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Everything posted by souR77

  1. I don’t know if it’s just that her kicks are so good but the other seem very low to me. Found this picture on Twitter.
  2. Thanks for sharing! Was this during halftime?
  3. yes she has for me too. My dream is for Marissa and Gina to dance next to each other. My only critique is that her energy sometimes makes her over-exaggerate some moves and it seems weird or it looks like she's doing a different dance.
  4. So I found some videos of the Meet the Team DCC event from someone who works with Marissa and Jalyn at a dance studio. you can see a lot of rookies. https://www.facebook.com/ashley.webster0531/videos
  5. from what I’ve viewed on Instagram, it seems the jumpsplit is still off and although I understand it’s been a long time and majority of the vets/rookies haven’t done it. I’m just worried of the potential injuries.
  6. https://instagram.com/stories/janeashleyslater/2641848928559882014?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&utm_medium=copy_link Insta story of partial thunderstruck also shows jump splits.
  7. Okay is that why when I see Caroline and think something is off? Like I think whatever she got makes her face look bloated or big but I don't think she's gained weight. I just noticed her face looks off.
  8. DCC All-Stars at Six Flags. It's the same show from the 4th of July event.
  9. To me not about them being boring but the show highly focused on how “bad” the vets were that they didn’t show much of the rookies so that’s why I can’t remember all of them like I usually do in past seasons. Also TPTB don’t let them post anything about being a DCC unless it’s promoting a sponsor.
  10. If I could do a tilt, I would do it everyday 😂🥲
  11. I was able to record of when they were on for anyone who wasn’t able to watch on GMA. The last part is muted because my dog was barking at another dog outside in the background.
  12. My bet is on Alora Rose they’ll pull a Brennan or a Lily where they cut them for making their “rookie” mistakes when they showed none of that on the show.
  13. I just looked through the comments of the first photo link.
  14. Hannah didn't even know what she was being cut for during her cut because she mentioned her solo and Kelli said it wasn't the solo but it was the pom technique. I rewatched the season 3 times and noticed the only time they showed Hannah mess up was the same dance. If it was pom technique, you'd think they'd show more her messing up for more than one dance.
  15. From what I’ve watched during the preseason performances, Ashlee hasn’t been point. Only Caroline, Lexi, Gina, or Rachel W so I have a feeling Kelli and Judy would decide one of them or maybe just totally switch it up and have a different point duo every game 🤷🏽‍♀️
  16. https://www.facebook.com/daniel.horner.12/videos/820312775519181/ Apologies, you should be able to view here.
  17. https://www.facebook.com/daniel.horner.12/videos/820312775519181/ sorry for the long link but I found a video of their performance yesterday at six flags. They did a portion of Thunderstruck and the kickline (arms linked) but no jump split. Gina was point. it’s the first video that is 10:59.
  18. Well of course she wasn’t the darkest in the group picture..... I just said “it wasn’t her normal tan”.
  19. It was not her normal tan. I’m not going to crucify you because you can choose not to be offended by something but you should not crucify or side-eye those as well for those who could be offended from Rachel’s “brown-face”.
  20. I'm glad I wasn't the only one seeing that. I hope whoever that was, was just stretching.
  21. I didn't get a sense of they were saying it was downgrade but her show didn't get picked up from previously trying an acting career and since she moved states to do something else. I get the feeling it wasn't working for her (I'm saying this since I live in SoCal and have friends who pursued and currently pursuing acting and dancing careers) and thats why she moved on to DCC which isn't a bad choice because I remember her saying in the fittings to Kelli that she wanted to dance till her body told her she couldn't anymore so I believe she'll go back to LA to dance not for acting.
  22. I can see this, maybe she made an immature joke that she couldn’t get out of but wouldn’t have that made the other vets leave at that time? Instead of waiting in training camp.
  23. My work is requiring it because it’s a university but you can get an exemption. That’s odd if that wasn’t given an option.
  24. This! The amount of times they tried to hide the DCC rookies last year really didn’t make any difference. It made me less interested.
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