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Everything posted by souR77

  1. For me, none of the rookies (except for Marissa) would shock me if they got cut. It’s not their fault but DCC MTT focused too much on the veterans and they weren’t allowed or have a big DCC social media presence until late in the season so most of the time I forget who’s the rookie class.
  2. I feel even if it is something “bad” that Victoria what she did that have her make the decision to take a leave or not re-audition this year, I think DCC’s know how bad she got it through social media when she had a rough first season and just want to support her in general. Even though it’s not her fault that DCC has been her world, I’m worried she’s going to have a hard time not being in it. The whole “unselfish” sentence seems off to me though.
  3. Wow this was shocking, I don't even know what to say but hope mentally she'll be okay.
  4. I had a thought McKenzie would be Rookie of the Year. She seemed to be a favorite by a lot of the veterans and they knew her before. I know it's because of the pandemic but i honestly forget who the current rookies are until we mention them or they're posted on the DCC instagram. As of Gina being Veteran of the Year, it makes me happy because it shows growth since the beginning when she probably had that competition mentality when it came to training camp as a rookie and now she's loved by all of the DCC's.
  5. I agree with this with the dances I've watched her do but when I saw her in this, she was the shortest there. She reminded me of a DCC jr. My only issue is in most dances she does something different than the others in the dances.
  6. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNxgsvGg9yr/?igshid=1041czjin05ue I’m actually loving Gina as point.
  7. Yeah, I can't see another bubble either but I see them implementing certain aspects that they did for the bubble like the length of rehearsals and the giving rookies some dances ahead of time.
  8. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeh3eCfu/ Marissa had Endometriosis surgery.
  9. Maybe it's the material? The shorts creases a lot and it doesn't really move with the body like their training outfits do so it gives that diaper look.
  10. I have a feeling she'll only stay for pro bowl and that's it.
  11. Especially since they got the dances ahead of time, didn’t have to rush to get settled in Texas since lodging was provided, and learned dances from choreographers than Vets being expected to know them less than 12 hours before moving into the bubble.
  12. https://www.facebook.com/SpiritCelebrationVAS/videos/1362561537431574/ https://www.facebook.com/SpiritCelebrationVAS/videos/780015059536263/ https://www.facebook.com/SpiritCelebrationVAS/videos/1107936749668755 If anyone wants to see performances from the DCC Nationals that happened on Saturday. all the performances are in the beginning. To me it seems like different groups performed but not sure. I'm really bad at pointing who's who.
  13. Briana made a instastory post about The Weekend’s dancers being on the field and then she deleted it. I would just love her to do commentary on the DCC MTT seasons. 🤣
  14. Was I seeing things? Or didn't DCC have an Invisalign related post on Insta with Ashlee and Maddie? I could have swore I saw that.
  15. I watched all the episodes on the CMT website a day after the last episode aired and the songs seemed the same but maybe they changed the songs later.
  16. True, just for me as a curly girl it’s hard because you don’t want to damage the real curls but it takes a lot of work and product (like cici mentioned in the vid) to keep it really curl.
  17. I have curly hair too and I was hoping she was going to show a special trick on how she gets her hair like that. Now I’m disappointed she uses a curling iron to finish her look 😩.
  18. I think any option they took they'd be cut or it would have been seen as not dedicated enough. I also think that maybe two week training camp seemed fine when the vet's were told but just like how I thought working from home in March for a couple of weeks was fine but here I am almost in February and it has not been the greatest, I am thankful to be working and I'm happy to have a job that I can vocalize my concerns and not get backlash for it. On top of them having them send last minute videos and learning choreo last minute that's stressful in itself.
  19. Okay so I listened to the podcast and if they had all this evidence to prove Hannah was off then why didn't they use it? With Meredith and Lily, they had tons of footage of times they messed up or looked off in certain dances but with Hannah they only used the same dance to show she had a pom "struggle". I think Melissa is just helping seal their narrative to stop the talks about Hannah and Brennan. I mean that's only an assumption because I'm not sure how many DCC MTT fans there are listening to her. Melissa talking about reality tv shows as a "job", when she used The Bachelor as an example that she should leave on a good note is ridiculous. I mean if you plan on being in a ton of reality shows as your career then yes but Brennan and Hannah have different career paths.
  20. can you provide the link? I can't seem to find it.
  21. Not sure and I thought that was weird too, Kat's was the only one they didn't mention the degree in.
  22. I think the DCC made another mess up. Isn’t UNC the tarheels and UNC Charlotte is a different mascot?
  23. it wasn't a video, it's a boomerang which still shows the birthday girl in the back of the picture.
  24. Yes I love Darian also. Sydney to me, seems to dance heavy or messy. I haven't seen enough but from what I saw on videos from game day and on the show her dancing seems messy but she's beautiful.
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