody punish me by making me watch some reality tv like The Kardashians.   Something where it's only people's reputations get sliced and diced rather than their bodies...

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  18. It's a shame that the first guy (talk about lucky!) didn't go to the police after he escaped - maybe the 2nd guy would still be alive.  

    Frankly, I never watched "Dexter" and never will.  I don't understand making killers into heroes; especially killers who seem to take such glee in killing their victims.   It just glamourizes such sickness.  And it's hard to believe that this weirdo murderer is actually going to be up for parole next year.  If you ask me, he should've gotten the chair but I don't think that Canada has capital punishment.  

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  19. 3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:


    3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    In comparison to others on the show in the past, he was relatively blasé in his response to HLG Jr.'s "how does it make you feel" about his enslaved ancestors. I wonder if he had to adopt that attitude to work in fashion when he was young.
    I wonder if his WWI ancestor is entitled to a posthumous reward?


    My guess is was because of his age.  He was 10 years older than me and I can still remember the civil rights marches on the nightly news and seeing black protesters have fire hoses turned on them.  He grew up in the segregated South in his grandmother's home so he probably heard plenty from the old folks.   Black people at that point may not have been slaves but they still had a precarious lot in life.  Look at a white person the wrong way and God knows what could happen to you.  His grandmother was a grown woman in 1920s America and that period of time saw a big growth in the KKK.  

    Most of the black guests on FYR have been younger people who didn't grow up having to drink from a different water fountain or in fear of being lynched, so they are that much farther from the experience of slavery and Jim Crow  than an older southern black man like Andre Leon Talley, 

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  20. I was a bit disappointed with last night's episode.  The only one of the three I was familiar with was Andre Leon Talley and there was very little on him.  I had read his memoir and he had a very interesting life, although he came off as somewhat bitter in the memoir.   He started his career back in the days when there was still a lot of class in the world of fashion and things changed.   He also seemed to feel that losing his looks (he had been a very handsome man when he was younger) also hastened the end of his career.   I guess that one can more easily get bitten by the sharks in shallow waters.  

    As for the two women, I didn't find either's ancestors all that interesting, other than the pastor being accused of witchcraft and then him blaming his wife.  Ah, the good old days when times were rotten...

    I was also envious of Erin Burnett in how she kind of stumbled into her career.  Some people really have the luck to be in the right place at the right time or know the right people.   For a person who had no background in journalism, she certainly lucked out there.  

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  21. I believe that I said something months ago that Missy Peregrym was pregnant because of how she started wearing very loose shirts and then she always had a jacket on and even with the jacket, they started shooting her above the waist.   Last night's episode was obviously the actress going out on maternity leave while "Maggie" recovers from her ordeal.   It was a pretty decent episode but I guess there are no SWAT teams located north of NYC?  You'd think if they could helicopter up the two agents, they could also helicopter up some backup.  Eye roll here.  

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  22. I originally liked Torres as an addition to the team - he was somewhat lighthearted and fun at times.  Since Gibbs and Bishop left (taking their beyond boring angst with them), the show has turned Torres into a moody, whiny, angry alcoholic.   So now he's the guy picking up all the angst we got rid of with the other two.   Show, give us a break.  I'd say that most of us want the crime of the week and our heroes catching the bad guys.  Who the hell watching a crime show wants to watch the heroes in therapy - this isn't Dr. Phil or Iyanla Fix My Life or Ophra.    I like Dr Grace and I had even liked Jack (remember her?)  but c'mon already!

    The other day I read that they are bringing on an actress to play Parker's ex-wife and it's going to be for multi episodes.   So that will either be angst filled or they'll be the "cute" bickering back and forth exes.  Another trope I can't f-ing stand.  

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  23. 1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    I had to turn this episode off. I couldn’t deal with seeing pictures of slaughtered animals every other scene. Did he end up being convicted? 

    No, the trial hasn't started yet.  

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  24. Here is one that might eventually make it to Dateline - very new story : https://nypost.com/2022/04/18/orsolya-gaal-was-stabbed-nearly-60-times-police-sources/

    Nice Jewish family living in an upscale neighborhood; very attractive victim.  The 13 year old son was arrested and then released.  Her husband and older son were on the west coast.  I'd say that maybe hubby paid somebody to kill her as he'd have an alibi, but stabbing somebody 60 times is really personal.  A paid killer would probably just shoot her and make it quick.   This is going to be an interesting case. 

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