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Everything posted by cujo

  1. Looks like I've been wrong about the jacket Nick was wearing all along. I was very confident in it being John's with it being leather and having zippers as seen in his (John's) promo images and some of his confessionals but the zippers are going in the wrong direction and Nick posted on his Instagram that it's Dan's jacket:
  2. It was from an interview he had last week (posted by someone in last week's thread - sorry can't remember who) where he discussed the vote steal and some of the game up to that point. Article can be read here: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/survivor-david-goliath-nick-wilson-dan-rengering-john-hennigan-blindsides-1163630 Here's the snippet about the alliances he had formed to that point and their names. I don't think some of these were shown on TV and I'm thinking some were very nonchalant type of alliances as they weren't together all that long - him and John since the merge etc.:
  3. Big leather jacket with zippers... he's a "heel" after all and had to look the part.
  4. I've read through mostly 3 of the 4 pages and haven't seen this answered correct yet. It was John's jacket, the same one Davie had on start of last week's episode. Nick and John had a wrestling tag team alliance so I'm assuming he's inherited the jacket after Davie had his fun with it... or it's probably the jacket big enough to fit everyone so they're all sharing.
  5. Production wants the idols/advantages to be found. That's why they're in the game. That's why this year the majority come wrapped or tied with coloured string to make them even more obvious and stand out. The idols/advantages have ways to make the game more interested and gives the alliance down in numbers a chance to turn things around instead of just sitting back and getting voted out. It's to make for more interesting TV. Looking in many locations quickly over looking at one super indepth more than likely isn't anything new but with Christian's super nerd persona that's just how he knows to explain things so it helps build his character more. I would have said "yeah I looked at all the places really quickly" whereas he goes in to depth about the breadth-first search and what it means and how to do it. Production can't tell other players what you say in your confessional that's why they're confessionals. That would be production interference in to the integrity of the game and there would be ramifications from that (think lawsuits etc). It would be similar to someone getting all of the answers to the questions on Jeopardy (or would that be questions to the answers) before the show. In your confessional production will ask you about the game, who you're aligned with, what you're thinking so that they can build the story and have those talking head segments tell the story for the viewers at home. Without them we get no real information on the game - the players on the island don't get that information unless it's directly shared with them by the players they're aligned with.
  6. It's more of a computer scientist term then "techie" but maybe we're the same ;) There's breadth-first and depth-first as the two main type of algorithms (let's say ideas) for searches. As Christian mentioned a breadth-first would be the quicker look at everything across the search area. Depth-first would drill down deep in to each individual area until you hit the bottom then start at the next area. So in Survivor terms let's say you're on the island and break it down to the main areas of the island (like the sectors Christian did). We have camp, the beach, the forest, the rocks. For Breadth-first you'd take a quick look at all 4, anything you can quickly see at camp, the beach, the forest, the rocks. Then you'd go back and dive in a bit deeper at each one. The easily accessible but maybe hidden spots. At camp get on your knees and look under the shelter. Open the bucket of rice and check the bottom of the lid etc. Then move to the next area - if the beach flip over any logs that were easy to turn, etc. And keep going to the area. Then start back again and go deeper in to the areas and the hard to reach places. For depth-first you'd look completely at one of the areas. So if you're at camp you'd look overall, then under the shelter, in the rice, in the water, all the storage things, crawl under the shelter, empty the rice out and exhaust all possible areas then move on to your next area of the search - the beach, etc. Hope that somewhat makes sense.
  7. #brochachoblindside I just hope this doesn't mean Christian completes the 3-peat next week. Also watching Davie with John's jacket at the start all I could think of was an Amazing Race final challenge but for Survivor home viewers at the finale. "Hey home viewers, your chance to win $10K, in order list who's jacket was most talked about in each episode!"
  8. At 7-5 (Goliath-David) split it's hard to split the votes. They go 4-3 on someone then Davids can pick off anyone with a non-split or it'd end in a tie with last nights vote and go from there. They go 5-2 best case they tie the Davids, worst case what happened last night would still happen. The Davids split 3-2 (John-Angela) and John would still go home with the 3 votes.
  9. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not THAT Brochacho! Okay now that I have that out of my system after they got to tribal I was worried and saw it coming. There were breadcrumbs dropped throughout the episode that get you there and the editing is nicely done. The previews for this episode had the talk of the "hashtag Brochacho Blindside" and all the talk about Christian which is clue #1 that Christian isn't going anywhere. So when that plan was still the plan going to tribal I was fairly confident Christian was safe. We also get a replay of John saying "hastag Brochacho Blindside". Dan wins immunity. Dan safe. Christian safe (because they wouldn't give the boot away in the previews). Add that you hear one of the David's (forget who exactly) say something along the lines of "who will hurt Dan the most" and there's a giant arrow pointing at John. You want to think it's Kara and she's a solid option for reasoning there but John and Dan are the head Brochacho's. With John cut from the alliance Dan also becomes the strongest physical guy left as well making him a larger target. I had the small bit of hope when we saw Angelina doing the begging for the idol and Dan hesitating that we had "jacket gate v2" but that didn't play out. Even without playing the idol John was gone with the 3-2 split. The Davids knew the Goliaths told them Angelina and the Goliaths assumed they'd run with that so much so that Angelina believed it, begged and flushed the idol on her own. Someone else mentioned up above that the Goliaths planned to ditch Angelina anyway so the idol play - if Dan thought she was getting majority of the votes - was a wasted play and it definitely is. Heading to the next tribal 6-6 (if you think you're still split and based on that vote if it was all Angelina opposed to the John vote) with Dan's two idols puts you in a very powerful position even with the Davids knowing you have the one. They can make the fake target and you can protect 2 people and hope a Goliath has immunity. Thus 50% of your tribe is protected. They don't know about the Davids other advantages at all so that's where that line of thinking could get screwy but we have to base it on what they know and not what we know. John took it well. Angelina walking towards Jeff still begging for an idol to be played would have been TV gold though.
  10. Found this over on Reddit. It's a pic of the Feast congratulations poster as well as a location on the island that was seen in the episode. Putting it as a link so you can click if you want to see or not: https://imgur.com/a/sm7lUME
  11. Sorry to confuse you. That's a fake statement from Angelina ;).
  12. Looks like Angelina is back on the releasing statement trail trying to spin last nights events again: "My husband and I are aware that he's in the Marines and I am not. But we're one. So while he's deployed I watch highlights of great moments of military history on YouTube and Netflix. While it is unfortunate that Elizabeth can't handle the truth she was the vote I made a misstep when my brain felt the need, the need for speed and overreacted when I told her she was going to be the boot. It still confounds me when all of the General Goliaths went against me, Sergeant Major, in their efforts of saving Private Christian." *EDIT: not an actual statement from Angela... just making a spoof of her original statement from "showmance gate" and I did a similar one on "jacket gate" thread ;)
  13. This just in.... Angelina has released another statement, this time about jackets... "My husband and I are aware of the warmth of jackets. While we do not always wear jackets my comfort is greater with a jacket, I am surprised no one felt compelled to give me all the jackets. I think all of this really comes down to one fundamental Survivor truth: if you jacket on you can't jacket off, especially if you're a Goliath like me."
  14. We just won't know if he got the job until the reunion show because John doesn't have access to his website to read over Christian's application.
  15. He's a pretty well known wrestler to those who watch more than WWE (WWF) as he last wrestled there about 7 years ago. Although he won numerous championships there including the Intercontinental and the rebranded ECW Championship and the tag championships. He's been mostly in promotions not "mainstream" in the US mainly Lucha Underground (US) and AAA (Mexico) where he's been at the top of both of those promotions as well. He's currently in the US again fighting at Impact which is considered the second tier promotion behind WWE (along with ROH depending who you talk to). So for those who follow wrestling he's a known figure but he's not a guy who has been popular outside of the wrestling world and made the transition over - aka The Rock - Dwayne Johnson. Probably now known more for movies/TV then being a wrestler. Am I the only one who wants Christian and John to end up on the same tribe after the swap mainly to see Christian confront John about the thesis you know he's written in his head about Slamtown and see if his hypothesis is true?
  16. But we must stay GOLIATH STRONG!
  17. Bret Hart is from Calgary home of the famous Hart Dungeon that trained so many amazing wrestlers. I'm 100% behind John this year. I think he'll get taken out just before the merge or his first immunity loss after it - depending how strong his alliance is or how many members they have but either way the first target after they trim the fat if they have the numbers. He's got a parkour background as well so doesn't rely on his strength fully either as he's more agile. Will be interesting to see him in some of the challenges.
  18. So the guys you listed off are all from the WWF now known as the WWE - the Undertaker is still around believe it or not but only wrestling once or twice a year. In the WWE/F he's known as the Undertaker (originally Cain the Undertaker but quickly dropped and then had a brother Kane - wrestling.... am I right? HAHA) but had various versions of that same character. He wrestled in other promotions as different names as well most commonly as Mark Callous (not his real name), Mean Mark Callous, Texas Red, etc. Right now the WWE holds copyright on a lot of the characters they create and their names. So if you go and wrestle for them your name will more than likely change. He debuted as Johnny Nitro in a tag team, after he went to be a singles wrestler he became John Morrison to play off his arrogant character and similar looks to Jim Morrison. He left the WWE but they kept the name. So to keep some recognition guys will try to still play off that fame and use variations of the names they were most famous for. For him John is his real first name so all of the variations come from that in Lucha Underground Johnny Mundo, he's wrestling a bit for Impact Wrestling now as Johnny Impact etc etc. The other ones are more nicknames he gives himself as his character - so the arrogant American in Mexico will use the presidential names when talking about himself. Think of how Bret "The Hitman" Hart would call himself The Best There Was, The Best There Is, The Best There Ever Will Be. Lucha Underground takes the soap opera aspect of wrestling and turns it up a bit more as it's all filmed beforehand - same arena all the time - and has a big script that it adheres to for the season and that's it. It gives the wrestlers the ability to wrestle elsewhere and not be tied down every week. In contrast WWE runs their main shows on Mondays and Tuesdays on TV with the Pay Per Views once a month and all the time.
  19. Johnny Mundo is actually one of the wrestling names - generally used when he was with Lucha Underground. Real name is John Hennigan but the majority of his wrestling names are Johnny Something - Nitro, Morrison (ala Jim Morrison), Mundo, Impact etc. There's the listing in his thread on here or you can check is wikipedia page.
  20. Probst said the platforms were custom built for each player as they would need to be because each player's wingspan would be different. Devon's arms stretched out would require a wider base than Ryan etc.
  21. Only because I watched London and Chase's (featuring Logan for the first time) recap about the episode I'm able to answer some of these for you. Logan did the cup stacking because they essentially read gym and assumed it was a physical task that was made for Logan. They laughed when it was "the least physical thing you could do in a gym" but just kept Logan doing it - they didn't know at this point that the other partner would have to do the next task no matter what. London and Logan get along quite well. But he doesn't like her "like that" and after the race Logan and Sara (from Sara and Shamir) got together and are still together. Sara was also in the recap video. Bringing us to the gaming challenge. Logan said he played video games essentially for the first 18 years of his life and was somewhat familiar with Street Fighter. He told London who has never played video games ever to execute the button mashing technique as that's essentially what you do when you first start a fighting game if you have no clue what anything does. There's a lot of key combo/sequences to do for the special moves so if you're mashing at the buttons chances are you'll accidentally fall on to one of them. The racers didn't know about the handicaps happening and when they'd happen. London stated if she knew that she'd get an advantage after the tenth round she would have just sat there the first rounds getting beat.
  22. Was just going to come out of the shadows to tell people to check it out so they would know what Team Fun was thinking, what went down and how London and Floyd were helping each other on the bikes. Pretty sure it'll change a lot of the negativity that's has been shown towards the two women on here for sure. Also Floyd gives a pretty good recap of what he was doing (or thought he was doing) for the 3ish hours he was doing the bike task. Direct link to the recap from Team Fun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFNFZamYb6w
  23. I'm 100% sure that if I was having that conversation with Sierra about the legacy advantage as soon as she said "... and if I get voted out I'll give it to you!" I would have made the same face Sandra made directly to the camera when she was taking all of the sugar out of the jar to piss off JT.
  24. Going way out there but it's been mentioned a few times so I'm coming out of the shadows. In regards to who is braiding everyone's hair: it's Cirie. Andrea mentioned it on a post on Instagram:
  25. The vote: Vince, nina: Jenn Jenn, Hali, Will: Vince Joe: Nina It was all "to plan" accept Will who was told to vote for Jenn by group one and Nina by group two. Nina is his closest ally so he was against dropping a vote for the tie then revote sending her home. He was voting Jenn till Nina opened her mouth. He voted Vince as it sends the guy targeting him home, doesn't make him vote his closest friend and still goes along with group two and he can play it numerous ways: thought guys were voting Vince, he was targeting us, etc
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