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Not Buyin It

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Posts posted by Not Buyin It

  1. On 5/2/2024 at 7:25 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    I was prescribed Wegovy, but my insurance denied it.  So, I just continued on my own.  I’m ok with that.  Hopefully, I’ll maintain ok. My entire relationship with food has changed.  As have my food preferences.  

    I wonder if Whit is hoping to get pregnant, since weight loss.  That would really give the show a boost.  

    Oh, dear Lord, NO! No child deserves to be dropped into the midst of this sh-t show. She is not fit to raise a child. There is no father present. And the Barnacles? Please.

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  2. On 3/13/2024 at 7:07 PM, Scarlett45 said:

    Focusing on work somewhat might be good for them. With the social media work they can preschedule things as needed, and if emotions get to be too much, it’s not as if they will run out of bereavement days. (Meaning they can focus on family/healing until they are more up to addressing their business)

     So many people don’t even get days for bereavement, between planning funeral arrangements, the paperwork, attending to the loved ones personal affairs it’s exhausting. And the people that do that are usually the ones most emotionally distraught. It’s so hard. 


    Yeah. I was suddenly roped into the executor role for my father's estate. It ripped me up emotionally, tearing down and disposing of my childhood home while mourning (actually suppressing the grief because of the tasks at hand) the loss of my parents. I'm still feeling pain over it, several years later.



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  3. On 3/11/2024 at 2:55 PM, LotusFlower said:

    It’s about RESPECT.  They didn’t respect his rules.  And he’s such a stubborn m-f that he decided to withhold his role in their lives until they apologized to him for disrespecting his rules and living “selfishly” (all his words), in addition to apologizing to Queen Robyn for anything and everything.

    HE TOLD US THIS WAS THE REASON!!!  (Not yelling at you, Laura!  I just hate him so so much). 

    Yep. All about "respect". The same reason he withheld the Sacred Pencil from those wives who, in his mind, were not worthy due to lack of "respect". Some husband, he.

    Some father.

    What a man's man.



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  4. On 11/25/2023 at 1:16 PM, Meow Mix said:

    Janelle is really hammering on the word grounded lately.  I hope whoever speculated that she and Gabe and Garrison are going to go into the weed business together was right.  They could make good money and whatever you think about weed, it's at least better than ripping off people in her downline to sell that pink crap.  Weed's not my think (highly allergic), but others seem to be into it.

    Military would never condone that. And believe me, they do find those things out.


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  5. On 3/15/2023 at 9:23 AM, laurakaye said:

    Truth - but who would want to hang a painting in their living room so they can look at it every day and recall that time when their sister wife almost ran away with a banana?  Typical Meri - "here's a semi-heartfelt token of my non-apology for being scammed by a catfish, even though everyone warned me - now hang this pitchur above your mantel and forgive me completely, even though I never actually apologized."  


    Because it gave him a "project' to do to appear busy so he didn't have to actually do anything constructive for hours.  He's extremely good at that.

    "WHERE'S ALL MY HELP???!!!???"

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  6. On 2/16/2024 at 11:48 AM, Gramto6 said:

    I think she is saying "without medical intervention" to mean she didn't have any surgical procedures, but hoping it will spill over in people's minds to mean also no meds.  No way she isn't using something like Ozempic, she just won't accept that it does fall under "medical intervention". Magical thinking, magical weight loss...

    Yes, it is good for her health that she has lost weight, but why not be honest?

    Ah, well. That's sad then. The stand off between Her Fabulousness and Dr Now would have been well worth the cost of my satellite subscription, all by itself.

    On 5/1/2024 at 12:17 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

    Oprah’s special was pretty good.  It only covered a little though. There’s so much more.  

    I think I’ve posted before that I suspect many people think that I used injectables for weight loss. But, I didn’t.  I have a tight diet full of nutrition and a daily workout schedule.  I suppose I shouldn’t care what people think.  For me, I just got inspired to live my best life.  If wasn’t all that difficult.  I lost most of my 75 pounds since last July.  A few more to go.  

    I do look forward to seeing how Whit portrays daily life if she’s losing weight.  

    Congulations on your success. I also recently lost some 30 pounds without medical means. But I don't think people would want to follow my method: Lyme Disease. Just one li'l tick bite and those pounds just "magically" melted away.....


    • Hugs 4
  7. On 4/3/2023 at 2:16 PM, dariafan said:

    Season 11 ep 2. To keep in line with surviving sister wives.     Who is this kootie and what happened to him ?  He was reasonable.  ( the talking heads dealing with Leon   The Mykelty and Tony stuff he was still a mess ). 

    He was pandering to a target, protected population. Nothing more


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  8. On 1/22/2024 at 4:36 PM, IvySpice said:

    WTF is the point of a stay-at-home mom who doesn't cook and has a nanny? Whatever Kody is picky about, it can't be that he expects pheasant under glass. Make some chili mac using Campbell's soup and he'll be in hog heaven. If Robyn can't manage that, she is a genuine idiot.

    You are missing the point. She speaks "KODY"! Obviously a very rare and valuable talent.


    • LOL 18
  9. On 4/4/2024 at 2:42 PM, Denize said:

    and if you put on makeup and dress for appearances "on set" and for making $$ on Patreon, Mykelti, couldn't you show the same respect for Garrison at his memorial service?

    Yanno, for my Dad's funeral, I dressed for the occasion - that being how he and I would be dressed for a day together. It had nothing to do with cameras, or what other people wore or what they thought of my choice. Jeans, flannel shirt, hiking boots. The moment was for Dad and me. And that's how I wanted to remember it and him. So I don't have any problem with Tony and sneakers and a baseball cap. Hey. He showed up. 'Nuff said.


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  10. On 3/30/2024 at 4:01 PM, ginger90 said:

    A post by Janelle on Instagram:



    I am sorry to welcome Janelle to 'the club'. Not many of us are in the position to have that folded flag handed to us. It is a moment seared into memory for all time. I will never forget the face of the young Sargeant who knelt before me and handed me that flag that covered my father.

    • Hugs 17
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  11. On 3/30/2024 at 9:32 AM, Rabbit Hutch said:

    I just loved that the National Guard held  a memorial service for Garrison.  HATED that Robyn was on the front row.  😠  She should've waited in the car.  Or better yet, not shown up at all.

    Just when I think I can't LOATHE that woman more, she goes further down that black hole.

    I dunno. It's always fun and games until someone gets hurt. It has been a sport to mock Robyn and Kody - and hell. They derserve it!

    But they didn't deserve this. Mine is a military family. Over the years we have lost a number of brethren-in-arms. The stunned disbelief. the burning, stabbing, smothering overwhelming grief - no, I wouldn't wish these things on even the cartoonish asshole we see as Kody Brown. I fervently hope he, that all the family, gets the help they need right now.

    I can't kick a man - or woman - when they're down.

    Hunter, my fellow Airman, hug your Mama. I am the mother of a Soldier, one who has been a lot of places and seen a lot of thiings (160th Night Stalker for 14 years). I know what your mother has felt/feared in her heart for years now. Hug your Mama - - you understand why.

    Let them be as they need to be, for now. Let them attend or not, sit wherever. For us, it really is nothing. For them, it may well mean everything.

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  12. On 3/21/2024 at 2:58 PM, General Days said:

    I didn't care for that Scaachi Koul piece, even beyond the factual inaccuracies (although she failed there, too). Somewhere between Alberta and New York, Koul forgot the kicker in the tagline of her old Hazlitt column: "From conflicts and confrontations both institutional and personal, to managing your own privilege without being a dick..."

    There is a way to examine and even critique the genre, as well as this specific show (and fandom), without condescension. If you want an audience to consider whether a show should go on, don't begin by essentially telling that audience that they are dull and tasteless for having watched.

    The first rule of writing about guilty pleasure TV: drop all pretension because you, dear writer, love some stupid shit, too. It may not be a TV show, but there's something in your pile of pleasing pretties that would make the uninitiated roll their eyes at you. Don't pontificate about McDonald's from a Burger King booth bearing your ass print.

    Even as I wrote the above, a little voice tried to tell me that the less said about Koul's snobbery the better. I decided to ignore that voice and let the intrusive thought take a victory lap.

    Carpeting! Suburban tedium! What was the purpose behind Koul's framing? How precious does she imagine her readership to be? Had the Browns always had wealth, social status, sophistication (and less pedestrian floor coverings, apparently), would that have made the show less "boring"? (By the way — "Boring"? What vapid criticism.) Or perhaps it was that the Browns weren't poor enough for her. Maybe she could only justify interest in this show, if the whole prolific platoon pitter-pattered around on earthen floors and practiced pica. 

    Would the Browns' subversive, cult-dictated, misogynist family structure have been more worthy of examination, had it played out in an urban penthouse with marble flooring — or at least upon hardwoods? (Mind you, I'm not pretending the show did not regularly shortchange its rich premise. It surely did. I'm objecting to how Koul teed up her argument with needless affectations that did not serve her thesis.)

    Koul had valid points to make. Her presentation was so off-putting though, that I have already forgotten what those points may have been. She didn't say anything new. She didn't add anything to this discourse more insightful than any sober fan has released into the aether since Garrison's passing (and really, for far longer).

    It is strange to me that an admitted consumer of this genre chose this way to dish up the subject of reality viewership ethics. Koul may have managed a literary publication, but it is arguable she finally made her internet bones in a Buzzfeed takedown of Friends — and only a mere quarter of a century after it was relevant. She is not William F. Buckley, Jr., nor is her Guardian pop culture piece Firing Line.

    All that is to say she is not above writing about Sister Wives. It involves a fandom she should understand, or at least a type of fandom familiar to her. After all, according to her, the only female friends she has made in adulthood are online fans of reality TV. (Yes. No. Really. She has written of herself as one of those "I only have guy friends" girls.)

    Who, other than Sister Wives viewers (and maybe some of the broader TLC and Bravo audiences), did she suppose might read any Sister Wives piece in the first place? What did she hope to accomplish? All she accomplished on my side of the screen was reminding me how much I still miss TWoP — 10 years out.

    Koul fell short offering the kind of critique at which most TWoP writers usually excelled, even on their off days. She floundered because of her approach. There was no connection. No soul. She didn't write as one whose love has gone wrong. She wrote like a socialite laughing at the doorman's crush on her.

    In the best (and even much of the merely adequate) TWoP coverage, writers often took characters, shows, writers, genres, networks, and even fanbases behind the woodshed. But they did it with love. They were most successful at a takedown, when they did so with the empathy of someone with skin in the game — not as if they'd only read about the whole mess from an altitude of 40,000 feet.

    The brain needs oxygen. Rarefied air lacks it.

    Bravo! Bravissimo!

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  13. On 3/4/2024 at 12:59 PM, GeeGolly said:

    I spent a couple years working exclusively with 'after incarceration' folks. Assisting with everything from getting a ride from the jail or prison, pocket money, renewing IDs, social services, clothing and obtaining housing and jobs. None of it is easy. A lot of discrimination, but also some great places and landlords who go out of their way to be supportive. But IMO, some felons should have limited ability to work, live and move about the community - Josh included.

    The judge made it sound like Josh had sizable savings, whether any of that will be left in 8ish years, who knows. IMO, any support he gets from JB has less to do with JB's age and more to do with how much money JB has left.

    But no doubt, unlike many of my former clients, Josh will always have a place to lay his head and food to eat, even if it feels totally unfair.

    Why is it unfair? Why should a felony charge mean a life of guaranteed poverty? Yeah, Duggar did some Sh!tAzz things. But I can't help but notice that, while certain politicians, sports figures and Hollywood darlings have done same/worse, Duggar is held in greater contempt and hatred. And the only apparent difference is the Duggars' Christian faith (flawed as their practice might be). It makes me wonder.

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  14. On 3/26/2024 at 5:30 AM, Quof said:

    What will they do when he is able to read the banners that say Little People of America at the conferences? or when he is participating in Dwarf Athletic Association events? 

    He'll learn to deal with it. As all children learn to deal with their limitations and differences. IF the adults in their lives don't f@ck them up. But I think the Roloffs are up to the challenge. I can empathize with their misgivings and wanting to delay the discomfort as long as possible. Who wants to see their kids hurting?


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  15. I've been an owner and trainer of dogs for over half a century. I don't see that Tori did anything wrong with tying the dog out for a while. He certainly wasn't abused. Just smelly.

    Okay, let the beatings commence........

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  16. On 10/26/2023 at 12:11 PM, Gramto6 said:

    Spot on in all regards @Yeah No

    I think Twitney is a despicable, selfish, fame whore! It is all about her, her wants, her desires, being worshipped,  just HER plain and simple. The most egregious thing she has done in my eyes is her treatment of Glen and his mourning process. She somehow thinks she is in charge of him and she knows better, he should do just as she says.  Yes, she is grieving her mom too, but she has taken that grief and made it into her being the Matriarch of the family now, all knowing about everything and everyone. 

    She needs to just sit down, take a seat and STFU!! Let people grieve in their own way/time and proceed with life in a way that makes them (not her) happy again.

    She is not the Queen of all things/events/contests and everyone's lives. She needs to look in the mirror and start to get her own life in order. Or she will end up alone in her old age and it will be no one's fault but her own!

    From your lips to Whitney's ears!

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  17. On 10/11/2023 at 10:34 AM, Pi237 said:

    OMG Whitney is so insecure, it’s painful to watch.  She instantly had it out for Jaime-young, thin, and blonde, Jaime

    I hate competitions. This is so stupid, but probably producer driven because what else would we watch? Whitney comparing Angie and Glenn’s ears for an hour? 

    I would have paid good money to see Glen and Angie hand Whitney reservation paperwork for the local Holiday Inn, with a STRONG suggestion that she go park it there for a coupld of days so they could get acquainted.


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  18. On 3/3/2023 at 6:55 AM, chediavolo said:

    A quick google search reveals their real last name & location.  This show needs to die. So friggin boring. Spend the energy on getting mental health therapy for mother and daughter.  

    Oh, most definitely intensive therapy for the kid. For Mommy Dearest, I'd prefer permanent incarceration for the most horrific child abuse ever. And documented!


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  19. On 3/1/2023 at 9:19 AM, spacefly said:

    Sander is a Social Media Influencer and recently started a new job within that field. Griffen is in Law School and will graduate UF this spring. He is focusing on tax law.

    Well, at least one of them has a plan that just might work


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  20. On 10/11/2023 at 10:16 AM, gaPeach said:

    Brandon and Mary are beyond stupid. All that facetime and they apparently planned nothing.  I am sure their calls mostly consisted of "What girls did you talk to today?"  Why didn't you answer on the 1st ring?  What were you doing talking to a GIRL?"   You know, the important life stuff..............sheesh they are dumb.

    Brandon is stupid. Mary is calculating, manipulative and desperate.

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  21. On 10/10/2023 at 12:52 AM, anoninrva said:

    Mary comes across .. unfavorably.  Sure, he's a shiftless teenager, but what else is he going to do?  Farm rice?  I don't think either of them planned very well for what was going to happen when he got there other than sexy times.  And even that, they didn't plan well..

    I know we're only really getting his side of the story, but the selective translation with her grandfather, her overall RBS, I don't know.  Spoilers aside, I'd agree that things do not bode well for that relationship.

    My husband and I are both retired military. Served during the timespan of Vietnam through Desert Storm including the Cold War. We laughed at Brandon from the get-go. Boy, you share a warm bed with that "sweet young thing"....she OWNS you! For her "honor", doncha know. We saw that happen oh, so many times. And if the pee-stick says "Congratulations!", it's Game Over.

    Seems some things have not changed all that much over the years. We'll be sure to tune in, just to see how 'Harry Potter' works his magic over this situation.

    On 10/10/2023 at 8:27 AM, Mr. Miner said:

    It looks like they are blurring out EPT's on the second shelf of their little "store". They gross me out!

    Very popular item for sweet "vulnerable" girls wanting a ticket to the US.

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  22. On 10/16/2023 at 12:40 PM, General Days said:


    Possibly, but I do think Kody was supportive off-camera, as well as on, when Leon (who was then still publicly identifying by their birth name) came out as gay. I think he was supportive off-camera, because he and Leon seemed to continue to have decent conversations. He was glad they got engaged to Audrey. They talked on the phone about Covid, when Leon and Audrey were quarantining there after leaving Chicago, but before they went to Parowan to help out Grandma Bonnie with the B&B. 

    That is to say, I wouldn't think Kody who accepted Leon as gay would get his panties in a bunch about Gwen being bi.

    Whatever it was, it's just one more conversation on this show that feels like it was actually code for some other conversation.

    And I get it. I get that the family has no incentive to share their darkest moments that managed to escape the camera, but so don't allude to them, Browns. Ugh. they just drive me nuts.

    In this one instance, on this topic, I wholeheartedly agree with Kody. At least he has something right.


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