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Posts posted by UniqBlue69

  1. I agree with you, Maharincess. I don't think a criminal should be given special consideration based on the fact he was able to produce some offspring. If anything, it makes me look at him more disdainfully because he committed those crimes knowing how much he had to lose and simply not giving a fuck. Apparently, he didn't take his children into consideration when committing multiple felonies, so why should the judge? And it isn't like he was some upstanding citizen before this. Didn't he have a number of brushes with the law vis-a-vis a DUI and trying to fraudulently obtain a license with his brother's ID?

    All this is to say, I don't necessarily agree with the decision to deport him since it wasn't a violent offense but I don't think whether the offender is a parent should ever come into the equation when the decision is made. I'm sure there's many incarcerated whose mamas and papas miss them dearly but it's irrelevant when determining an offender's sentence, as it should be. Plus, as noted above, he was an emotionally volatile drunk before going into the pokey and financially, Teresa is the one bringing home the bacon. I feel for the children but at least they won't be out in the street.

    • Love 17
  2. If I ran the risk of accidentally seeing my mom give my dad a BJ because she enforced a strict "open door policy" (no amount of brain bleach can scrub that "charming" little anecdote from my mind unfortunately), I would've run so far from that house the minute it was humanly possible to do so. But if the sidepiece stories are true, maybe the only sucking going on in that household is Wendy with her fingers when she's munching on her favorite hot sauce smothered popcorn snack (again, sorry for the wretched visual).

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  3. On 9/12/2018 at 12:59 PM, JuliesMommy said:

    Because having someone spit into your asshole isn’t crossing the line.

    Maybe announcing it to the entire world is crossing the line, but there's nothing inherently wrong with anilingus. Hell, some people do like gold showers and while that ain't my thing (apparently nor Brianna's), I don't think we should judge someone for their sexual proclivities if it's consensual and between adults.

    • Love 2
  4. I reserve the right to change my mind once it comes into play, but I'm kind of excited about this social media twist. To me, it seems like it's designed to weed out the boring, do-nothing houseguests that are just there to take up space like Matt from last year. My impression is that the punishments are going to be for those whom the audience feels mostly indifferent towards, and not for the hated houseguests, because whether you're hated or loved you're still inspiring conversation and thus are "trending." So if this incites people to cease with the 10 hour naps and actually make an effort to entertain me, I'm all for it :).

    I'm less excited about the fact that the HOH now has the power to "spy" on 3 rooms. On the one hand, that is going to limit a lot of back-dealing and secret strategy sessions that I love to watch so much. On the other hand, this forces the HG's to come up with some crafty ways in which to conspire. Can you imagine people from different factions in the house all scurrying into the storage room in order to scheme in private and awkwardly trying to act like that's not the reason they went in there once they run into their enemies? That could be entertaining.

    peachmangosteen, I'm totally down for a BB fantasy game. Count me in!

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  5. I'm surprised no one is discussing Gina Marie's theory. Big Brother pulls in respectable numbers but Survivor is the bigger show, so if they wanted to bring in bigger numbers for The Amazing Race, why not make it an all Survivor season? The timing seems very fishy and I wouldn't be surprised if this supposed Amazing Race cast is really the cast for a Big Brother 20: All Stars 2.

  6. I just can't stand how she has to bring it to the gutter level each and every time she opens her mouth. I'm not one to usually "clutch my pearls," but I don't need to constantly hear about your 'pretty pussy' and your adeptness at sucking dick for gifts. As my mom would say, this girl has no couth! Doesn't her sugar daddy have younger children? I hope she's at least able to contain her vulgarity around them.

    • Love 16
  7. 7 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Stassi’s musical choices cracked me up. “Show tunes, Reggae and the soundtrack from GOT’s”

    She actually said reggaeton, which I found totally bemusing because -- A. Does Stassi even know Spanish? and B. How'd she become exposed to that genre of music? Perhaps she had "Despacito" on replay like everybody and their mama last summer and now considers herself a reggaeton aficionado.

    • Love 4
  8. 1 hour ago, jaybird2 said:

    well, i can just see delores setting herself to be the next gangsta, caroline manzo next year.  provided she comes back.

    If she's invited me back, I'm going to assume she pimped out her over-roided son to Andy. She's more boring and irrelevant than Carole (NYC), Cynthia (ATL), and that chick from Potomac who wears really bad wigs and practically subsists on champagne. Clearly I watch too much Housewives LOL. But I would take those women and a hundred Siggys over Dolores any day!

    • Love 3
  9. 39 minutes ago, ShadowHunter said:

    I see Michelle Williams didn't bring Busy Phillips with her that surprised me. Just use to seeing them together. 

    I said the same thing but I just read on Vulture that apparently a lot of actresses are bringing activists as their dates. The issue of sexual harassment is an important one to acknowledge and discuss but I'm worried for tonight's show. Golden Globes is usually one of the more fun awards show. I don't want it becoming a somber, indignant event!

  10. I just watched the latest episode and holy shit has shit gotten uncomfortably real. I know these reality are often staged in order to produce maximum drama but the enmity between Maci and Ryan's family is real and it's uncomfortable as hell. Usually, I wouldn't give a damn and just sit back with some popcorn but I feel so bad for Bentley, who is the ultimate victim in all of this! I really hope these people can figure all this out for Bentley's sake!

    • Love 11
  11. Screw the unseen moments! What was with the unspoken tension on the right couch? Anytime Jenelle spoke, Chelsea kept her head down and looked completely stiff and Kailyn faced halfway towards Jenelle but kept he glance downwards as well. I don't follow these chicks outside of the show so is there tension among the cast? I found it weird because Brianna spoke of tension between herself and Kail but Kailyn was smiling during Brianna's segments and they even interacted with each other, however briefly. But when Jenelle's segments came on, shit got really uncomfortable. What's the tea?

    • Love 2
  12. I can't stand Wendy and haven't watched her in over a year. I just come here for the snark but some of your comments about how out of touch she is reminded me of one of the last times I watched Wendy. She was covering the whole Ben Affleck affair with the nanny ordeal and had the audacity to act like Jennifer Garner was nothing more than his arm candy. She was like "I don't know who this young lady is besides the woman who sits next to Ben on award shows" and of course her audience of sycophants applauded in validation. Obviously, Ben is the more recognizable star but Jennifer Garner is an Emmy nominated, Golden Globe winning actress who headlined a major TV show for years and she's appeared in Oscar winning films like Juno and Dallas Buyers Club. I guess, because before the affair, she hadn't been a fixture on gossip blogs and Us Weekly, Wendy deemed her irrelevant. That was just one of the myriad reasons I couldn't stand to watch her anymore.

    • Love 8
  13. Damn! GG needs a stronger strain of marijuana because that chick is wayyyy too extra. "WE ARE BLEEDING IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS FOR THE WORLD TO SEE!!" Girl, get a fucking grip! You're collecting a paycheck and hoping to procure a modicum of fame in exchange for exposing your fuckedupness to the world, not performing a public service. I think it was ridiculous for them to try and pile on Asa for her, what, "ignoble" reasons for being on reality tv when she's in it to collect coins like the rest of them! Andy should know that best since his bestie, Bethenny, rarely shows up in front of a camera without gratuitously shoving her skinnygirl crap onto the screen!

    I can barely tolerate Mike these days but damn I damn near applauded when he made the astute point that Shalom being a good guy doesn't necessarily make him a good partner. The fact of the matter is none of these people know how Shalom behaves towards GG behind closed doors and it's ridiculous to just assume Shalom had no part in the dissolution of the relationship because he's such a "nice guy." Of course Reza spared no time in laying all the blame on GG's feet and basically harangued her for being a "difficult woman" because he's as misogynistic as his boss, Andy.

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