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Posts posted by auchic

  1. I never knew Dog Day Afternoon was based on a true story. I like that they had a trans actress playing Elizabeth Eden.

    I want whatever Anais was drinking that first segment, 'cause she was loooooaded. Josh Hartnett has aged well, mmm.

    That last segment about Edie and Thea was so well done, I teared up as well. Kirby needs to be on this show forever, she is adorable.

    • Love 3
  2. 2 minutes ago, saoirse said:

    I know I read an article a season or two ago where one of the narrator's said they'd actually gone to an AirBNB rental for the story, which makes a lot of sense.

    Ah, good point, didn't even think of that! But they do film at some of the narrator's homes, too? There was that episode with Paget where they were rolling around in her bras?

  3. 3 hours ago, Iboatedhere said:

    I love that the Florida costume in the first story was a remake of Lisa’s. 


    Shit, I didn't even notice that. All the lolz.

    Amber Ruffin isadorable. She did Clara Barton so well last year I was crying laughing. 

    This gif isthe best: 


    We've seen the house Derek and Lyric were in before, haven't we? Do they film these in random sets or are they filmed in the narrator's own place?

  4. 3 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

    Greta Van Fleet is for a generation of kids who don't know who Led Zeppelin is. They're just riding that wave until the day their fans discover Rush.

    Truer words, lol.

    58 minutes ago, Camille said:

    I burst out laughing at the part where the guy tried to approach a group of women, only for them all to raise the urns.

    The Leave Me AlURN sketch was one of the best things I've seen in ages, especially this part.

    • Love 8
  5. What the shit was that? Did this episode really need a hostage situation and a possible rape baby? Guess it's easier than having good writers come up with compelling and engaging plots that don't revolve around just Olivia saving the day.


    Gotta say, the salt-and-pepper thing Austin from Days had going on was FOINE (but my god does it make me feel old...I had such a crush on him in high school!)

    • Love 7
  6. Watching this episode with pilots was fun. If we'd have had to drink every time there was something inaccurate portrayed or mentioned, we'd have been drunk before opening credits and dead before the grand jury.


    On 1/18/2018 at 2:10 AM, shapeshifter said:

    I think the show was trying to demonstrate that while a woman should head SVU, a man still had to womansplain the situation to a grand jury to make public a legally unwinable point. Or something like that. 

    I'm sure if they could have found a legit way to get Benson into that grand jury room, that would have been her grandstanding and pontificating. Did anyone actually write this episode? Half the dialogue sounded like it was taken from the top Tweets from the #MeToo hashtag. 


    On 1/18/2018 at 9:05 AM, QueenMab said:

    Now, Benson doesn't tell him what to do, he already knows what would make her happy with cases and goes forward with them accordingly. The whole Grand Jury bs was to please Benson, because other than that, it was a stupid waste of the Court's time and money.

    Only way it would have been more obvious is if he'd actually said "I did it for you" in that last scene (I so thought that was gonna happen). I love their friendship and I wouldn't be opposed to a relationship, but if that's what the show is trying to endgame, they need to have Olivia reciprocate in some way. I can see what some of you mean when you say Barba is worshiping her; he was practically begging her to throw him a bone. 

    I missed Kressler, that snide sarcastic magnificent bastard. I also miss Carisi and Fin...can we please have them back? Soon?

    • Love 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, Gigglepuff said:

    and second, the "rape fantasy" was used a few seasons ago in "Theatre Tricks."

    Yes, THANK YOU, I knew they had done something similar before and couldn't think of the name, just that it had a very young Adam Driver.

    • Love 1
  8. Well, that's a hell of a cliffhanger. If only I cared.

    ETA: I don't know how to feel about Rollins/Carisi. I'm here for it, but it's starting to feel a little soap opera-ish...will they, won't they, and then they finally do BUT WAIT PLOT TWIST.

    • Love 4
  9. 7 hours ago, RafaelBarba35 said:

    Sooooo.... We just got a deleted scene of Sonny confronting a reporter and saying he might be in hot water with his lieutenant. So the plots weren't switched. They just deleted Sonny's and gave Benson more screen time. I'm seriously hating this. Sonny gets an interesting storyline and it gets cut for more Benoah drama. And next week we get more Benoah drama since Liv still has to get over her doubts about Shelia. If you're gonna cut the plot don't put it in the press release!!!!???

    I'm pissed that it was cut not just because it was a dropped plot line that we knew was coming, but apparently the reporter is Sonny's girlfriend?! What a great way to introduce that little tidbit.

    I mean, for crying out loud, none of the plots of any recent episode has been particularly engaging and I love me some good character development, so why is everything meaty being consigned to deleted scenes? 

  10. 10 hours ago, devious455 said:

    No way Barba proved that case beyond reasonable doubt.  He is my favorite character but come on, he didn't prepare Charlie for testifying (and relied on Rollins's word who did terrible job with the identification), he called an expert who didn't talk to Sean at all, the knife was found without a warrant, the cop who was on Sean's case 16 years ago was doing the house search and has found incriminating evidence. On top of everything Barba treated a grieving mother like a suspect on a stand without any sensitivity or tact.

    This. I'm sorry, but my god, Barba not prepping the witness and then having the nerve to give Rollins shit for it (not that Rollins doesn't deserve it, but the reprimand should come from Benson)? It all felt so faux dramatic, like "Oh no, Barba is caught off guard in court, whatever will he do???? How will Truth and Justice prevail?" soap opera drama. I like more Barba, I like more courtroom scenes, but I don't like this half and half episode like Original Recipe used to do, where we lose half the cast when we get to the trial. Either move Carisi over to the "Order" side, or...idk, something to make it feel more balanced.

    Carisi and Rollins feel...off to me. Not just the random angry!Carisi bits (nice to see him not taking shit from Barba anymore, though), but that he stood back and just watched Rollins push that kid to a piss-poor ID. I mean, yeah, good on him for calling out Barba's lack of preparation and defending her, but we're supposed to believe that he wouldn't question her on her actions beforehand? Especially when he knows that it could very easily come up in court? What happened to the cop/law student who sees things from both angles? And that kind of stunt was what we saw from Rollins in S16, when she was dealing with facing her former Chief, and drinking too much. She improved so much last year, so what's with the retcon? That's what it felt like to me, anyway. 

    Fin was amazing. As was Lindsay from The Practice (who hasn't aged in 20 years, damn). 

    • Love 6
  11. That was...eh.  They took too much time playing set-up and then all the SHOCKING TWISTS! left the ending rushed and me feeling unsatisfied. I know pleas are SOP in how these cases play out, but I like the courtroom scenes (not solely for the sake of more Barba) and it feels like it's been a long time since we've had a case go to trial.  

    The producers were brilliant though, the perfect amount of skeezy and entertaining.  Especially every time they came in all "well shucks, we screwed up again! Don't hate us!" It was fun watching them get taken down via hidden camera (which, come on, they should have spotted a mile away, those sunglasses would have only been more obvious with a pair of rabbit ears attached).

    Barba's face when he realised they were filming him...I'm surprised he wasn't out for more blood in the end.

    Carisi cuddling that baby DID things to me...I can't even speak, I need to lie down.

    • Love 10
  12. On 5/5/2016 at 11:18 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:


    I'm so impressed with this show, and the people behind it, and the people who write for it, calling out Terry Richardson like this.


    When I heard the Gaga song playing during the opening scene, I legit started slow clapping. They weren't even trying for subtle.

    Damn, they so underused Munch, what a disappointment.  I'm laying all blame in the NBC hype monkeys.

    Barba was in fine snark form, but I kinda loved how his Vonnegut quote fell flat.  He looked so proud! And Liv was so confused! 

    God damn, Carisi is just too perfect for words.

    • Love 8
  13. Apparently there was a promo for the next episode that aired last night, which can be seen here, and showing this lovely moment for Carisi.


    (For the link-phobic, it's a screencap of Carisi holding a rosary like he's praying)


    I'm excited but apprehensive. SVU hasn't had the best track record with characters and their faith, but I've been craving more about Sonny's, especially after the Duggar-inspired one and last week.  We've been given some subtle moments, little things like crossing himself at crime scenes, and I want to see how the next episode affects him.  Twice now, he's said that even though there are bad priests/leaders, the Church is still a good place overall, so I'm wondering how what looks like a larger conspiracy will impact him.  If the screencap above is him dealing with it, I pray (*g*) they keep it that same quiet, subtle manner and not a whole "Oh God, why hast thou forsaken me?", rending of garments thing.

    • Love 1
  14. After some of you mentioned the Kitty Genovese case I looked up the old newspaper reports. It seemed awful with one witness saying they were too tired to call, another didn't want to get involved. I know it was a long time ago but is it that scary to call the police? 


    The difference between today and New York in 1964 is that there was no 911; you called the switchboard operator and she would notify police, or she would transfer you, but not necessarily to the right department, and police were oftentimes slow to follow up on reports of domestic violence (which most witnesses thought this was). The witness that didn't want to get involved was gay, and didn't want that coming out. As for the other people, it was 3AM and the few people that were up and saw anything didn't realise that she was being stabbed (again, they thought it was a fight between lovers), yelled at the attacker, who ran away and came back later when Kitty was out of sight.


    Not that this absolves any the people who could have done more, but there's so much misinformation about the case and people linking it with bystander effect that no one recognises the people who DID do something.

    • Love 1
  15. I like how there were juxtapositions of different reactions of people being around a real crime, and people being around police apprehending criminals. When people sense a case of police "brutality", no matter how insignificant or justified it may be, people have no problems whipping out their cellphones and trying to get ahold of the best footage to upload to social media so they can cry injustice. But when they witness a real crime happening, they turn their backs away. I mean, if not for that law student who did get out her cellphone to videotape the men, they would have had no case at all.


    Excellent observation.


    Usually any media that perpetuates the myths behind Kitty Genovese's murder gets my dander up, but I didn't mind this episode that much. Even though the episode was called "41 Witnesses", in the end only a half dozen people saw bits and pieces of the attack and either tried to call for help or were frozen afraid - which is exactly what happened in Kitty's case. Not that it makes what the few witnesses did any better, but like we saw with Doug, they have to live and cope with their inaction.


    Angry for Justice!Carisi was wonderful. Watching him and Barba snip at each other while Liv rolled her eyes made me laugh so hard. 


    Stress leave, PTSD leave, rehab, whatever, if it gets Olivia and her issues off the show for a bit, I'm all for it.

    • Love 3
  16. Damn, this episode dragged on. How fucking pointless was this episode?


    The only way they could justify this episode is if it's used to make Liv take extended leave - because she HAS to have some pretty severe PTSD by now - and there'll be no more of her or Noah for the rest of the season.


    Wouldn't that be nice...


    Shallow takeaway #1 - I can't recall Barba introducing himself with his full name like that and rawr...me likee.  We should petition TPTB to use 'Rafael' more - the name AND the character.


    Shallow takeaway #2 - It was probably the lighting, but Carisi looked all silvery foxy in some scenes. That man is sinfully gorgeous.

    • Love 7
  17. Cheryl Avery.


    God, this.  That episode was on last night and I forgot how horrible it was for her: parents misgendering her and then kicking her out, the boyfriend's brother attacking her, then her boyfriend committing suicide, her lawyer using her for "the cause", and then that ending...the whole thing was disturbing as hell. Plus the whole SVU squad-save Benson, and even she had her moments-were pretty gross.

    • Love 6

    Carisi's made SVU watchable for me again.


    Amen.  I started watching SVU again when Raul Esparza joined the cast, but Carisi (and Peter Scanavino) is such a doll, I'm completely hooked.  I like that so far he doesn't come with issues, with this tragic, dramatic backstory...he's just someone who wants to work hard, do his best, learn like crazy, and he just happens to be absolutely adorable by doing it.

    • Love 4
  19. ITA with others on Carolyn's smugness and sense of entitlement being why she is disliked, but what gets me the most is her "I'm waiting for the right time before making a move" attitude, which we've seen from a few players this season. 


    I just don't understand why people do this.  "Oh, I'm just waiting until we're down to six (or five or three or eight), and then the game really starts!" How is this good gameplay?  The only way it is if everyone is playing this way, and we've already seen that it's not. Mike is not waiting to make moves. Shirin was not waiting to make moves.  All Carolyn's doing is keeping pace, when she should be thinking at least two moves ahead.

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